Kidsgrove Algol Compiler - Brick 84

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Loaded 14981 bytes for KAB84.k4
Reached end of file

=============== Second pass

                                                                             / KAB84 reads the runtime code from channel 0
                                                                             / and then the generated code from channel 6
                                                                             / and outputs in KDF9 paper tape code

                                                                             / if D3 of Z38 is zero this output is on paper tape

                                                                             / otherwise if is on the mag tape used for input to KAB60 and which is now channel 7
                                                                             / it then enters slightly modified KAA01 with the MT unit in N1
                                                                             / KAA01 lives in the bottom of store and overwrites PANACEA
                                                                             / This brick starts higher than usual to leave space

                                                                             / Q1 C1 NZ and M1 = -1 if outputting to MT and calling KAA01
                                                                             / Q2 Q2 addresses input buffer
                                                                             / Q3 C3 counts chars in input word,
                                                                             / Q4 C4 is input channel (0 or 6), M4 indexes table
                                                                             / Q5 M5 is base of character translation able
                                                                             / Q6 drives paper tape punch
                                                                             / Q7 M7 is base of output buffer
                                                                             / Q8 Q8 addresses output buffer

                                                                       bsz = 256:   / defines size of MT blocks - must match value in KAB00.k4 and mksys2.k4

                                                                       prog=0:      /form B-block
    0/0: 200 274 024|000 000 000                                               J.main; =H 0;
    1/0: 000 052 374|000 000 000                                               =H 11004; =H 0;
    2/0: 034 053 102 256 030 230                                               =P *n *c M *c KAB8;
    3/0: 122 112 031 147 134 065                                               =P 4DH99UPU;
    4/0: 200 334 000|200 334 000                                       prog=4: JS.crash;  JS.crash;   / restart
    5/0: 000 000 000 000 000 000|000 000 000 000 000 000                       =0; =0;
    7/0: 000 000 014 000 014 377                                               =Q 0/crash/endfill-1;  / filler word
   10/0: 000 000 000 000 014 000                                               =A crash;              / used to find start of code when using kal4.c

                                                                       prog=3072:                     / make space for loading KAA01

                                                                       / -------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                       Z0 = 11103:   / Z11 should be accessed as F.Z0-11
                                                                       Z50 = Z0-50:
                                                                       / -------------------------------------------------------------------

 6000/0: 136 010                                                       crash: MRWDQ0;                 / must be the first label

                                                                       !begin !label chopen, chclose;  / open and close channels
 6000/2: 017|017|017|017|015 140 015 177 242 100                       *V0: =Q ipbuff/ipbuff+31/#121100;
 6002/0: 015 200 015 237 000 000                                        V1: =Q ipbuff+32/ipbuff+63/0;

 6003/0: 300 014 002|300 014 001|066|011                                     F.V1; F.V0; CAB; OR;
 6004/2: 200 320 106|200 334 000|052|200 360 000                             JS.70; JS.crash; ERASE; EXITH;
 6006/0: 304 140 000|011|200 320 106|200 334 000|200 360 000                 SET#60000; OR; JS.70; JS.crash; EXITH;

                                                                       write4:   / write out up to 4 chars from MS half
                                                                       morech:   / more chars to output
 6010/1: 300 014 023|166 015                                                 F.ch8; SHLD+6;                    / not the cleverest code, simple char by char output
 6011/0: 042|033|164 255|224 154 020                                         DUP; NOT; SHL-42; J=Z.wnotfull;   / J if more room in assembly word
 6012/1: 260 214 020                                                         JCNZ8.bnotfull;                   / J if buffer not full
 6012/4: 130 140|121 140                                                     MWQ6; PARQ6;
 6013/2: 171 144|170 203|304 000 040|170 210                                 FI6; SRM8; SET32; SC8;            / reset buffer scan
                                                                             / start of kludge to make up for DH's poor PT output
 6014/5: 100 140|304 000 006|015|164 125                                     FMM6/0; SET#06; NEV; SHL+42;      / check for outut of case shift at end of buffer
 6016/1: 200 154 020                                                         JNEZ.bnotfull;                    / OK not shift char
 6016/4: 166 365                                                             SHLD-6;                           / push last char back
 6017/0: 304 000 006|167 365|011                                             SET6; SHC-6; OR;                  / put case shift at start of buffer
                                                                             / end of kludge                     may be able to remove it when writing to real MT
 6020/0: 103 200|041|033                                                     SMMQ8/0; ZERO; NOT;               / reset assembly word
 6020/4: 301 014 023                                                   wnotfull: S.ch8;
 6021/1: 042|164 255|201 154 010                                             DUP; SHL-42; JNEZ.morech;         / stop when no more chars encountered
 6022/1: 052|200 360 000                                                     ERASE; EXITH;
 6022/5: 017|377 377 377 377 377 377                                   *ch8: = -1;                             / assembly word for 8 chars

                                                                       !begin !label main, chtab;
                                                                       main:                                   / main(int argc, char **argv)
                                                                       !begin                                  / needed for memory allocation
                                                                           / set up convertion table
 6024/0: 304 000 140|170 071                                                 SET.128-32; SRC3;                 / fill up table for ABS ≥ 100 octal
 6024/5: 041|033|164 125|042|164 321|011                                     ZERO; NOT; SHL+42; DUP; SHL-24; OR;
 6026/1: 042|303 075 000|261 074 026                                   lp1:  DUP; SMQ3.chtab+32; JCNZ3.lp1;    / ignore all fancy symbols
 6027/2: 052                                                                 ERASE;
 6027/3: 304 000 032|170 071                                                 SET.exchtab-xchtab; SRC3;
 6030/2: 304 014 233|170 062                                                 SET.xchtab; SM3;
 6031/1: 304 014 340|170 122                                                 SET.chtab; SM5;
 6032/0: 102 060|042|170 102|105 105|177 060                           *lp:  FMMQ3/0; DUP; SM4; SMMH4/5; JCNZS3;

                                                                       !end       / setup

 6033/3: 320 013 071|164 007                                                 F.Z0-38; SHL+3;                   / D3 is request for MT output to KAA01
 6034/2: 047|170 036|052                                                     STR; SQ1; ERASE;                  / indicated by non-zero C1 and M1 = -1

 6035/0: 304 010 006|200 320 106|200 260 004                                 SET#4006; JS.70; J.4;             / interchange
 6036/3: 262 034 041                                                         JCNZ1.mtout1;
 6037/0: 304 000 001|304 000 005|200 220 000                                 SET1; SET5; OUT;                  / paper tape punch
 6040/3: 170 151|205 274 054                                                 SRC6; J.mtout2;

 6041/2: 304 000 107|200 320 106|200 260 004                                 SET#107; JS.70; J.4;              / get device number
 6042/5: 170 156|261 154 045                                                 SQ6; JCNZ6.ch6ok;                 / J if channel 6 already has a tape allocated
 6043/4: 041|304 000 004|200 220 000|170 150                                 ZERO; SET4; OUT; SC6;             / would it be better  to write the tape using proper channel6?
 6045/1: 136 150                                                             MRWDQ6;
 6045/3: 304 015 141|042|033|027                                             SET.ipbuff+1; DUP; NOT; NEG;       / print label block to identify tape for diagnostic purposes
 6046/3: 170 142|170 144|124 140|121 140                                     SM6; SI6; MFRQ6; PARQ6;
 6047/5: 041|301 015 140                                                     ZERO; S.ipbuff;
 6050/3: 304 015 140|170 144                                                 SET.ipbuff; SI6;
 6051/2: 171 156|304 000 010|200 220 000                                     FQ6; SET8; OUT;

 6052/4: 136 150|146 140|304 000 001|170 142                                 MRWDQ6; ITWO6; SET1; SM6;         / 2 word block size for skip (DH emulator needs block size in I
 6054/1: 134 140|121 140                                                     MFSKQ6; PARQ6;                    / skip the label block

 6054/5: 304 014 300|042|170 144                                             SET.chbuff; DUP; SI6;             / initialise output
 6055/5: 304 000 037|170 142|140 140                                         SET31; SM6; M+I6;                 / 32-word buffer
 6057/0: 170 203|304 000 040|170 210                                         SRM8; SET32; SC8;                 / output buffer

                                                                                    / create Usercode heading for kalgol or Usercode
 6060/1: 320 013 071|164 027|047|170 356|052                                 F.Z0-38; SHL+11; STR; SQ14; ERASE;
 6061/4: 304 000 001|170 363                                                 SET1; SRM15;                      / point at start of prog ID
 6062/3: 300 354 230|042|107 370                                             FM14.kalgol; DUP; SMMQH15/8;      / first 4 chars of prog name
 6063/3: 164 061|105 370                                                     SHL+24; SMMH15/8;                 / next 4 chars

 6064/1: 130 140|121 140                                                     PWQ6; PARQ6;                      / A-block already set up

 6064/5: 304 000 006|170 111                                                 SET6; SRC4;                       / set up for Usercode, overwritten if Kalgol
 6065/4: 262 354 103                                                         JCNZ14.usercode;                  / just read source code from channel 6

 6066/1: 300 014 215|103 200                                                 F.uchd; SMMQ8/0;
 6067/0: 300 014 216|103 200                                                 F.uchd+1; SMMQ8/0;                / line 1
 6067/5: 300 014 217|103 200                                                 F.uchd+2; SMMQ8/0;                / line 1

 6070/4: 300 014 220|304 177 377                                             F.radix; SET#77777;               / N.B. the order is important for KAA01
 6071/4: 043|320 013 126|054|067|300 014 224|011|103 200                     DUPD; F.Z0-9; AND; FRB; F.vst; OR; SMMQ8/0;    / V spec
 6073/4: 043|320 013 122|054|067|300 014 221|011|103 200                     DUPD; F.Z0-13; AND; FRB; F.yast; OR; SMMQ8/0;  / YA spec
 6075/4: 043|320 013 121|054|067|300 014 222|011|103 200                     DUPD; F.Z0-14; AND; FRB; F.ybst; OR; SMMQ8/0;  / YB spec
 6077/4: 320 013 120|054|067|300 014 223|011|103 200                         F.Z0-15; AND; FRB; F.ycst; OR; SMMQ8/0;        / YC spec

 6101/3: 300 014 231|200 320 106|200 320 004                                 F.findpar; JS.70; JS.4;           / locate runtime library

 6103/0: 157 004                                                             QFRQ0/4;                          / read channel 0 first, set last char to 0

 6103/2: 171 110|200 334 003                                                 FC4; JS.chopen;                   / claim input tape for runtime system

 6104/1: 304 340 000|171 110|011|200 320 106|200 260 004               loop: SET#160000; FC4; OR; JS.70; J.4;  / read channel 0 or 6
 6106/1: 170 056|100 040                                                     SQ2; FMM2/0;
 6106/5: 221 154 104                                                         J=Z.loop;                         / skip mystery blocks at the start

 6107/2: 154 047|143 160|143 160|142 160                                     CFRQ2/7; DC7; DC7; NC7;           / - no of words in block not incuding checksum
 6110/4: 041|033|102 040                                               nl:   ZERO; NOT; FMMQ2/0;               / remove library markers etc
 6111/2: 164 007|166 253                                                     SHL+3; SHLD-43;                   / no of words in line
 6112/0: 042|172 170                                                         DUP; S+C7;                        / count on to end of block
 6112/3: 170 050|143 040|304 000 005|170 070|204 274 115                     SC2; DC2; SET5; SC3; J.nbs;       / set up to process first word
 6114/3: 102 040|042|033|222 154 122                                   nwd:  FMMQ2/0; DUP; NOT; J=Z.dum6;      / J to skip 6 dummies
 6115/4: 041|166 021|170 102|104 105                                   nbs:  ZERO; SHLD+8; SM4; FMMH4/5;       / get next BS
 6116/5: 304 000 075|167 365|220 034 124                                     SET#75; SHC-6; J=.em;             / EM has #75000000 in table
 6120/1: 201 334 010                                                         JS.write4;                        / output to MT/PT
 6120/4: 143 060|264 074 115|304 000 006|170 070                             DC3; JCNZ3.nbs; SET6; SC3;        / check end of current input word
 6122/2: 052|263 054 114                                               dum6: ERASE; JCNZ2. nwd;                / move on to next word of input
 6123/0: 264 174 110                                               ;                         / process the next lin if block not emptied
 6123/3: 201 274 104                                                         J.loop;

 6124/0: 052|052                                                       em:   ERASE; ERASE;                     / EM is last character
 6124/2: 171 110|200 334 006                                                 FC4; JS.chclose;                  / close input tape
 6125/1: 260 114 130                                                         JCNZ4.alldone;
 6125/4: 304 000 006|042|170 110|200 334 003                                 SET6; DUP; SC4; JS.chopen;        / now read generated code from channel 6
 6127/1: 151 004|201 274 104                                                 MFRQ0/4; J.loop;

 6130/0: 304 000 275|167 351                                                 SET#0275; SHC-12;                 / terminate buffer and output final block
 6130/5: 201 334 010                                                         JS.write4;                        / output to MT/PT
 6131/2: 041|033|201 334 010                                                 ZERO; NOT; JS.write4;             / force out last word of output
 6132/1: 130 140|121 140                                                     MWQ6; PARQ6;                      / final write ??
 6132/5: 243 034 137                                                         JCZ1.mtout3;

 6133/2: 304 000 075|167 365|301 014 300                                     SET#75; SHC-6; S.chbuff;          / one more end-message
 6134/4: 130 140|121 140                                                     MWQ6; PARQ6;                      / final write to stop double buffer over run

 6135/2: 136 150                                                             MRWDQ6;                           / rewind
 6135/4: 304 000 001|170 142                                                 SET1; SM6;
 6136/3: 146 140                                                             ITWO6;                            / 2 word block size for skip
 6136/5: 134 140|121 140                                                     MFSKQ6; PARQ6;                    / skip the label block
 6137/3: 300 034 202|042|170 376|304 000 010|200 220 000                     FM1.allOK; DUP; SQ15; SET8; OUT;
 6141/3: 304 000 030|042|301 014 203|301 014 210                             SET#30; DUP; S.allOK+1; S.stuc;   / now tell stream 30 -- need newline at end
 6143/1: 100 360|164 365|164 015|033|027|033|027|101 360                     FMM15/0; SHL-6; SHL+6; NOT; NEG; NOT; NEG; SMM15/0;
                                                                          /  F.allOK+2; SET#7575; SHC-12; -; S.allOK+2;  /put *2c at the front
 6145/1: 171 376|304 000 010|200 220 000                                     FQ15; SET8; OUT;

 6146/3: 240 034 175                                                         JCZ1.word0;                  / end if output was to paper tape

 6147/0: 304 000 011|304 000 005|200 220 000                                 SET#11; SET5; OUT;           / binary paper tape for output of object prog
                                                                       ///// ZERO;                        / binary paper tape is claimed automatically for KAA0------
 6150/3: 320 013 071|042                                                     F.Z0-38; DUP;                / D2 is request for TABLES
 6151/1: 164 005|161 377|164 245|164 007                                     SHL+2; SHA-1; SHL-46; SHL+3; / tables go on printer if requested
 6152/3: 065|164 021|164 243                                                 REV; SHL+8; SHL-47;          / load-and-go bit
 6153/2: 042|164 015|011|011                                                 DUP; SHL+6; OR; OR;          / suppress PT output and set L+G bit
 6154/1: 300 014 175|011                                                     F.word0; OR;                 / goes in real word 0 in KAA01
 6154/5: 171 150                                                             FC6;                         / input device for Usercode compiler

 6155/1: 300 014 200|200 320 106|200 320 004                                 F.finduc; JS.70; JS.4;       / locate the Usercode compiler
 6156/4: 304 000 100|200 320 106|200 260 004                                 SET#100; JS.70; J.4;         / get device number for channel 0
 6160/1: 170 356|304 000 010|170 344|304 000 001|170 342                     SQ14; SET8; SI14; SET1; SM14;
 6162/1: 136 340|121 340                                                     MBSKQ14; PARQ14;             / back skip to re-read the B-block
 6162/5: 152 016|304 000 007|170 342                                         IFRQ0/14; SET7; SM14;
 6164/0: 300 000 007                                                         F.7;                         / preserve date
 6164/3: 124 340|121 340                                                     MFRQ14; PARQ14;              / read B=block
 6165/1: 300 000 007|170 376                                                 F.7; SQ15;
 6166/0: 301 000 007                                                         S.7;
 6166/3: 100 000|301 014 175                                                 FMM0/0; S.word0;             / eventually obeyed to enter prog
                                                                           / next bit is code copied from KAB00 whch is about to be overwritten
 6167/2: 240 374 174                                               ;                 / J if C-block not fragmented
 6167/5: 152 376                                                             IFRQ15/14;
 6170/1: 304 000 377|170 342|140 340                                   mloop:SET.bsz-1; SM14; M+I14;      / bsz word transfer
 6171/2: 124 340|121 340                                                     MFRQ14; PARQ14;              / read bsz word fragment of C-block
 6172/0: 304 001 000|172 344|143 360                                         SET.bsz; S+I14; DC15;        / move up bsz words
 6173/1: 261 374 170                                                         JCNZ15.mloop;
 6173/4: 152 357                                                             IFRQ14/15;                   / start of final transfer
 6174/0: 154 357                                                             CFRQ14/15;
 6174/2: 124 360|121 360                                                     MFRQ15; PARQ15;              / read C-block (or final fragment)

                                                                         /   MRWDQ0;          / diagnostic !!!!!

 6175/0: 200 220 000|000 000 000                                       *word0:  OUT; =H0;      / relies on the fact that the nest is empty
                                                                       / Unless the Usercode compilation is load-and-go
                                                                       / KAA01 does a jump to word 0 at the end of compilation with an ampty nest
                                                                       / in readiness for another job.  See R963P0 in KAA01.txt.
                                                                       / In normal operation it relies on the operator to abandon it when there is no more work.
                                                                       / By putting the above word in E0 e get a clean end after one compilation.
                                                                       / The load-and-go bit actually corrupts the OUT instruction, which is only obeyed
                                                                       / in the event of erroneous input.

 6176/0: 034 053 102 256 030 120                                       *kaa01: = #07025502 53414120;
 6177/0: 105 347 236 171 347 236                                               = #21363636 36363636;
 6200/0: 014 176 014 177 337 000                                       finduc: =Q kaa01 / kaa01+1 / #157400;

                                                                       / message to soothe users
 6201/0: 000 000 014 210 014 214                                               = Q 0/stuc/uchd-1;
 6202/0: 000 000 014 203 014 207                                       allOK:  = Q 0/prog+1/stuc-1;
 6203/0: 000 000 000 000 000 000|216 373 160 246 310 164|246 373 200 312 033 200|207 014 041 312 133 264|263 220 057 257 377 377
                                                                               = P *8s COMPILATION *s RAN *s APPARENTLY *s OK *d; / relies on each of these 2 having ...
 6210/0: 000 000 000 000 000 000|377 374 364 207 055 051|272 160 065 316 134 243|276 111 100 216 373 160|246 310 164 246 373 277
                                                                       stuc:   = P *8s *2dSTARTING *s USERCODE *s COMPILATION *d; / ... a dummy char at the end

                                                                       / start of runtime code
 6215/0: 013 075 022 121 004 020                                       *uchd: = P *c ST 24000;
 6216/0: 160 000 000 322 300 031                                              = #3400000064540031;
 6217/0: 145 226 131 377 367 002                                              = #3131313177773402;      / ;  TL 99999;cr
 6220/0: 050 242 212 050 240 101                                       radix: = #1212121212120101;
 6221/0: 346 024 020 101 007 000                                       yast:  = #7141202020203400;      / P YA0000;*s  bug in KAL4 P const: there is no way to have a semi-colon
 6222/0: 346 044 020 101 007 000                                       ybst:  = #7142202020203400;      / P YB0000;*s
 6223/0: 346 064 020 101 007 002                                       ycst:  = #7143202020203402;      / P YC0000;*s
 6224/0: 377 144 020 101 007 000                                       vst:   = #7766202020203400;      / P *dVC0000;*c
 6225/0: 034 054 202 351 226 131                                       rtname:= #0702620272313131;      / name of run-time library
 6226/0: 144 000 000 000 000 000                                              = #3100000000000000;

 6227/0: 327 071 162 216 371 020                                              = P USERCOD0;             / prog name depending on language
 6230/0: 256 033 047 276 304 020                                       kalgol:= P KALGOL00;
 6231/0: 014 225 014 226 337 000                                       findpar:=Q rtname / rtname+1 / #157400;
 6232/0: 010 147 236 171 340 275                                       stars: = #0206363636360275;      / end of Usercode for DH's assembler
                                                                       xchtab:              / symbols with values ≥ 64 decimal
 6233/0: 031 061 300|000 000 202                                        = H #06230700; =H#202;  / <
 6234/0: 031 201 300|000 000 204                                        = H #06300700; =H#204;  / (
 6235/0: 031 021 300|000 000 211                                        = H #06210700; =H#211;  / [
 6236/0: 031 244 107|000 000 215                                        = H #06322107; =H#215;  / <U>[</U>
 6237/0: 031 341 300|000 000 216                                        = H #06360700; =H#216;  / *
 6240/0: 031 161 300|000 000 221                                        = H #06270700; =H#221;  / ÷77;
 6241/0: 031 244 307|000 000 222                                        = H #06322307; =H#222;  / <U><</U>
 6242/0: 031 221 300|000 000 224                                        = H #06310700; =H#224;  / )
 6243/0: 160 000 000|000 000 230                                        = H #34000000; =H#230;      / ;
 6244/0: 031 041 300|000 000 231                                        = H #06220700; =H#231;  / ]
 6245/0: 031 244 207|000 000 235                                        = H #06322207; =H#235;  / <U>]</U>
 6246/0: 000 000 000|000 000 236                                        = H #00000000; =H#236;  / <I>space</I>
 6247/0: 010 000 000|000 000 240                                        = H #02000000; =H#240;  / <I>newline</I>
 6250/0: 074 000 000|000 000 241                                        = H #17000000; =H#241;  / /
 6251/0: 031 121 300|000 000 242                                        = H #06250700; =H#242;  / =
 6252/0: 031 361 300|000 000 246                                        = H #06370700; =H#246;  / ,
 6253/0: 020 000 000|000 000 256                                        = H #04000000; =H#256;  / <I>tab</I>
 6254/0: 031 141 300|000 000 261                                        = H #06260700; =H#261;  / ×
 6255/0: 031 245 007|000 000 262                                        = H #06322407; =H#262;  / <U>></U>
 6256/0: 030 365 107|000 000 265                                        = H #06172507; =H#265;  / :=
 6257/0: 160 000 000|000 000 271                                        = H #34000000; =H#271;  / <B>:</B>
 6260/0: 364 000 000|000 000 276                                        = H #75000000; =H#276;  / EM
 6261/0: 164 000 000|000 000 301                                        = H #35000000; =H#301;  / +
 6262/0: 031 101 300|000 000 302                                        = H #06240700; =H#302;  / >
 6263/0: 170 000 000|000 000 321                                        = H #36000000; =H#321;  / −
 6264/0: 031 321 300|000 000 322                                        = H #06350700; =H#322;  / ≠
 6265/0: 017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|017|034 054 002
                                                                       **chbuff: =H #07026002;   / output buffer 32 word alignment guarantes buffer alignment later
 6300/3: 327 071 162                                                    = H P USER;
 6301/0: 216 371 020 103 134 065                                        = P COD00UPU;
 6302/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6303/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6304/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6305/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6306/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6307/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6310/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6311/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6312/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6313/0: 013 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *c PADDING;
 6314/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6315/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6316/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6317/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6320/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6321/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6322/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6323/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6324/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6325/0: 013 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *c PADDING;
 6326/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6327/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6330/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6331/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6332/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6333/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6334/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6335/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6336/0: 003 010 144 222 233 247                                        = P *s PADDING;
 6337/0: 011 347 236 171 347 275                                        = #0236363636363675;   / exact 32 word A-block to read OK even without EM check (for DH emulator)
 6340/0: 100 000 000                                                    = H P 0 *3s;  / 000
 6340/3: 104 000 000                                                    = H P 1 *3s;  / 001
 6341/0: 110 000 000                                                    = H P 2 *3s;  / 002
 6341/3: 114 000 000                                                    = H P 3 *3s;  / 003
 6342/0: 120 000 000                                                    = H P 4 *3s;  / 004
 6342/3: 124 000 000                                                    = H P 5 *3s;  / 005
 6343/0: 130 000 000                                                    = H P 6 *3s;  / 006
 6343/3: 134 000 000                                                    = H P 7 *3s;  / 007
 6344/0: 140 000 000                                                    = H P 8 *3s;  / 010
 6344/3: 144 000 000                                                    = H P 9 *3s;  / 011
 6345/0: 154 000 000                                                    = H #33000000;  / 012 subscript 10
 6345/3: 174 000 000                                                    = H #37000000;  / 013 . dot
 6346/0: 204 000 000                                                    = H P A *3s;  / 014
 6346/3: 210 000 000                                                    = H P B *3s;  / 015
 6347/0: 214 000 000                                                    = H P C *3s;  / 016
 6347/3: 220 000 000                                                    = H P D *3s;  / 017
 6350/0: 224 000 000                                                    = H P E *3s;  / 020
 6350/3: 230 000 000                                                    = H P F *3s;  / 021
 6351/0: 234 000 000                                                    = H P G *3s;  / 022
 6351/3: 240 000 000                                                    = H P H *3s;  / 023
 6352/0: 244 000 000                                                    = H P I *3s;  / 024
 6352/3: 250 000 000                                                    = H P J *3s;  / 025
 6353/0: 254 000 000                                                    = H P K *3s;  / 026
 6353/3: 260 000 000                                                    = H P L *3s;  / 027
 6354/0: 264 000 000                                                    = H P M *3s;  / 030
 6354/3: 270 000 000                                                    = H P N *3s;  / 031
 6355/0: 274 000 000                                                    = H P O *3s;  / 032
 6355/3: 300 000 000                                                    = H P P *3s;  / 033
 6356/0: 304 000 000                                                    = H P Q *3s;  / 034
 6356/3: 310 000 000                                                    = H P R *3s;  / 035
 6357/0: 314 000 000                                                    = H P S *3s;  / 036
 6357/3: 320 000 000                                                    = H P T *3s;  / 037
 6360/0: 324 000 000                                                    = H P U *3s;  / 040
 6360/3: 330 000 000                                                    = H P V *3s;  / 041
 6361/0: 334 000 000                                                    = H P W *3s;  / 042
 6361/3: 340 000 000                                                    = H P X *3s;  / 043
 6362/0: 344 000 000                                                    = H P Y *3s;  / 044
 6362/3: 350 000 000                                                    = H P Z *3s;  / 045
 6363/0: 032 021 300                                                    = H P *x a *n *s;  / 046
 6363/3: 032 041 300                                                    = H P *x b *n *s;  / 047
 6364/0: 032 061 300                                                    = H P *x c *n *s;  / 050
 6364/3: 032 101 300                                                    = H P *x d *n *s;  / 051
 6365/0: 032 121 300                                                    = H P *x e *n *s;  / 052
 6365/3: 032 141 300                                                    = H P *x f *n *s;  / 053
 6366/0: 032 161 300                                                    = H P *x g *n *s;  / 054
 6366/3: 032 201 300                                                    = H P *x h *n *s;  / 055
 6367/0: 032 221 300                                                    = H P *x i *n *s;  / 056
 6367/3: 032 241 300                                                    = H P *x j *n *s;  / 057
 6370/0: 032 261 300                                                    = H P *x k *n *s;  / 060
 6370/3: 032 301 300                                                    = H P *x l *n *s;  / 061
 6371/0: 032 321 300                                                    = H P *x m *n *s;  / 062
 6371/3: 032 341 300                                                    = H P *x n *n *s;  / 063
 6372/0: 032 361 300                                                    = H P *x o *n *s;  / 064
 6372/3: 033 001 300                                                    = H P *x p *n *s;  / 065
 6373/0: 033 021 300                                                    = H P *x q *n *s;  / 066
 6373/3: 033 041 300                                                    = H P *x r *n *s;  / 067
 6374/0: 033 061 300                                                    = H P *x s *n *s;  / 070
 6374/3: 033 101 300                                                    = H P *x t *n *s;  / 071
 6375/0: 033 121 300                                                    = H P *x u *n *s;  / 072
 6375/3: 033 141 300                                                    = H P *x v *n *s;  / 073
 6376/0: 033 161 300                                                    = H P *x w *n *s;  / 074
 6376/3: 033 201 300                                                    = H P *x x *n *s;  / 075
 6377/0: 033 221 300                                                    = H P *x y *n *s;  / 076
 6377/3: 033 241 300                                                    = H P *x z *n *s;  / 077
                                                                       !end // of main
                                                                         / chtab is 128 words, so this leaves a gap for computed symbols
                                                                       ipbuff = chtab + 128:    / input buffer at top of store

Reached end of file
C-block from 3072 to 3327
No of ID table entries = 320 (10%)