Leo III Intercode translator on the Web

There are original Leo III manuals here (opens in a separate window or tab).
There is also some info that might be useful here (opens in a separate window or tab).

Type in your Intercode program (paper tape format) here:

Switches for the emulator: (To learn about these switches read the first few lines of the emulator.)
(When there is a β-test version it can be selected here: Normal version            β-test version            cross-compiled version)
The output is the console output from the Leo III emulator as it runs the genuine Leo III Intercode Translator (known as prog 080 by Leo veterans)
There is a program listing output by the translator on a simulated line-printer.
There is also a program listing which has been modified to make it more 21st century.
The diagnostic output is sent to a file by the -d switch in the options above. A successful translation is indicated by the message ALARM *06 — yes honest.

There is a second example program(me) that is rather more interesting, and which outputs on the line printer. Just click here, do a control-A to select all the text, and control-C to copy it to the clipboard. Next, click BACK to get to this page, where you can now paste in this program. There is a bug in this program which is obvious from the printer output when you run it. Please feel free to correct it.

To run the program that you have just translated

Success not guaranteed.
If your program reads data on the paper tape reader, type your data in here:

Switches for the emulator: (To learn about these switches read the first few lines of the emulator.)
The diagnostics log is normally sent to a file. If you are running a very small program such as “Hello World!”, you can remove the -d switch above, and have all the diagnostic output coming back to your screen. For running a more realistic program, not only do you need to send the diagnostics to a file using the -d switch, but you should reduce the verbosity level. For examples, look at the use of the emulator switches on the translation sections.

Here are some links that might be useful.

lineprinter output from the payroll example program.
diagnostic log which can be sent to a file with a -d switch
lineprinter output from the translator (or any program with the printer on file D1)
mag tape A2
mag tape A6
Directory listing of the directory in which these jobs run
Alternatively, you can create an Intercode file (paper tape format) and upload it here:
File to upload and run:       
                   Sorry this option does not allow you to set the switches, but you can do a rerun using the facility at the foot of this page.

Rerun the translation with different switches

Here you can re-run a file that was uploaded earlier with different switches.

Switches for the emulator: (To learn about these switches read the first few lines of the emulator.)

Normal version            β-test version            cross-compiled version
To see the differences between the log of the previous run and this one click here.
To see a directory listing of the LeoCode directory

To see the source code of the Intercode Translator click here. It may take some time to load, there are lots of cross-references implemented by hyper-links.