Kidsgrove Algol Compiler - Brick 20

This assembler listing has hot links for all references to P-routines.

You can click on the routine number in code such as JS16P295; or V0P299; and jump to the routine. When you have seen enough of it, you can use the back button to carry on where you left off.
The original source was in the form of a single PDF file for each brick. Here is the PDF file for brick 20.
Hot links to images of individual pages are embedded in the text.

Loaded 59352 bytes for KAB20.txt
Relocated 17
Reached end of file

=============== Second pass

   5377  W0 = E2815
   7640  Y0 = E4000
   5377 YA0 = E2815
   5640 YY0 = E2976
   6640 YZ0 = E3488
  12574  H0 = E5500

    0/0: 200 266 100                                                   ST 11104; TL 600; START 1600;
                                                                       H0 = E 5500;	[GUESS
                                                                       YA 160;	 [CHANGED FROM YS [GUESS - probably could be much less hux

                                                                       YY 511; YZ 511;
    4/0: 203 266 112|203 266 112                                       RESTART; J1; J1;


                                                                       [ --- All OUT70 diagnostics suppressed so that this will work with any KDF9 emulator
                                                                       [ --- diagnotic code is commented out with [
                                                                       [ --- The P3xx routnes are "commnted out" by means of an early FINISH;

                                                                       [ inserted to clear store below Z50 down to H0 - probably not needed

 3100/0: 304 053 055|304 025 174|036|170 371|304 000 001|170 364|017|017|017|017|041|313 365 174|017|017|177 360
                                                                       SETAZ50; SETAH0; -; =RC15; Set1; =I15; *900; ZERO; =H0M15Q; *J900C15NZS; [ hux

                                                                       [this is the design coding version documented by Les Hodges
                                                                       [This code is almost certainly the first coding of KAB20 to be prepared for test on a 'real' KDF9.
                                                                       [This version includes all my comments/notes/diagnostic routine calls etc. which - if further work is needed may be useful
                                                                       [The interface to the Tape I/O (Prompt/Panacea) was through a routine P1, which is replaced by JSE70
                                                                       [This shows how early the design was, predating the I/O support

                                                                       [B20 at this stage of the design was coded to run in 5-phases (B21 to B25?] - this version merges them into one single KAB20
                                                                       [an additional 'phase'- P106 -  has been added to correct a design issue in KAB01/KAB02 which marked procedures a 'special' even when they
                                                                       [included procedure calls, and needed a full stack call, and to add a Recursive procedure marker when recursion was
                                                                       [detected in the 'Call Matrix'
                                                                       [also to overcome bugs/design: modified to set a procedure as recursive if it has a parameter which is a formal procedure
                                                                       [P300 et seq. are diagnostic print outs of sections of the memory
                                                                       [Many of the comments relate to changes made to this text, which 'correct' the code in the hand written B20 document

                                                                       [There are several pages of Documentation at the start of the surviving photos
                                                                       [Photo 740 Index of Common Subroutines
                                                                       [Photo 741 Index Of Failures - Brick 1
                                                                       [Photo 742 Index Of Failures - Brick 2
                                                                       [Photo 743 Index Of Failures - Brick 3
                                                                       [Photo 744 Index Of Failures - Brick 4
                                                                       [Photo 745 P1 V-stores
                                                                       [Photo 746 Peripheral Handling Routines, Operating Codes
                                                                       [Photo 747 P2 Fetch Next/Previous Word
                                                                       [Photo 748 P2 Fetch Next/Previous Word
                                                                       [Photo 749 P2 Fetch Next/Previous Word
                                                                       [Photo 750 P2
                                                                       [Photo 751 P2
                                                                       [Photo 752 P2 BLOCK DIAGRAM
                                                                       [Photo 753 P3

                                                                       	[Z10; SET3;SHL+14; OR; =Z10; 	[ set to ask B24 to output Call matrix and LP hux

 3104/2: 200 326 254|200 327 216|200 327 317                           	JSP101; JSP102; JSP103;  [JSP104; 			[P104 needs testing hux
 3105/5: 200 330 245|200 330 326                                       	JSP105; (jsp305;) JSP106; [jsp305;			[P106 added to set Recursive marker in LP hux
                                                                       [NEXT BRICK

 3106/5: 220 246 110|052|205 266 106                                   310; J311EN; ERASE; J310; [protective empty NS to remove any floaters left by this or previous bricks - hux

 3110/0: 304 004 222|170 364|304 336 010|170 362|171 376|200 260 106   SETB2222; =I15; SETB157010; =M15; Q15; JE70;     (enter brick 22);

                                                                       1; [RESTART

=== Start P2V10; at address 1622/3126
                                                                       P2V10;[this is the original typed up from the doc.
V-store at 03113 = 015 240 016 237 000 000                                   V0=QAYZ0/AYZ255/0; (BUFFER 1);
V-store at 03114 = 016 240 017 237 000 000                                   V1=QAYZ256/AYZ511/0; (BUFFER 2);
V-store at 03117 = 242 104 243 304 140 004                                   V4=B5044224361060004; (F/B/C);
V-store at 03120 = 000 000 000 000 340 004                                   V5=B160004; (TRANSFER);
V-store at 03121 = 000 000 000 000 110 004                                   V6=B44004; (CBN);
V-store at 03123 = 000 000 000 000 152 004                                   V8=B65004; (SKIP TO BLOCK N);
V-store at 03124 = 000 000 175 001 000 200                                   V9=B17500200200;  [ invalid error code 35321;

V-store at 03125 = 242 004 243 304 140 004                             	V10=B5040224361060004; (F/B/C); [USED TO SET AN OPEN FORWARD AT CURRENT POSITION hux

 3126/0: 300 006 115                                                   	V2;
 3126/3: 170 376                                                       10;	=Q15; [get next word
 3126/5: 242 366 140                                                   	J7C15Z;
 3127/2: 102 360                                                       	M0M15Q;
 3127/4: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 3130/0: 301 006 115                                                   	=V2;
 3130/3: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 3130/4: 301 006 116                                                   	=V3;
 3131/1: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;

 3131/4: 300 006 114                                                   1;	V1;	[open chan 4 double from start
 3132/1: 300 006 117                                                   	V4;
 3132/4: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 3133/0: 171 370                                                       	C15;

 3133/2: 300 006 113                                                   6;	V0;
 3133/5: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 3134/1: 170 362                                                       	=M15;
 3134/3: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 3134/5: 200 320 106                                                   	JSE70;
 3135/2: 203 266 142                                                   	J13;

 3135/5: 300 006 121                                                   	V6;   [get CBN
 3136/2: 200 320 106                                                   	JSE70;
 3136/5: 203 266 142                                                   	J13;

 3137/2: 301 006 122                                                   	=V7;
 3137/5: 205 266 141                                                   	J8;

 3140/2: 300 006 120                                                   7;	V5; [next block
 3140/5: 200 320 106                                                   	JSE70;
 3141/2: 203 266 142                                                   	J13;

 3141/5: 042                                                           8;	DUP;
 3142/0: 203 146 126                                                   	J10≠Z;

 3142/3: 300 006 124                                                   13;	V9;
 3143/0: 200 260 106                                                   	JE70; [fail

 3143/3: 300 006 114                                                   2;	V1;	[open ch4 backwards from end used by P101 hux
 3144/0: 300 006 117                                                   	V4;
 3144/3: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 3144/5: 171 364                                                       	I15;	[ F/B/C
 3145/1: 202 266 133                                                   	J6;

                                                                       	[ hux this is inserted to open ch4 forwards from current to be used by P102
 3145/4: 300 006 114                                                   	V1;	[open ch4 FORWARDS from current and skip to block in Z20
 3146/1: 300 006 117                                                   	V4;
 3146/4: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 3147/0: 171 370                                                       	C15;	[F/B/C

 3147/2: 300 006 113                                                   	V0;
 3147/5: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 3150/1: 170 362                                                       	=M15;
 3150/3: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 3150/5: 200 320 106                                                   	JSE70;
 3151/2: 203 266 142                                                   	J13;
                                                                       	[NOW SKIP TO BLOCK IN Z10
 3151/5: 052                                                           	ERASE;	[P102 does not need the (CurrentBlockNumber- CBN) result hux
 3152/0: 320 013 125|164 301|300 006 123|170 376|170 364|171 376|200 320 106|203 266 142
                                                                       	Z10; SHL-32; V8; = Q15; =I15; Q15; JSE70; J13;	[this works for formalproc hux
                                                                       	[v7;  V8; = Q15; =I15; Q15; JSE70; J13; [ J8;	[this appears to be wrong hux
 3155/2: 300 006 121|200 320 106|203 266 142|205 266 141               	V6; (GET CBN); JSE70; J13; J8;
                                                                       	[ end of addition

 3157/2: 300 006 117                                                   3;	V4;	[close
 3157/5: 200 320 106                                                   	JSE70;
 3160/2: 203 266 142                                                   	J13;
 3160/5: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;

 3161/2: 300 006 115                                                   4;	V2;	[fetch previous word initial entry
 3161/5: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 3162/1: 145 360                                                       	I15=-1;
 3162/3: 140 360                                                       	M+I15;
 3162/5: 140 360                                                       	M+I15;
 3163/1: 203 266 164                                                   	J9;

 3163/4: 300 006 116                                                   5;	V3;	[fetch previous word normal entry
 3164/1: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;

 3164/3: 102 360                                                       9;	M0M15Q; [fetch word
 3164/5: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 3165/1: 301 006 116                                                   	=V3;
 3165/4: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;

 3166/1: 300 006 121                                                   11;	V6;	[what is the present tape position
 3166/4: 200 320 106                                                   	JSE70;
 3167/1: 203 266 142                                                   	J13;
                                                                        		[flow chart has the following crossed out
                                                                        		[PERM;AND;SHL+8; OR;

 3167/4: 300 006 115                                                    	V2; 	[current count/+-1/address of word
 3170/1: 164 301                                                        	SHL-32; [count, CBN
 3170/3: 164 021                                                        	SHL+8; 	[Bj has m-part for tape position
 3170/5: 011                                                            	OR;	[0/0/c|cbn
 3171/0: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;

                                                                       12;	[ this is a rewrite. Tape address in Bj has been corrected to include
                                                                       	[ 8 bits for the count of words not processed in the buffer
                                                                       	[ 8 bits for the block number hux
                                                                       	[this may need more work if we ever do double buffer reads
 3171/3: 042                                                           	DUP;		[Tape Address from Bj
 3171/4: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;	[move tape to position in N1 - count left in block|block number
 3172/1: 054                                                           	AND;		[required BLock Number, tape address
 3172/2: 300 006 123                                                   	V8;		[skip to Block N
 3172/5: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 3173/1: 170 364                                                       	=I15;		[required block number
 3173/3: 171 376                                                       	Q15;		[N1 contains -/blockNumber/skip to block
 3173/5: 200 320 106                                                   	JSE70;
 3174/2: 203 266 142                                                   	J13;
 3174/5: 164 361|304 000 377|054                                       	SHL-8; SETB377; AND; [N1 contains new count in D39-47
 3175/5: 300 006 120                                                   	V5;
 3176/2: 200 320 106                                                   	JSE70;	[transfer
 3176/5: 203 266 142                                                   	J13;
 3177/2: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;	[ c/incr/address of word - as in a new read
 3177/4: 042                                                           	DUP;	[ count of words left, count of words left
                                                                       		[ repositioned startaddress M15 := (M15 + C15  - count words left)
 3177/5: 171 370|172 362|027|172 362                                   	C15; =+M15; NEG; =+M15; [reset the next word address
 3201/0: 170 370                                                       	=C15;	[set the repositioned count
 3201/2: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 3201/4: 301 006 115                                                   	=V2;	[to get next word in repositioned tape
 3202/1: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;

                                                                       [END OF DOCUMENTED P2

                                                                       [Photo 754 Search Level Parameters for a level L
=== Start P3V-1; at address 1667/3203
                                                                       P3; [Search Level Parameters for a level L;
                                                                       	[ this is identical to P3 in B22
 3203/0: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 3203/1: 170 323                                                       	=RM13;
 3203/3: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 3204/0: 167 361                                                       	SHC-8;
 3204/2: 065                                                           	REV;
 3204/3: 320 333 055                                                   1;	Z50M13;
 3205/0: 170 336                                                       	=Q13;
 3205/2: 171 324                                                       	I13;
 3205/4: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3205/5: 170 322                                                       	=M13;
 3206/1: 203 146 207                                                   	J2≠Z;
 3206/4: 065                                                           	REV;
 3206/5: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 3207/0: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;
 3207/3: 043                                                           2;	DUPD;
 3207/4: 320 333 053                                                   	Z52M13;
 3210/1: 015                                                           	NEV;
 3210/2: 054                                                           	AND;
 3210/3: 203 146 204                                                   	J1≠Z;
 3211/0: 065                                                           	REV;
 3211/1: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 3211/2: 202 360 001                                                   	EXIT2;

                                                                       [Photo 755 P3 Block Diagram
                                                                       [Photo 756 P4 SJNS Simulator

                                                                       [Photo 757 p4 SJNS Simulator
=== Start P4V12; at address 1687/3227
                                                                       P4V12; [SJNS Simulator says 11 v-stores, V0-V10??
V-store at 03212 = 000 001 000 000 377 377                             	V0=Q+1/0/-1;
V-store at 03213 = 000 020 000 001 015 034                             	V1=Q16/1/AV4U;
V-store at 03215 = 000 000 175 002 000 200                             	V3=B17500400200; [ invalid error 35321; hux

 3227/0: 300 006 214                                                   	V2;	[NORMAL ENTRY
 3227/3: 170 376                                                       3;	=Q15;
 3227/5: 244 366 240                                                   	J4C15Z;
 3230/2: 173 000                                                       	LINK;
 3230/4: 173 000                                                       	LINK;
 3231/0: 164 061                                                       	SHL+24;
 3231/2: 107 360                                                       	=M0M15QH;[STORE LINK
 3231/4: 174 000                                                       	=LINK;
 3232/0: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 3232/2: 301 006 214                                                   	=V2;
 3232/5: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;
 3233/2: 300 006 213                                                   2;	V1; [INITIAL ENTRY
 3233/5: 203 266 227                                                   	J3;
 3234/2: 300 006 214|170 376                                           1;	V2; =Q15;
 3235/1: 304 000 001|172 370|141 360|171 376|301 006 214               	SET1; =+C15; M-I15; Q15; =V2;

                                                                       	=V2; [OBEY LINK

 3237/1: 104 360                                                       	M0M15H;
 3237/3: 164 321                                                       	SHL-24;
 3237/5: 174 000                                                       	=LINK;
 3240/1: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;
 3240/4: 300 006 215                                                   4;	V3;
 3241/1: 200 260 106                                                   	JE70; [JP1; [failure

                                                                       [Photo 758 Print Phase Number
                                                                       [Photo 759 Print Phase Number

                                                                       [ Print Phase number - we will be running as one brick - so is not used
                                                                       V3=Q AV0/AV1/-17711;
                                                                       	JSE70; [JSP1;
                                                                       1;	V4;
                                                                       	JE70; [JP1; failure

                                                                       [Photo 760 Store Word
                                                                       [Photo 761 Store Word

                                                                       ( not used - hux - maybe a left over from when B20 ran in several phases
                                                                       V0=Q AYY0/AYY255/-24507;
                                                                       V1=Q AYY256/AYY511/0;
                                                                       2;	=Q15;
                                                                       7;	=V2;
                                                                       1;	V1;   [initiate write
                                                                       2;	JSE70; [JSP1;
                                                                       4;	V3;
                                                                       	JSE70; [JSP1;
                                                                       6;	V5;
                                                                       	JE70; [JP1; failure
                                                                       3;	V2;    [close
                                                                       	JSE70; [JSP1;


                                                                       [ imported from B22 - this is a failure exit to phase control hux
=== Start P7V-1; at address 1698/3242
 3242/0: 170 365                                                       P7;      =RI15;
 3242/2: 304 000 200|170 362                                                 SETB200; =M15;
 3243/1: 320 013 070|041|033|047|015|011|321 013 070                         Z39; ZERO; NOT; STR; NEV; OR; =Z39;
 3245/0: 171 376|200 260 106                                                 Q15; JE70;

                                                                       [Photo 762 Store Word
                                                                       [Photo 763
                                                                       [Photo 764 Set up Level Parameters
                                                                       [Phase 1 arbitrary P101; Set up Level Parameters
=== Start P101V5; at address 1708/3254
                                                                       P101V5;			[added a Vstore to hold the parameter, for use to test as formal proc parameter - added hux
                                                                       			[ hux, fix to remedy failure to set up call matrix
V-store at 03246 = 000 000 001 001 000 000                             V0=B100200000;
V-store at 03247 = 001 000 000 000 002 100                             V1=B20000000001100; [ was 0120; this is the )p LP entry for main hux
V-store at 03250 = 001 003 000 000 000 233                             V2=B20140000000233;
V-store at 03251 = 000 000 000 000 377 377                             V3=B177777;
V-store at 03252 = 000 000 000 000 000 200                             V4=B200; [ replaces invalid 35321; hux
                                                                       	[SETB22; [phase number?
                                                                       	[JSP5; no need to print phase number

                                                                       	[set up Q10 the number of locations available for level parameters
                                                                       	[CLEAR Z-STORES - inserted hux
 3254/0: 304 053 055|170 302|145 300|304 000 100|170 310               	SET AZ50; =M12; I12=-1; SET64; = C12;
 3256/0: 041|103 300|260 306 256                                       310;	ZERO; = M0M12Q;  J310C12NZ;

 3257/0: 304 053 055                                                   	SETAZ50;
 3257/3: 304 025 340                                                   	SETAH100;
 3260/0: 036                                                           	-;
 3260/1: 033                                                           	NOT;
 3260/2: 027                                                           	NEG;
 3260/3: 170 251                                                       	=RC10;		[number of locations for Level parameters and F[l] lists Max L[i] = 100
 3260/5: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 3261/0: 170 343                                                       	=RM14;
 3261/2: 157 355                                                       	Q14TOQ13;
 3261/4: 157 354                                                       	Q14TOQ12;
 3262/0: 157 353                                                       	Q14TOQ11;

 3262/2: 145 300                                                       	I12=-1; 		[THIS IS TO SET UP THE 'NULL ENTRY IN LP LIST - which is the 'empty list'
 3262/4: 041|170 376|304 377 374|170 364|171 376|323 313 055|205 327 163
                                                                       	ZERO; =Q15;  SET-4; =I15; Q15; = Z50M12Q; JS53;
 3265/2: 041|323 313 055|205 327 163|041|323 313 055|205 327 163       	ZERO; = Z50M12Q; JS53; ZERO; = Z50M12Q; JS53;
 3267/4: 041|170 376|304 000 003|170 370|171 376|323 313 055|205 327 163
                                                                       	ZERO; =Q15; SET3; = C15; Q15; = Z50M12Q; JS53;

                                                                       	[SET-4; = M11; [first free space in LP list - this was the original code which was out-of-date: hux
                                                                       	[test space failure?

 3272/2: 304 001 234                                                   	SETB634;
 3272/5: 304 001 237                                                   	SETB637;
 3273/2: 203 326 143                                                   	JS2P2; 		[initial entry to fetch next word for backward read
 3273/5: 054                                                           	AND;
 3274/0: 036                                                           	-;
 3274/1: 200 147 173                                                   	J57≠Z; 	[is it end prog? If not fail
 3274/4: 300 006 246                                                   	V0;		[set BDC := CD := 1
 3275/1: 304 000 001                                                   	SETB1;		[ and Level number 1 in L[i]
 3275/4: 167 361                                                       	SHC-8;
 3276/0: 011                                                           	OR;
                                                                       [Photo 765
 3276/1: 313 345 174                                                   	=H0M14Q;
 3276/4: 203 266 277                                                   	J3;

 3277/1: 052                                                           1;	ERASE;
 3277/2: 052                                                           2;	ERASE;
 3277/3: 200 326 126                                                   3;	JSP2;		[fetch next word
 3300/0: 304 000 253|222 026 277                                       	SETB253; J2=;	[inserted skip ,p only relevant if inside a parameter list hux
 3301/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3301/1: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3301/2: 304 000 200                                                   	SETB200;
 3301/5: 054                                                           	AND;
 3302/0: 221 147 111                                                   	J39=Z;		[a variable, statement or declaration
 3302/3: 304 000 017                                                   	SETB17;
 3303/0: 054                                                           	AND;
 3303/1: 304 000 014                                                   	SETB14;
 3303/4: 224 027 030                                                   	J25=;		[program delimiter
 3304/1: 304 000 013                                                   	SETB13;
 3304/4: 222 026 312                                                   	J4=;		[ (p
 3305/1: 304 000 016                                                   	SETB16;
 3305/4: 036                                                           	-;
 3305/5: 202 146 277                                                   	J2≠Z;		[ test for *? hux
 3306/2: 042                                                           	DUP;		[KDF9 Code
 3306/3: 304 000 160                                                   	SETB160;
 3307/0: 054                                                           	AND;
 3307/1: 203 147 175                                                   	J59≠Z;	[ failure
 3307/4: 164 341                                                       	SHL-16;
 3310/0: 300 006 251                                                   	V3;		[No. Nests no. of Q stores
 3310/3: 054                                                           	AND;		[ and c ->L[i-1]
 3310/4: 310 345 173                                                   	H-1M14;
 3311/1: 011                                                           	OR;
 3311/2: 311 345 173                                                   	=H-1M14;
 3311/5: 203 266 277                                                   	J3;

 3312/2: 052                                                           4;	ERASE;		[ )p
 3312/3: 304 000 160                                                   	SETB160;	[ is it a )p?
 3313/0: 054                                                           	AND;
 3313/1: 304 000 020                                                   	SETB20;
 3313/4: 036                                                           	-;

                                                                       [Photo 766
 3313/5: 203 147 176                                                   	J60≠Z;		[failure
 3314/2: 041                                                           	ZERO;			[fetch next word
 3314/3: 201 266 315                                                   	J6;			[ nest out close bracket p and open bracket p
 3315/0: 052                                                           5;	ERASE;
 3315/1: 033                                                           6;	NOT;
 3315/2: 027                                                           	NEG;
 3315/3: 200 326 126                                                   7;	JSP2;
 3316/0: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 3316/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 3316/4: 304 000 233                                                   	SETB233;
 3317/1: 220 026 315                                                   	J5=;
 3317/4: 304 000 213                                                   	SETB213;
 3320/1: 036                                                           	-;
 3320/2: 201 146 321                                                   	J8≠Z;
 3320/5: 027                                                           	NEG;
 3321/0: 033                                                           	NOT;
 3321/1: 042                                                           8;	DUP;
 3321/2: 203 146 315                                                   	J7≠Z;
 3321/5: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 3322/0: 200 326 126                                                   	JSP2;			[fetch next word
 3322/3: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3322/4: 304 001 330                                                   	SETB730;
 3323/1: 054                                                           	AND;
 3323/2: 304 000 020                                                   	SETB20;
 3323/5: 221 026 277                                                   	J1=;		[procedure statement
 3324/2: 304 000 120                                                   	SETB120;
 3324/5: 036                                                           	-;
 3325/0: 203 147 177                                                   	J61≠Z;	[failure
 3325/3: 042                                                           9;	DUP;		[procedure declaration
                                                                       			[ script contains an alternate entry  M14; NEG;NOT;J10≤Z; hux
 3325/4: 304 000 007                                                   	SETB7;
 3326/1: 054                                                           	AND;
 3326/2: 203 146 330                                                   	J10≠Z;
 3326/5: 310 345 173                                                   	H-1M14;		[script correction to H-1 etc
 3327/2: 304 000 002                                                   	SETB2;
 3327/5: 011                                                           	OR;
 3330/0: 311 345 173                                                   	=H-1M14;

                                                                       [Photo 767
 3330/3: 204 326 362                                                   10;	JS17;
 3331/0: 323 313 055                                                   	=Z50M12Q;	[declaration to LP[k] k:=k+1;
 3331/3: 205 327 163                                                   	JS53;		[test space failure
 3332/0: 304 000 002                                                   	SET+2;		[if full rescue ?
 3332/3: 170 223                                                       	=RM9;
 3332/5: 202 326 161                                                   	JS4P2;
 3333/2: 202 266 335                                                   	J14;
 3333/5: 052                                                           11;	ERASE;
 3334/0: 141 220                                                       	M-I9;
 3334/2: 052                                                           12;	ERASE;
 3334/3: 140 220                                                       	M+I9;
 3334/5: 204 326 163                                                   13;	JS5P2;		[fetch previous word
 3335/2: 042                                                           14;	DUP;
 3335/3: 304 001 377                                                   	SETB777;
 3336/0: 054                                                           	AND;
 3336/1: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3336/2: 304 000 200                                                   	SETB200;
 3336/5: 054                                                           	AND;
 3337/0: 221 146 373                                                   	J18=Z;		[is it a parameter
 3337/3: 304 000 213                                                   	SETB213;
 3340/0: 225 026 333                                                   	J11=;		[is it open bracket p
 3340/3: 304 000 253|225 026 333                                       	SETB253; J11=;  [is it a ,p amendment - hux
 3341/3: 304 000 233                                                   	SETB233;
 3342/0: 225 026 344                                                   	J15=;		[is it close bracket p
 3342/3: 304 000 230                                                   	SETB230;
 3343/0: 036                                                           	-;
 3343/1: 203 147 200                                                   	J62≠Z;	[failure
 3343/4: 304 000 003                                                   	SETB3;
 3344/1: 011                                                           	OR;
 3344/2: 200 266 345                                                   	J16;
 3344/5: 052                                                           15;	ERASE;
 3345/0: 310 345 174                                                   16;	H0M14;		[extract level no from Li and insert into )p
 3345/3: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 3346/0: 167 361                                                       	SHC-8;
 3346/2: 054                                                           	AND;
 3346/3: 171 262                                                       	M11;		[compute RAFW as k - 1st word current LevelParameters?
 3346/5: 171 302                                                       	M12;
 3347/1: 036                                                           	-;

                                                                       [photo 768
                                                                       			[Block to be inserted between lines 4 and 6, page 5
                                                                       (	Z52M11;
                                                                       	inserted see below

                                                                       [Photo 769
 3347/2: 167 341                                                       	SHC-16;
 3347/4: 011                                                           	OR;
 3347/5: 011                                                           	OR;		[Level÷RAFW/)p added OR hux
 3350/0: 323 313 055                                                   	=Z50M12Q;
 3350/3: 205 327 163                                                   	JS53;		[failure if test space full

                                                                       	[insert small block page 4a = photo 768

 3351/0: 320 273 053                                                   	Z52M11;
                                                                       	[ inserted to deal with V-store allocation
 3351/3: 320 013 126|042|304 000 001|056|321 013 126                   	Z9; DUP; SET1; +; =Z9; 	[INC. FIRST FREE V-STORE NUMBER hux
 3353/2: 164 101|164 341|011                                           	SHL+32; SHL-16; OR; 	[INSERT V-STORE FOR SPACE REQUIRED hux

 3354/1: 170 216                                                       	=Q8;
 3354/3: 171 222                                                       	M9;
 3354/5: 164 021                                                       	SHL+8;
 3355/1: 171 202                                                       	M8;
 3355/3: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 3356/0: 054                                                           	AND;
 3356/1: 011                                                           	OR;
 3356/2: 170 202                                                       	=M8;
 3356/4: 171 216                                                       	Q8;
 3357/0: 321 273 053                                                   	=Z52M11;

                                                                       	[end code insertion

 3357/3: 320 273 055                                                   	Z50M11;		[LP[1st wc]
 3360/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3360/1: 304 000 036                                                   	SETB36;
 3360/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 3360/5: 202 146 277                                                   	J2≠Z;
 3361/2: 033                                                           	NOT;		[set ≠ in LP[1st word current ]
 3361/3: 027                                                           	NEG;
 3361/4: 321 273 055                                                   	=Z50M11;
 3362/1: 203 266 277                                                   	J3;

 3362/4: 320 273 055                                                   17;	Z50M11;		[insert K and AND LP[1st word current ]
 3363/1: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 3363/3: 171 302                                                       	M12;
 3363/5: 170 364                                                       	=I15;
 3364/1: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 3364/3: 321 273 055                                                   	=Z50M11;
 3365/0: 310 345 174                                                   	H0M14;		[construct a new word
 3365/3: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;		[ 1st word Current|-|L:C
 3365/5: 171 364                                                       	I15;		[ C,V,IA,IP,HA,*, no nests, no Qs
 3366/1: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 3366/2: 170 364                                                       	=I15;

 3366/4: 171 262                                                       	M11;
 3367/0: 170 370                                                       	=C15;
 3367/2: 151 313                                                       	M12TOQ11;	[1st word C := k
 3367/4: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 3370/0: 323 313 055                                                   	=Z50M12Q;	[new word to LP[k]
                                                                       	[blank line
 3370/3: 205 327 163                                                   	JS53;		[failure if full
 3371/0: 164 361                                                       	SHL-8;
 3371/2: 167 361                                                       	SHC-8;
 3371/4: 323 313 055                                                   	=Z50M12Q;	[BDC -> LP[k] k:=k+1

                                                                       [Photo 770
 3372/1: 205 327 163                                                   	JS53;		[failure if Space full
 3372/4: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;
 3373/1: 042                                                           18;	DUP;		[ a parameter?
 3373/2: 304 000 140                                                   	SETB140;
 3373/5: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3374/0: 012                                                           	PERM;
 3374/1: 054                                                           	AND;
 3374/2: 036                                                           	-;
 3374/3: 203 147 201                                                   	J63≠Z;	[failure

 3375/0: 065|042|301 006 253                                           	REV;		DUP; = V5; [ DUP; =V5; save parameter, pending set Recursive - hux
                                                                       				   [ fix to remedy failure to set up call matrix
 3375/5: 323 313 055                                                   	=Z50M12Q;	[parameter to LP[k] k:= k+1
                                                                       	[blank		[failure is space full
 3376/2: 205 327 163                                                   	JS53;

 3376/5: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3377/0: 304 000 030                                                   	SETB30;
 3377/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 3377/4: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3377/5: 225 147 015                                                   	J21=Z;		[RvIvB
 3400/2: 304 000 030                                                   	SETB30;
 3400/5: 036                                                           	-;
 3401/0: 221 147 010                                                   	J20=Z;		[switch, label or string

                                                                       			[inserted to set proc. recursive if it has a formal proc. parameter - hux -
                                                                       			[fix to remedy failure to set up call matrix
 3401/3: 300 006 253                                                   	V5;
 3402/0: 304 000 030                                                   	SETB30;		[test for formal proc
 3402/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 3402/4: 304 000 020                                                   	SETB20;
 3403/1: 036                                                           	-;
 3403/2: 200 147 006                                                   	J19≠Z;
 3403/5: 320 273 055|304 000 100|011|321 273 055|202 266 334           	Z50M11; SETB100; OR; =Z50M11; J12; [end of insertion Recursion marker

 3406/0: 320 273 055                                                   19;	Z50M11;		[Set HA in LP[1st current word  ]
 3406/3: 304 000 002                                                   	SETB2;
 3407/0: 011                                                           	OR;
 3407/1: 321 273 055                                                   	=Z50M11;
 3407/4: 202 266 334                                                   	J12;

 3410/1: 304 000 007                                                   20;	SETB7;
 3410/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 3410/5: 304 000 002                                                   	SETB2;
 3411/2: 220 027 006                                                   	J19=;		[ is it a string
 3411/5: 304 000 001                                                   	SETB1;
 3412/2: 222 027 013                                                   	J72=;		[ is it a label
 3412/5: 203 147 202                                                   	J64≠Z;	[ failure

 3413/2: 140 220                                                       72;	M+I9; 		[moved 72; up one line - hux - I don't know what M9 is about
 3413/4: 320 273 055                                                   	Z50M11;		[switch or label

                                                                       [Photo 771
 3414/1: 304 000 020                                                   	SETB20;
 3414/4: 011                                                           	OR;		[set v - means side effect in LP[1st word current]
 3414/5: 321 273 055                                                   	=Z50M11;
 3415/2: 205 266 334                                                   	J13;

 3415/5: 052                                                           21;	ERASE;		[RvIvB
 3416/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3416/1: 304 001 000                                                   	SETB400;
 3416/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 3416/5: 202 146 334                                                   	J12≠Z;	[by value
 3417/2: 304 000 142                                                   	SETB142;
 3417/5: 140 220                                                       	M+I9;
 3420/1: 200 027 006                                                   	J19≠;		[integer by name?
 3420/4: 171 322                                                       	M13;
 3421/0: 220 147 006                                                   	J19=Z;		[is j = 0?
 3421/3: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 3421/4: 320 313 056                                                   	Z49M12;		[LP[k-1]
 3422/1: 042                                                           	DUP;		[has the formal parameter by name been assigned to?
 3422/2: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 3422/4: 171 370                                                       	C15;
 3423/0: 171 322                                                       	M13;
 3423/2: 170 371                                                       	=RC15;
 3423/4: 017|017|312 365 340                                           *22;	H100M15Q;
 3424/3: 223 027 026                                                   	J24=;
 3425/0: 177 360                                                       23;	J22C15NZS;
 3425/2: 065                                                           	REV;
 3425/3: 321 313 056                                                   	=Z49M12;
 3426/0: 200 267 006                                                   	J19;
 3426/3: 041                                                           24;	ZERO;
 3426/4: 311 365 337                                                   	=H99M15;
 3427/1: 065                                                           	REV;
 3427/2: 304 002 000                                                   	SETB1000;
 3427/5: 011                                                           	OR;
 3430/0: 065                                                           	REV;
 3430/1: 200 267 025                                                   	J23;		[ end test formal parameter assignment test

 3430/4: 052                                                           25;	ERASE;
 3430/5: 042                                                           	DUP;

                                                                       [Photo 772
 3431/0: 304 001 000                                                   	SETB400;
 3431/3: 054                                                           	AND;		[D39
 3431/4: 201 147 070                                                   	J36≠Z;
 3432/1: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3432/2: 304 000 160                                                   	SETB160;
 3432/5: 054                                                           	AND;
 3433/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3433/1: 225 147 064                                                   	J34=Z;			[begin block
 3433/4: 304 000 020                                                   	SETB20;
 3434/1: 220 027 052                                                   	J29=;			[end block
 3434/4: 304 000 140                                                   	SETB140;
 3435/1: 223 027 062                                                   	J33=;			[begin for statement
 3435/4: 304 000 160                                                   	SETB160;
 3436/1: 224 027 047                                                   	J28=;			[end for statement
 3436/4: 304 000 100                                                   	SETB100;
 3437/1: 224 027 046                                                   	J27=;			[begin procedure
 3437/4: 304 000 120                                                   	SETB120;
 3440/1: 036                                                           	-;
 3440/2: 202 146 277                                                   	J2≠Z;
 3440/5: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;		[end procedure
 3441/2: 167 361                                                       	SHC-8;			[level number from word to L[i]
 3441/4: 054                                                           	AND;			[BDC = CD = 1 in L[i]
 3441/5: 300 006 246                                                   	V0;			[i++
 3442/2: 011                                                           	OR;
 3442/3: 313 345 174                                                   	=H0M14Q;
 3443/0: 203 266 277                                                   	J3;
 3443/3: 310 345 173                                                   26;	H-1M14;			[ is CD in L[i-1] = 1
 3444/0: 164 341                                                       	SHL-16;			[ fail if not
 3444/2: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 3444/5: 054                                                           	AND;
 3445/0: 027                                                           	NEG;
 3445/1: 033                                                           	NOT;
 3445/2: 203 147 204                                                   	J66≠Z;		[fail
 3445/5: 141 340                                                       	M-I14;			[i := i -1
 3446/1: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;
                                                                       [Photo 773

 3446/4: 203 327 043                                                   27;	JS26;			[ begin procedure
 3447/1: 201 266 277                                                   	J1;
 3447/4: 052                                                           28;	ERASE;			[ end for statement
 3447/5: 167 021                                                       	SHC+8;
 3450/1: 300 006 251                                                   	V3;
 3450/4: 033                                                           	NOT;
 3450/5: 054                                                           	AND;
 3451/0: 223 146 277                                                   	J3=Z;
 3451/3: 202 267 052                                                   	J30;
 3452/0: 052                                                           29;	ERASE;			[end block
 3452/1: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 3452/2: 310 345 173                                                   30;	H-1M14;			[L[i-1]
 3452/5: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 3453/1: 304 000 001                                                   	SET1;
 3453/4: 172 364                                                       	=+I15;			[CD := CD+1
 3454/0: 171 364                                                       	I15;
 3454/2: 300 006 251                                                   	V3;
 3454/5: 054                                                           	AND;
 3455/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3455/1: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;		[if BDC < CD then BDC=CD
 3455/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 3455/5: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3456/0: 066                                                           	CAB;
 3456/1: 164 361                                                       	SHL-8;
 3456/3: 001                                                           	VR;
 3456/4: 032                                                           	MAX;
 3456/5: 205 207 060                                                   	J31NV;
 3457/2: 164 021                                                       	SHL+8;
 3457/4: 066                                                           	CAB;
 3457/5: 011                                                           	OR;
 3460/0: 170 364                                                       	=I15;
 3460/2: 201 267 061                                                   	J32;
 3460/5: 052                                                           31;	ERASE;
 3461/0: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 3461/1: 171 376                                                       32;	Q15;
 3461/3: 311 345 173                                                   	=H-1M14;
 3462/0: 202 266 277                                                   	J2;
                                                                       [Photo 774

 3462/3: 052                                                           33;	ERASE;		[begin for statement
 3462/4: 167 021                                                       	SHC+8;
 3463/0: 300 006 251                                                   	V3;
 3463/3: 033                                                           	NOT;
 3463/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 3463/5: 223 146 277                                                   	J3=Z;
 3464/2: 201 267 065                                                   	J35;
 3464/5: 052                                                           34;	ERASE;		[begin block
 3465/0: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 3465/1: 310 345 173                                                   35;	H-1M14;
 3465/4: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 3466/0: 304 377 377                                                   	SET-1;
 3466/3: 172 364                                                       	=+I15;		[CD :=CD -1 in L[i-1]
 3466/5: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 3467/1: 311 345 173                                                   	=H-1M14;
 3467/4: 203 266 277                                                   	J3;
 3470/1: 304 000 020                                                   36;	SETB20;
 3470/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 3470/5: 203 147 205                                                   	J67≠Z;	[fail

 3471/2: 203 327 043                                                   	JS26;		[begin program
 3471/5: 171 342                                                       	M14;
 3472/1: 203 147 206                                                   	J68≠Z;
 3472/4: 171 322                                                       	M13;
 3473/0: 222 147 076                                                   	J38=Z;
 3473/3: 171 322                                                       	M13;
 3473/5: 170 371                                                       	=RC15;
 3474/1: 017|017|017|017|017|312 365 340                               *37;	H100M15Q;
 3475/3: 203 147 207                                                   	J69≠Z; 	[fail
 3476/0: 177 360                                                       	J37C15NZS;
 3476/2: 204 326 362                                                   38;	JS17;
 3476/5: 320 313 056                                                   	Z49M12;
 3477/2: 167 021                                                       	SHC+8;
 3477/4: 027                                                           	NEG;
 3477/5: 033                                                           	NOT;
 3500/0: 167 361                                                       	SHC-8;
 3500/2: 321 313 056                                                   	=Z49M12;
                                                                       	[JS53;		[added incorrectly

 3500/5: 300 006 247                                                   	V1;
 3501/2: 323 313 055                                                   	=Z50M12Q;
 3501/5: 205 327 163                                                   	JS53;
 3502/2: 300 006 250                                                   	V2;
 3502/5: 323 313 055                                                   	=Z50M12Q;

                                                                       [Photo 775
 3503/2: 205 327 163                                                   	JS53;
 3503/5: 320 013 055                                                   	Z50;
 3504/2: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 3504/4: 171 262|170 362                                               	M11;=M15;	[1st word current to LP[0] was C15 hux

 3505/2: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 3505/4: 321 013 055                                                   	=Z50;
 3506/1: 320 013 124                                                   	Z11;
 3506/4: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 3507/0: 151 317                                                       	M12TOQ15;
 3507/2: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 3507/4: 321 013 124                                                   	=Z11;
 3510/1: 202 326 157                                                   	JS3P2; 		[close ch4 hux
                                                                       	[Set2;= Z10;
                                                                       	[jsp305; [hux Z-store diag
 3510/4: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;		[ goto phase 2 Brick
                                                                       	[ 5 blank lines

 3511/1: 304 000 020                                                   39;	SETB20;		[a variable statement or declaration
 3511/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 3511/5: 225 147 134                                                   	J47=Z;		[RvIvB array
 3512/2: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3512/3: 304 000 010                                                   	SETB10;
 3513/0: 054                                                           	AND;
 3513/1: 222 147 131                                                   	J46=Z;		[procedure
 3513/4: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3513/5: 304 000 007                                                   	SETB7;
 3514/2: 054                                                           	AND;
 3514/3: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3514/4: 225 147 126                                                   	J43=Z;		[switch
 3515/1: 304 000 001                                                   	SETB1;
 3515/4: 220 027 123                                                   	J42=;		[label
 3516/1: 304 000 002                                                   	SETB2;
 3516/4: 036                                                           	-;
 3516/5: 203 147 203                                                   	J65≠Z;	[ fail
 3517/2: 202 266 277                                                   	J2;

                                                                       [Photo 776
 3517/5: 170 376                                                       40;	=Q15;
 3520/1: 171 364                                                       	I15;			[is it local
 3520/3: 164 361                                                       	SHL-8;
 3520/5: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 3521/2: 054                                                           	AND;
 3521/3: 203 147 122                                                   	J41≠Z;
 3522/0: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;
 3522/3: 202 360 001                                                   41;	EXIT2;
 3523/0: 052                                                           42;	ERASE;			[ label
 3523/1: 205 327 117                                                   	JS40;
 3523/4: 203 266 277                                                   	J3;
 3524/1: 171 364|164 101                                               	I15; SHL+32;
 3524/5: 310 345 173|015|164 261                                       	H-1M14; NEV; SHL-40;
 3525/5: 223 146 277                                                   	J3=Z;
 3526/2: 201 267 127                                                   	J45;
 3526/5: 052                                                           43;	ERASE;
 3527/0: 052                                                           44;	ERASE;
 3527/1: 310 345 173                                                   45;	H-1M14;
 3527/4: 304 000 020                                                   	SETB20;
 3530/1: 011                                                           	OR;
 3530/2: 311 345 173                                                   	=H-1M14;		[set V in L[i-1]
 3530/5: 203 266 277                                                   	J3;
 3531/2: 042                                                           46;	DUP;			[procedure
 3531/3: 304 000 140                                                   	SETB140; 		[or 40?
 3532/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3532/1: 054                                                           	AND;
 3532/2: 015                                                           	NEV;
 3532/3: 223 147 210                                                   	J70=Z;		[fail
 3533/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3533/1: 304 000 100                                                   	SETB100;
 3533/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 3533/5: 222 146 277                                                   	J2=Z;			[procedure statement
 3534/2: 203 266 325                                                   	J9;			[procedure declaration
 3534/5: 042                                                           47;	DUP;
 3535/0: 304 000 100                                                   	SETB100;
 3535/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 3535/4: 203 147 160                                                   	J52≠Z;		[declaration or spec
 3536/1: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3536/2: 205 327 117                                                   	JS40;
 3536/5: 200 267 147                                                   	J51;

                                                                       [Photo 777
 3537/2: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3537/3: 304 001 070                                                   	SETB470;
 3540/0: 054                                                           	AND;
 3540/1: 304 000 040                                                   	SETB40;
 3540/4: 036                                                           	-;
 3540/5: 200 147 143                                                   	J48≠Z;
 3541/2: 320 013 125                                                   	Z10;		[set NLF marker
 3541/5: 304 000 002                                                   	SETB2;
 3542/2: 011                                                           	OR;
 3542/3: 321 013 125                                                   	=Z10;		[moved label as per correction in text hux
 3543/0: 304 002 000                                                   48;	SETB1000;
 3543/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 3543/4: 201 147 127                                                   	J45≠Z;
 3544/1: 205 267 144                                                   	J50;
 3544/4: 052                                                           49;	ERASE;
 3544/5: 310 345 173                                                   50;	H-1M14;		[set HA in L[i-1]
 3545/2: 304 000 002                                                   	SETB2;
 3545/5: 011                                                           	OR;
 3546/0: 311 345 173                                                   	=H-1M14;
 3546/3: 203 266 277                                                   	J3;
 3547/0: 042                                                           51;	DUP;
 3547/1: 304 001 070                                                   	SETB470;
 3547/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 3547/5: 304 000 040                                                   	SETB40;
 3550/2: 036                                                           	-;
 3550/3: 202 146 277                                                   	J2≠Z;
 3551/0: 320 013 125                                                   	Z10;
 3551/3: 304 000 001                                                   	SETB1;		[ formal by name
 3552/0: 011                                                           	OR;
 3552/1: 321 013 125                                                   	=Z10;
 3552/4: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3552/5: 304 002 007                                                   	SETB1007;
 3553/2: 054                                                           	AND;
 3553/3: 304 002 002                                                   	SETB1002;
 3554/0: 036                                                           	-;

                                                                       [Photo 778
 3554/1: 202 146 277                                                   	J2≠Z;
 3554/4: 310 345 173                                                   	H-1M14;
 3555/1: 304 000 006                                                   	SETB6;
 3555/4: 011                                                           	OR;
 3555/5: 311 345 173                                                   	=H-1M14;
 3556/2: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 3556/4: 171 370                                                       	C15;
 3557/0: 313 325 340                                                   	=H100M13Q;
                                                                       	[blank line
 3557/3: 205 327 163                                                   	JS53;			[rescue
 3560/0: 203 266 277                                                   	J3;
 3560/3: 304 001 050                                                   52;	SETB450;
 3561/0: 054                                                           	AND;
 3561/1: 304 000 010                                                   	SETB10;
 3561/4: 224 027 144                                                   	J49=;			[local array declaration
 3562/1: 304 001 000                                                   	SETB400;
 3562/4: 036                                                           	-;
 3562/5: 201 047 127                                                   	J45≥Z;		[own declaration
 3563/2: 203 266 277                                                   	J3;

 3563/5: 143 240                                                       53;	DC10;
 3564/1: 241 247 165                                                   	J54C10Z;		[recovery procedure
 3564/4: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;

 3565/1: 171 322                                                       54;	M13;
 3565/3: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3565/4: 170 371                                                       	=RC15;
 3566/0: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 3566/1: 170 331                                                       	=RC13;
 3566/3: 312 365 340                                                   55;	H100M15Q;
 3567/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3567/1: 222 147 170                                                   	J56=Z;
 3567/4: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3567/5: 313 325 340                                                   	=H100M13Q;
 3570/2: 052                                                           56;	ERASE;
 3570/3: 263 367 166                                                   	J55C15NZ;
 3571/0: 171 322                                                       	M13;
 3571/2: 036                                                           	-;

                                                                       [Photo 779
 3571/3: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3571/4: 223 147 211                                                   	J71=Z;
 3572/1: 170 251                                                       	=RC10;
 3572/3: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;

 3573/0: 304 000 170                                                   57;	SET+0120;
 3573/3: 300 006 252                                                   58;	V4;
 3574/0: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 3574/2: 170 364                                                       	=I15;
 3574/4: 171 376                                                       	Q15;	[JSP307;
 3575/0: 200 260 106                                                   	JE70; 			[ FAIL

 3575/3: 304 000 334                                                   59;	SET+0220;		[Failures - mapped to published B20 failures hux
 3576/0: 203 267 173                                                   	J58;
 3576/3: 304 001 100                                                   60;	SET+0320;
 3577/0: 203 267 173                                                   	J58;
 3577/3: 304 001 244                                                   61;	SET+0420;
 3600/0: 203 267 173                                                   	J58;
 3600/3: 304 002 010                                                   62;	SET+0520;
 3601/0: 203 267 173                                                   	J58;
 3601/3: 304 002 154                                                   63;	SET+0620;
 3602/0: 203 267 173                                                   	J58;
 3602/3: 304 002 320                                                   64;	SET+0720;
 3603/0: 203 267 173                                                   	J58;
 3603/3: 304 003 064                                                   65;	SET+0820;
 3604/0: 203 267 173                                                   	J58;
 3604/3: 304 003 230                                                   66;	SET+0920;
 3605/0: 203 267 173                                                   	J58;
 3605/3: 304 003 374                                                   67;	SET+1020;
 3606/0: 203 267 173                                                   	J58;
 3606/3: 304 004 140                                                   68;	SET+1120;
 3607/0: 203 267 173                                                   	J58;
 3607/3: 304 004 304                                                   69;	SET+1220;
 3610/0: 203 267 173                                                   	J58;
 3610/3: 304 005 050                                                   70;	SET+1320;
 3611/0: 203 267 173                                                   	J58;
 3611/3: 304 005 214                                                   71;	SET+1420;
 3612/0: 203 267 173                                                   	J58;

                                                                       [Photo 780 R1 Block Digram
                                                                       [Photo 781 R1 Block Digram
                                                                       [Photo 782 R1 Block Digram
                                                                       [Photo 783 R1 Block Digram
                                                                       [Photo 784 R1 Block Digram
                                                                       [Photo 785 says this is R2 with 2 V-stores
                                                                       [Photo 786 Set Up Statement List

                                                                       [Set up Statement List
                                                                       [ 	This can only make sense if you read the papers published by ENHawkins and DHRHuxtable,  Pergammon Press
                                                                       [	Annual Review In Automatic Programming. 60-12884
                                                                       [	SP[i] list is at AY0 up, indexed by M9 set up as (space/2)/1/0
                                                                       [	EP[j] list is half way between Y0 and Ho going down, indexed by M7 initalised  as 0/-1/(space/2)
                                                                       [	B[b]  list is half way between Y0 and H0 going up, indexed by M6 (s/1/0)  (using M10M6Q)
                                                                       [	S[k] list  is at H0 indexed by M8 initialised as 'space up to LP'/1/0;
                                                                       [	this initialisation interchanged the useage of Q7 and Q9 - so subsequent edits marked hux

=== Start P102V2; at address 1934/3616
                                                                       P102V2;		[Phase 2 as P102
V-store at 03613 = 000 000 000 000 000 200                             	V0=B200; [replace invalid 35321; hux
V-store at 03614 = 000 000 377 377 000 000                             	V1=Q0/-1/0;
                                                                       	[ JSP305; diagnostic hux
 3616/0: 304 025 174                                                   	SETAH0;
 3616/3: 304 017 240                                                   	SETAY0;
 3617/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3617/1: 170 243                                                       	=RM10;		[ M10 = 0/1/AY0
 3617/3: 036                                                           	-;		[space = AH0 - AY0
 3617/4: 164 377                                                       	SHL-1;		[ halve space
 3620/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3620/1: 043                                                           	DUPD;
 3620/2: 172 242                                                       	=+M10;		[ base for B[b] list M10 0/1/ AY0 + half space
 3620/4: 170 151                                                       	=RC6;		[ b := s/2 | 1 | 0
 3621/0: 170 231                                                       	=RC9; 		[ i := s/2 | 1 | 0
 3621/2: 027                                                           	NEG;
 3621/3: 033                                                           	NOT;
 3621/4: 300 007 214                                                   	V1;
 3622/1: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3622/2: 012                                                           	PERM;
 3622/3: 011                                                           	OR;
 3622/4: 170 176                                                       	=Q7;		[j:= 0 | -1 | s/2 -1
 3623/0: 042                                                           	DUP;		[instn order correct? looks ok
 3623/1: 303 177 240                                                   	=Y0M7Q; 	[set ASLI in EPj hux was M9Q -
 3623/4: 164 041                                                       	SHL+16;
 3624/0: 143 220                                                       	DC9;		[reduce space for SPi
 3624/2: 304 053 055                                                   	SETAZ50;
 3624/5: 320 013 124                                                   	Z11;		[ M-part is rel address next free space
                                                                       			[ at end of LP list (k')
 3625/2: 164 101|164 301                                               	SHL+32; SHL-32; [hux - clear C and I part
 3626/0: 056                                                           	+;		[ full address
 3626/1: 304 025 174                                                   	SETAH0;
 3626/4: 036                                                           	-;		[space from H0 to LP
 3626/5: 033                                                           	NOT;
 3627/0: 027                                                           	NEG;
 3627/1: 170 250                                                       	=C10;		[ Q8 indexes up from H0. hux
 3627/3: 157 150                                                       	Q6TOQ8; 	[ indexes space above H0, for Statement[k] List
 3627/5: 311 205 174                                                   	=H0M8;

 3630/2: 204 326 145                                                   	JS22P2;		[open forwards from current posn (was JS1P2)edited to meet
                                                                       			[ issues with Holdsworth's Panacea hux - but post new read reverse
                                                                       			[ reinstated
 3630/5: 200 267 232                                                   	 J3;

 3631/2: 052                                                           1;	ERASE;
 3631/3: 200 326 126                                                   2;	JSP2;
 3632/0: 042                                                           3;	DUP;
 3632/1: 304 001 237                                                   	SETB637;	[is it end program?
 3632/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 3632/5: 304 001 234                                                   	SETB634;
 3633/2: 015                                                           	NEV;
 3633/3: 221 147 237                                                   	J5=Z;		[ if so  J5;
 3634/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3634/1: 304 001 330                                                   	SETB730;	[is it proc statement
 3634/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 3634/5: 304 000 020                                                   	SETB20;
 3635/2: 015                                                           	NEV;
 3635/3: 202 147 231                                                   	J1≠Z;
 3636/0: 200 331 025                                                   	JSP201; 	[process proc statement hux

                                                                       [Photo 787
 3636/3: 203 267 231                                                   	J2;
 3637/0: 041                                                           4;	ZERO;
 3637/1: 041                                                           5;	ZERO;
 3637/2: 170 124                                                       	=I5;
 3637/4: 171 142                                                       	M6;		[Bj list  hux
 3640/0: 170 051                                                       	=RC2;
 3640/2: 052                                                           6;	ERASE;
 3640/3: 245 047 300                                                   7;	J16C2Z;
 3641/0: 102 052                                                       	M10M2Q; 	[Bj list entry hux
 3641/2: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3641/3: 222 147 240                                                   	J6=Z;
 3642/0: 167 041                                                       	SHC16;
 3642/2: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 3642/5: 054                                                           	AND;		[LULF from Bj List hux
 3643/0: 200 331 377                                                   8;	JSP204;
 3643/3: 203 267 240                                                   	J7;		[no statement of LULF hux
 3644/0: 200 326 203                                                   	JSP3;
 3644/3: 204 267 310                                                   	J19;		[ fail no LP
 3645/0: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 3645/1: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3645/2: 027                                                           	NEG;
 3645/3: 171 322                                                       	M13;
 3645/5: 056                                                           	+;
 3646/0: 170 362                                                       	=M15;
 3646/2: 304 377 377                                                   	SET-1;
 3646/5: 320 373 053                                                   	Z52M15;
 3647/2: 200 331 300                                                   	JSP202;		[search for a statement of FL? entry
 3647/5: 205 267 273                                                   	J12;
 3650/2: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 3650/3: 141 040                                                       	M-I2;
 3650/5: 100 052                                                       	M10M2;
 3651/1: 140 040                                                       	M+I2;
 3651/3: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 3652/0: 167 361                                                       	SHC-8;		[shifted down one line
 3652/2: 054                                                           	AND;
 3652/3: 200 330 377                                                   	JSP200;
 3653/0: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 3653/1: 170 371                                                       	=RC15;

                                                                       [Photo 788
 3653/3: 310 345 174                                                   9;	H0M14;		[S[M14]
 3654/0: 170 316                                                       	=Q12;
 3654/2: 171 304                                                       	I12;		[ANW
 3654/4: 170 342                                                       	=M14;
 3655/0: 143 360                                                       	DC15;
 3655/2: 263 367 253                                                   	J9C15NZ;
 3655/5: 310 345 174                                                   	H0M14;
 3656/2: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3656/3: 304 000 230                                                   	SETB230;
 3657/0: 054                                                           	AND;		[class
 3657/1: 304 000 020                                                   	SETB20;
 3657/4: 015                                                           	NEV;
 3657/5: 204 147 311                                                   	J20≠Z;	[ fail
 3660/2: 041                                                           23;	ZERO;
 3660/3: 065                                                           	REV;
 3660/4: 200 326 203                                                   10;	JSP3;
 3661/1: 201 267 262                                                   	J21;
 3661/4: 202 267 265                                                   	J11;		[no LP

 3662/1: 066                                                           21;	CAB;
 3662/2: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 3662/3: 200 330 377                                                   	JSP200;		[doc. corrections unclear hux
 3663/0: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 3663/1: 065                                                           	REV;
 3663/2: 200 331 300                                                   	JSP202;
 3663/5: 202 267 240                                                   	J6;
 3664/2: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 3664/3: 033                                                           	NOT;
 3664/4: 065                                                           	REV;
 3664/5: 204 267 260                                                   	J10;

 3665/2: 141 040                                                       11;	M-I2;
 3665/4: 100 052                                                       	M10M2;
 3666/0: 170 356                                                       	=Q14;
 3666/2: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 3666/3: 101 052                                                       	=M10M2;
 3666/5: 140 040                                                       	M+I2;
 3667/1: 304 000 001                                                   	SET+1;
 3667/4: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3667/5: 170 130                                                       	=C5;
 3670/1: 170 124                                                       	=I5;
 3670/3: 171 342                                                       	M14;
 3670/5: 203 326 171                                                   	JS12P2;
 3671/2: 151 337                                                       	M13TOQ15;
 3671/4: 065                                                           	REV;
 3671/5: 225 147 272                                                   	J24=Z;
 3672/2: 200 331 342                                                   	JSP203;
 3672/5: 202 331 077                                                   24;	JS24P201;
 3673/2: 203 267 240                                                   	J7;

 3673/5: 171 142                                                       12;	M6;
 3674/1: 170 311                                                       	=RC12;

                                                                       [Photo 789
 3674/3: 042                                                           13;	DUP;		[F[l]
 3674/4: 102 312                                                       	M10M12Q;	[B[k]
 3675/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3675/1: 221 147 277                                                   	J14=Z;
 3675/4: 015                                                           	NEV;
 3675/5: 164 261                                                       	SHL-40;
 3676/1: 222 147 240                                                   	J6=Z;
 3676/4: 203 267 277                                                   	J15;
 3677/1: 052                                                           14;	ERASE;
 3677/2: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 3677/3: 263 307 274                                                   15;	J13C12NZ;
 3700/0: 164 261                                                       	SHL-40;
 3700/2: 200 267 243                                                   	J8;
 3700/5: 171 124                                                       16;	I5;
 3701/1: 200 147 237                                                   	J4≠Z;
 3701/4: 171 142                                                       	M6;		[b
 3702/0: 170 371                                                       	=RC15;
 3702/2: 244 367 304                                                   17;	J18C15Z;
 3702/5: 102 372                                                       	M10M15Q;	[B[j]
 3703/1: 222 147 302                                                   	J17=Z;
 3703/4: 304 006 270                                                   	SET+1720;	[ B list not empty hux
 3704/1: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;		[FAIL

 3704/4: 304 025 174                                                   18;	SETAH0;
 3705/1: 171 202                                                       	M8;		[k
 3705/3: 056                                                           	+;
 3705/4: 320 013 124                                                   	Z11;
 3706/1: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 3706/3: 170 364                                                       	=I15;
 3706/5: 171 376                                                       	Q15;		[-/AH0+k/-
 3707/1: 321 013 124                                                   	=Z11;
 3707/4: 202 326 157                                                   	JS3P2;		[close channel
 3710/1: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1; 		[exit to next brick - P103

                                                                       	[ 2 blank lines
 3710/4: 304 005 360                                                   19;	SET+1520; [fail
 3711/1: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;
 3711/4: 304 006 124                                                   20;	SET+1620;
 3712/1: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;
                                                                       [Photo 790

                                                                       [Phase 3
=== Start P103V3; at address 1999/3717
V-store at 03713 = 001 200 000 001 000 000                             	V0=Q384/1/0;
V-store at 03714 = 000 000 000 000 000 000                             	V1=0;
V-store at 03715 = 377 377 000 000 000 000                             	V2=Q-1/0/0;
V-store at 03716 = 000 000 377 377 377 377                             	V3=Q0/-1/-1;

                                                                       [Photo 791
                                                                       [ set up call and correspondence matrices
 3717/0: 157 013                                                       	Q0TOQ11;
 3717/2: 157 014                                                       	Q0TOQ12;
 3717/4: 304 000 002                                                   	SET2;
 3720/1: 170 243                                                       	=RM10;
 3720/3: 304 025 174                                                   	SETAH0;
 3721/0: 304 017 240                                                   	SETAY0;
 3721/3: 036                                                           	-;
 3721/4: 170 250                                                       	=C10;			[space counter for SS[i] list
 3722/0: 205 332 060                                                   	JS1P206;		[set up addresses
 3722/3: 310 265 174                                                   1;	H0M11;
 3723/0: 170 342                                                       	=M14;
 3723/2: 171 342                                                       	M14;
 3723/4: 220 147 361                                                   	J32=Z;
 3724/1: 310 345 174                                                   	H0M14;
 3724/4: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 3725/0: 156 373                                                       	CI15TOQ11;	[set L|Encl|ANW|- to SS[i-2]
 3725/2: 152 014                                                       	I0TOQ12;	[ p:=0 in SSi-1
 3725/4: 171 276                                                       	Q11;		[ L level number in SS[i-2]
 3726/0: 200 326 203                                                   	JSP3;		[search level parameters
 3726/3: 202 270 006                                                   	J14;		[fail no set
 3727/0: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 3727/1: 151 334                                                       	M13TOQ12;	[set ALP in SS[i-1] = M13
 3727/3: 171 242                                                       	M10;
 3727/5: 304 000 002                                                   	SET2;
 3730/2: 036                                                           	-;
 3730/3: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3730/4: 205 147 370                                                   	J8≠Z;		[ is i = 2
 3731/1: 052                                                           	ERASE;

                                                                       (	C11;		[start deleted code
                                                                       	J2=Z;		[end delete
 3731/2: 171 276                                                       	Q11;		[ L/encl
 3731/4: 042                                                           	DUP;

                                                                       [Photo 792
 3731/5: 164 021                                                       	SHL+8;		[ N1 encl Level alpha , N2 Level beta
 3732/1: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 3732/2: 200 332 044                                                   	JSP206;		[insert digit in row alpha col beta call matrix
 3732/5: 171 264                                                       2;	I11;		[ANW
 3733/1: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3733/2: 225 147 360                                                   	J6=Z;		[IS ANW = 0
 3733/5: 170 362                                                       	=M15;		[M15 = ANW FROM SS[i-2]
 3734/1: 310 365 174                                                   	H0M15;
 3734/4: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3734/5: 170 356                                                       	=Q14;
 3735/1: 152 353                                                       	I14TOQ11;	[extract ANW from S[M15] to ANW SS[i-2]
 3735/3: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 3735/4: 033                                                           	NOT;
 3735/5: 027                                                           	NEG;
 3736/0: 172 304                                                       	=+I12;		[p++ in SS[i-1]
 3736/2: 304 000 030                                                   	SETB30;		[typo
 3736/5: 054                                                           	AND;
 3737/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3737/1: 223 147 344                                                   	J4=Z;		[ is Sm15 RvIvB
 3737/4: 304 000 020                                                   	SETB20;
 3740/1: 225 027 351                                                   	J5=;		[is Sm15 a procedure
 3740/4: 304 000 030                                                   	SETB30;		[typo
 3741/1: 015                                                           	NEV;
 3741/2: 205 147 332                                                   	J2≠Z;		[is a switch, label or string
 3741/5: 171 356                                                       	Q14;		[Sm15
 3742/1: 304 000 007                                                   	SETB7;
 3742/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 3742/5: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 3743/0: 033                                                           	NOT;
 3743/1: 027                                                           	NEG;
 3743/2: 223 027 344                                                   	J4=;		[is Sm15 a label

 3743/5: 052                                                           3;	ERASE;
 3744/0: 205 267 332                                                   	J2;		[to process body

 3744/3: 052                                                           4;	ERASE;		[Sm15 is an expression
 3744/4: 171 350                                                       	C14;		[RAPSL÷RAFSL

                                                                       [Photo 793
 3745/0: 164 361                                                       	SHL-8;		[RAPSL
 3745/2: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3745/3: 225 147 343                                                   	J3=Z;		[is RAPSL of Sm15 == 0
 3746/0: 172 362                                                       	=+M15;		[≠ 0	 M15 = RAPSL + M15
 3746/2: 171 276                                                       	Q11;
 3746/4: 242 250 005                                                   	J13C10Z;	[fail if SSi list full

 3747/1: 303 257 236                                                   	=Y-2M10Q;
 3747/4: 171 316                                                       	Q12;
 3750/0: 242 250 005                                                   	J13C10Z;	[fail if SSi list full

 3750/3: 303 257 236                                                   	=Y-2M10Q;
 3751/0: 151 373                                                       	M15TOQ11;	[set ASLI in SSi
 3751/2: 203 267 322                                                   	J1;		[ to recur

 3751/5: 052                                                           5;	ERASE;		[Sm15 a procedure
 3752/0: 171 356                                                       	Q14;		[beta := level no in Sm15
 3752/2: 171 276                                                       	Q11;		[alpha := level no. in SSi-2
 3752/4: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 3752/5: 200 332 044                                                   	JSP206;		[insert digit row alpha col. beta
 3753/2: 171 276                                                       	Q11;		[SSi-2
 3753/4: 167 021                                                       	SHC+8;
 3754/0: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;	[is level number in SSi-2 a  formal
 3754/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 3754/4: 304 000 141                                                   	SET97;
 3755/1: 036                                                           	-;
 3755/2: 205 047 332                                                   	J2≥Z;		[L is a formal

 3755/5: 153 315                                                       	IM12TOQ13;	[ alpha := beta
 3756/1: 141 320                                                       	M-I13;
 3756/3: 320 333 053                                                   	Z52M13;		[doc says beta level no. LPm14
                                                                       			[M14 fails integworkall test
                                                                       			[ALP and p  in SSi-1
                                                                       			[beta = level no. LPm14
                                                                       [ERASE; SET 4;SHC-8;	[trial correction - fixed spurious row entry - but failed other tests
 3757/0: 171 356                                                       	Q14;
 3757/2: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 3757/3: 033                                                           	NOT;
 3757/4: 027                                                           	NEG;
 3757/5: 200 332 044                                                   	JSP206;		[insert digit in row alpha col beta
 3760/2: 205 267 332                                                   	J2;		[of correspondence matrix

                                                                       [Photo 794
 3760/5: 052                                                           6;	ERASE;		[M15 is ASLI from SS[i-2]
 3761/0: 310 265 174                                                   32;	H0M11;
 3761/3: 164 341                                                       	SHL-16;
 3761/5: 170 362                                                       	=M15;		[M15 := ANSLI from Sm15
 3762/1: 171 362                                                       	M15;
 3762/3: 225 147 363                                                   	J7=Z;
 3763/0: 151 373                                                       	M15TOQ11;
 3763/2: 203 267 322                                                   	J1;

 3763/5: 171 242                                                       7;	M10;
 3764/1: 304 000 002                                                   	SET+2;
 3764/4: 036                                                           	-;
 3764/5: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3765/0: 170 242                                                       	=M10;		[i := i - 2
 3765/2: 222 150 007                                                   	J15=Z;
 3765/5: 300 257 237                                                   	Y-1M10;
 3766/2: 170 316                                                       	=Q12;
 3766/4: 300 257 236                                                   	Y-2M10;		[fetch SS[i-1] and SS[i-3] to Q-stores
 3767/1: 170 276                                                       	=Q11;
 3767/3: 304 000 002                                                   	SET2;
 3770/0: 172 250                                                       	=+C10;		[add to count
 3770/2: 205 267 332                                                   	J2;

 3770/5: 171 250                                                       8;	C10;		[process statement
 3771/1: 304 000 002                                                   	SET2;
 3771/4: 036                                                           	-;
 3771/5: 202 110 005                                                   	J13≤Z;
 3772/2: 171 276                                                       	Q11;
 3772/4: 301 257 240                                                   	=Y0M10;
 3773/1: 171 316                                                       	Q12;
 3773/3: 301 257 241                                                   	=Y1M10;
 3774/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 3774/1: 170 222                                                       	=M9;		[j := i -2;
 3774/3: 220 150 004                                                   9;	J12=Z;
 3775/0: 300 237 237                                                   	Y-1M9;		[M15 := ALP + p + 2
 3775/3: 170 336                                                       	=Q13;		[ALP and p from SS[j-1]
 3775/5: 141 320                                                       	M-I13;

                                                                       [Photo 795
 3776/1: 320 333 053                                                   	Z52M13;
 3776/4: 304 001 000                                                   	SETB400;
 3777/1: 054                                                           	AND;
 3777/2: 225 150 001                                                   	J10=Z;		[is LPm15 a parameter by name
 3777/5: 171 222                                                       	M9;
 4000/1: 304 000 002                                                   	SET2;
 4000/4: 036                                                           	-;
 4000/5: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4001/0: 170 222                                                       	=M9;		[ j := j -2
 4001/2: 203 267 374                                                   	J9;

 4001/5: 300 237 236                                                   10;	Y-2M9;		[N1 level number in SS[j-2]
 4002/2: 171 276                                                       11;	Q11;		[N2 level number in SS[i-2]
 4002/4: 065                                                           	REV;
 4002/5: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 4003/0: 200 332 044                                                   	JSP206;		[insert digit in row N1 col N2
 4003/3: 205 267 332                                                   	J2;

 4004/0: 300 237 240                                                   12;	Y0M9;		[N1 level enclosing statement in SS[j-2]
 4004/3: 164 021                                                       	SHL+8;
 4004/5: 202 270 002                                                   	J11;

 4005/2: 304 015 134                                                   13;	SET+3420;	[SS list full
 4005/5: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;
 4006/2: 304 014 370                                                   14;	SET+3320;	[no Level Params
 4006/5: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;

 4007/2: 304 000 002                                                   15;	SET+2;		[add 2 to space count
 4007/5: 172 250                                                       	=+C10;
 4010/1: 300 012 040                                                   	V1P206;		[set up modifiers
 4010/4: 042                                                           	DUP;		[address of Corr Matrix and address
 4010/5: 170 062                                                       	=M3;		[of Corr matrix -1
 4011/1: 027                                                           	NEG;
 4011/2: 033                                                           	NOT;
 4011/3: 170 142                                                       	=M6;
 4011/5: 171 062                                                       16;	M3;		[prepare to map matrix
 4012/1: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 4012/2: 033                                                           	NOT;
 4012/3: 027                                                           	NEG;

                                                                       [Photo 796
 4012/4: 200 332 104                                                   	JSP207;		[map matrix
 4013/1: 300 007 313                                                   	V0;
 4013/4: 170 136                                                       	=Q5;
 4014/0: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 4014/1: 170 111                                                       	=RC4;		[search through each word of correspondence matrix for a non-zero word
 4014/3: 017|017|017|102 123                                           *17;	M3M5Q;
 4015/2: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4015/3: 205 150 017                                                   	J19≠Z;
 4016/0: 052                                                           18;	ERASE;
 4016/1: 177 120                                                       	J17C5NZS;
 4016/3: 171 102                                                       	M4;
 4016/5: 205 150 011                                                   	J16≠Z;	[01 pairs found
 4017/2: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;		[exit to next phase

 4017/5: 042                                                           19;	DUP;		[are there any 01 pairs in non-zero word
 4020/0: 042                                                           	DUP;		[the following removes 11,00,10 pairs from word - hux
 4020/1: 167 003                                                       	SHC+1;
 4020/3: 015                                                           	NEV;
 4020/4: 167 377                                                       	SHC-1;
 4021/0: 300 012 100                                                   	V4P207;
 4021/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 4021/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 4021/5: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4022/0: 220 150 016                                                   	J18=Z;
 4022/3: 164 003                                                       	SHL+1;		[yes
 4022/5: 042                                                           	DUP;		[take each 01 pair and process
 4023/0: 100 126                                                       	M6M5;
 4023/2: 011                                                           	OR;
 4023/3: 101 126                                                       	=M6M5;
 4023/5: 304 000 030                                                   	SET24;
 4024/2: 170 110                                                       	=C4;
 4024/4: 017|017|042                                                   *20;	DUP;

                                                                       [Photo 797
 4025/1: 224 050 031                                                   	J22<Z;	[is next pair 01
 4025/4: 143 100                                                       	DC4;		[no
 4026/0: 164 005                                                       	SHL+2;
 4026/2: 177 100                                                       	J20C4NZS;	[finished
 4026/4: 200 270 016                                                   	J18;

 4027/1: 052                                                           21;	ERASE;		[re-entry point
 4027/2: 300 007 314                                                   	V1;		[to finish processing word
 4027/5: 143 100                                                       	DC4;
 4030/1: 164 005                                                       	SHL+2;
 4030/3: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4030/4: 220 150 016                                                   	J18=Z;
 4031/1: 200 270 025                                                   	J20;

 4031/4: 140 100                                                       22;	M+I4;		[this is an 01 pair
 4032/0: 301 007 314                                                   	=V1;		[store word for subsequent processing
 4032/3: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 4032/4: 171 122                                                       	M5;
 4033/0: 162 375                                                       	SHAD-2;
 4033/2: 033                                                           	NOT;
 4033/3: 027                                                           	NEG;
 4033/4: 167 361                                                       	SHC-8;		[calculate row no alpha
 4034/0: 065                                                           	REV;
 4034/1: 167 007                                                       	SHC+3;
 4034/3: 304 000 004|056                                               	SET4; +;	[this is a dubious pencilled alternative
                                                                       	[NOT; NEG;	[to this hux
 4035/1: 161 007                                                       	SHA+3;
 4035/3: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4035/4: 161 003                                                       	SHA+1;		[calculate column number beta
 4036/0: 056                                                           	+;
 4036/1: 171 350                                                       	C14;		[maybe Cs4
 4036/3: 036                                                           	-;
 4036/4: 033                                                           	NOT;
 4036/5: 027                                                           	NEG;
 4037/0: 300 007 316                                                   	V3;
 4037/3: 170 236                                                       	=Q9;
 4037/5: 041                                                           	ZERO;

                                                                       [Photo 798
 4040/0: 170 203                                                       	=RM8;
 4040/2: 300 007 315                                                   	V2;
 4040/5: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4041/0: 303 217 240                                                   	=Y0M8Q;
 4041/3: 303 217 240                                                   	=Y0M8Q;
 4042/0: 164 021                                                       	SHL+8;
 4042/2: 042                                                           23;	DUP;
 4042/3: 200 332 130                                                   	JSP208;		[next statement routine
 4043/0: 204 270 050                                                   	J25;		[last statement
 4043/3: 171 330                                                       	C13;		[is level no. in SSi-2 the column number
 4043/5: 015                                                           	NEV;
 4044/0: 304 000 377|164 021|054                                       	SETB377; SHL+8; AND;		[inserted code correction from doc
 4045/0: 202 150 042                                                   	J23≠Z;	[yes
 4045/3: 171 322                                                       	M13;
 4045/5: 143 240                                                       	DC10;
 4046/1: 244 250 047                                                   	J24C10Z;
 4046/4: 313 225 174                                                   	=H0M9Q;
 4047/1: 202 270 042                                                   	J23;		[LOOK FOR NEXT STATEMENT

 4047/4: 304 016 044                                                   24;	SET+3620;
 4050/1: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;		[failure EXIT SBj list full

 4050/4: 052                                                           25;	ERASE;
 4050/5: 171 222                                                       	M9;		[have any statements of beta been found
 4051/1: 033                                                           	NOT;
 4051/2: 221 150 027                                                   	J21=Z;		[no?
 4051/5: 200 326 203                                                   	JSP3;		[yes, search for level parameters;
 4052/2: 202 270 074                                                   	J31;
 4052/5: 320 333 053                                                   	Z52M13;		[SET NO. OF PARAMETERS FROM LP[m13+2]
 4053/2: 164 315                                                       	SHL-26;
 4053/4: 304 000 077                                                   	SETB77;
 4054/1: 054                                                           	AND;
 4054/2: 304 053 052                                                   	SETAZ53;
 4054/5: 172 322                                                       	=+M13;
 4055/1: 170 311                                                       	=RC12;
 4055/3: 145 300                                                       	I12=-1;
 4055/5: 241 310 027                                                   26;	J21C12Z;	[is p = 0
 4056/2: 052                                                           	ERASE;

                                                                       [Photo 799
 4056/3: 102 315                                                       	M13M12Q;	[is parameter a procedure
 4056/5: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4057/0: 304 000 030                                                   	SETB30;
 4057/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 4057/4: 304 000 020                                                   	SETB20;
 4060/1: 015                                                           	NEV;
 4060/2: 205 150 055                                                   	J26≠Z;	[no
 4060/5: 300 007 316                                                   	V3;		[yes
 4061/2: 170 163                                                       	=RM7;		[set up modified to look at SB[j] list
 4061/4: 171 222                                                       	M9;		[set up count of j
 4062/0: 033                                                           	NOT;
 4062/1: 170 170                                                       	=C7;
 4062/3: 312 165 174                                                   27;	H0M7Q;		[find the ASE from ASLI
 4063/0: 170 342                                                       	=M14;
 4063/2: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4063/3: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 4063/4: 310 345 174                                                   	H0M14;
 4064/1: 170 342                                                       	=M14;
 4064/3: 171 302                                                       28;	M12;		[find the entry in respect of p'th parameter
 4064/5: 224 030 066                                                   	J29=;
 4065/2: 033                                                           	NOT;
 4065/3: 027                                                           	NEG;
 4065/4: 310 345 174                                                   	H0M14;
 4066/1: 203 270 064                                                   	J28;
 4066/4: 052                                                           29;	ERASE;		[is p'th parameter or procedure
 4066/5: 310 345 174                                                   	H0M14;		[ fail if not
 4067/2: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4067/3: 304 000 030                                                   	SETB30;
 4070/0: 054                                                           	AND;
 4070/1: 304 000 020                                                   	SETB20;
 4070/4: 015                                                           	NEV;
 4070/5: 202 150 073                                                   	J30≠Z;	[fail
 4071/2: 041                                                           	ZERO;

                                                                       [Photo 800
 4071/3: 033                                                           	NOT;
 4071/4: 027                                                           	NEG;
 4071/5: 200 332 044                                                   	JSP206;		[insert digit in corr. matrix
 4072/2: 263 170 062                                                   	J27C7NZ;
 4072/5: 205 270 055                                                   	J26;

 4073/2: 304 016 210                                                   30;	SET+3720;	[fail
 4073/5: 200 266 242                                                   	JP7;
 4074/2: 304 016 354                                                   31;	SET+3820;	[fail
 4074/5: 200 266 242                                                   	JP7;

                                                                       [Photo 801 R4

                                                                       [Photo 802
                                                                       [Trace formals by name and non-local formals
=== Start P104V1; at address 2112/4100
V-store at 04076 = 000 000 377 377 377 377                             V0=Q0/-1/-1;
V-store at 04077 = 000 000 000 001 000 000                             V1=Q0/1/0;
 4100/0: 320 013 125                                                   	Z10;		[are there any formals by name
 4100/3: 167 377                                                       	SHC-1;
 4100/5: 204 050 164                                                   	J12≥Z; 	[no
 4101/2: 300 010 076                                                   	V0; 		[we have formals by name hux
 4101/5: 170 236                                                       	=Q9;		[ i := 0
 4102/1: 300 010 077                                                   	V1;
 4102/4: 170 216                                                       	=Q8;		[ j := 0
 4103/0: 304 025 174                                                   	SETAH0;
 4103/3: 304 017 245                                                   	SETAY5;
 4104/0: 036                                                           	-;		[ space for lists
 4104/1: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4104/2: 204 110 162                                                   	J10≤Z; 	[ no space for lists
 4104/5: 170 251                                                       	=RC10;
 4105/1: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 4105/2: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4105/3: 313 225 174                                                   	=H0M9Q;
 4106/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4106/1: 033                                                           	NOT;
 4106/2: 027                                                           	NEG;
 4106/3: 313 225 174                                                   	=H0M9Q;
 4107/0: 042|313 225 174                                               	DUP; =H0M9Q;
 4107/4: 300 012 176                                                   	V2P209;
 4110/1: 303 217 240                                                   	=Y0M8Q;
 4110/4: 303 217 240                                                   	=Y0M8Q;
 4111/1: 200 332 130                                                   1;	JSP208;		[next statement
 4111/4: 204 270 164                                                   	J12;		[last statement

 4112/1: 171 336                                                       	Q13;
 4112/3: 157 336                                                       	Q13TOQ14;	[preserved SSi-2
 4112/5: 200 326 203                                                   	JSP3;		[search LP
 4113/2: 204 270 163                                                   	J11;		[no set fail 4/2
 4113/5: 300 217 237                                                   	Y-1M8;

                                                                       [Photo 803
 4114/2: 170 316                                                       	=Q12;		[insert ALP in SSi-1
 4114/4: 151 334                                                       	M13TOQ12;	[M11 := ANW from SSi-2
 4115/0: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 4115/1: 171 344                                                       	I14;
 4115/3: 201 270 136                                                   	J24;

 4116/0: 033                                                           2;	NOT;		[p++ in SSi-1
 4116/1: 027                                                           	NEG;
 4116/2: 170 304                                                       	=I12;
 4116/4: 310 265 174                                                   	H0M11;
 4117/1: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4117/2: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 4117/4: 304 000 030                                                   	SETB30;
 4120/1: 054                                                           	AND;
 4120/2: 220 150 123                                                   	J3=Z;		[is Sm11 an expression RvIvB or Label

 4120/5: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 4121/1: 304 000 037                                                   	SETB37;
 4121/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 4121/5: 304 000 031                                                   	SETB31;
 4122/2: 015                                                           	NEV;
 4122/3: 205 150 134                                                   	J5≠Z;

 4123/0: 171 376                                                       3;	Q15;		[yes
 4123/2: 304 001 000                                                   	SETB400;	[by value ?
 4123/5: 054                                                           	AND;
 4124/0: 220 150 141                                                   	J8=Z;		[is by name
 4124/3: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 4124/4: 157 207                                                       	Q8TOQ7;		[k:=i
 4125/0: 310 225 176                                                   	H2M9;		[ I from CSi-1
 4125/3: 170 336                                                       	=Q13;
 4125/5: 171 330                                                       	C13;
 4126/1: 171 162                                                       	M7;
 4126/3: 203 270 130                                                   	J23;

 4127/0: 171 162                                                       4;	M7;
 4127/2: 027                                                           	NEG;
 4127/3: 033                                                           	NOT;
 4127/4: 027                                                           	NEG;
 4127/5: 033                                                           	NOT;		[k := k-2
 4130/0: 042                                                           	DUP;

                                                                       [Photo 804
 4130/1: 170 162                                                       	=M7;
 4130/3: 220 030 140                                                   23;	J7=;		[is i == k
 4131/0: 300 177 237                                                   	Y-1M7; 		[corr. of  Y-2M7 hux
 4131/3: 170 336                                                       	=Q13;		[M13 := ALP +p from SSk-2
 4131/5: 141 320                                                       	M-I13;
 4132/1: 320 333 053                                                   	Z52M13;
 4132/4: 304 001 000                                                   	SETB400;
 4133/1: 054                                                           	AND;
 4133/2: 220 150 127                                                   	J4=Z;		[is LPm13+2 by value - no
 4133/5: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 4134/0: 171 336                                                       	Q13;
 4134/2: 200 270 141                                                   	J8;

 4134/5: 052                                                           5;	ERASE;
 4135/0: 300 217 236                                                   6;	Y-2M8; 		[I think Q14 contains Y-2M8
                                                                       	[Q14; 		[not clear if this should be  removed hux
 4135/3: 171 304                                                       	I12;
 4135/5: 171 364                                                       	I15;
 4136/1: 042                                                           24;	DUP;
 4136/2: 170 262                                                       	=M11; 		[M11 := ANW from Sm11
 4136/4: 200 150 116                                                   	J2≠Z;		[is M13 ==0

 4137/1: 052                                                           	ERASE;		[yes
 4137/2: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 4137/3: 201 270 111                                                   	J1;

 4140/0: 052                                                           7;	ERASE;		[I does = K
 4140/1: 300 177 240                                                   	Y0M7;		[SSk-2 k := I + 2
 4140/4: 164 021                                                       	SHL+8;		[enclosing Level no.
 4141/0: 167 021                                                       8;	SHC+8;
 4141/2: 170 142                                                       	=M6;
 4141/4: 171 370                                                       	C15;
 4142/0: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 4142/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 4142/4: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4142/5: 225 150 134                                                   	J5=Z;		 [is RAFSL in Sm13 == 0
 4143/2: 171 262                                                       	M11;		[no
 4143/4: 056                                                           	+;
 4143/5: 170 342                                                       	=M14;		[m14 = M11 + RAFSL
 4144/1: 310 225 175                                                   9;	H1M9;		[CSj-1
 4144/4: 170 336                                                       	=Q13;

                                                                       [Photo 805
 4145/0: 151 355                                                       	M14TOQ13;	[M12 in CSj-1 := M14
 4145/2: 171 330                                                       	C13;
 4145/4: 033                                                           	NOT;
 4145/5: 027                                                           	NEG;
 4146/0: 170 330                                                       	=C13;
 4146/2: 171 336                                                       	Q13;
 4146/4: 311 225 175                                                   	=H1M9;
 4147/1: 310 225 176                                                   	H2M9;		[alpha in CSj-2 = formal name in Sm14
 4147/4: 170 336                                                       	=Q13;		[beta in CSj-2 = B
 4150/0: 310 345 174                                                   	H0M14;
 4150/3: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4150/4: 167 041                                                       	SHC+16;
 4151/0: 170 324                                                       	=I13;
 4151/2: 151 155                                                       	M6TOQ13;
 4151/4: 171 336                                                       	Q13;
 4152/0: 311 225 176                                                   	=H2M9;
 4152/3: 171 304                                                       	I12;
 4152/5: 170 330                                                       	=C13;
                                                                       [this code is 'enclosed in a pencil loop' in the manuscript may be an alternate to IM0TOQ13
                                                                       [no test have yet been down this path
 4153/1: 164 041                                                       	SHL+16;		[insert level of Sm14 into Lalpha and :'alpha
 4153/3: 164 261                                                       	SHL-40;		[in CSj-3
 4153/5: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4154/0: 170 324                                                       	=I13;
 4154/2: 170 322                                                       	=M13;
                                                                       [	IM0TOQ1?;		[end loop - at this point there is an IM0TOQ1? but does not make sense

                                                                       [	MRWDQ15;	[debug stopper hux

 4154/4: 171 336                                                       	Q13;		[CS[j-3]
 4155/0: 311 225 177                                                   	=H3M9;
 4155/3: 200 332 200                                                   	JSP209;		[CS routine entry 1
 4156/0: 310 225 175                                                   	H1M9;
 4156/3: 170 342                                                       	=M14;
 4156/5: 304 000 003                                                   	SET3;
 4157/2: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4157/3: 172 222                                                       	=+M9;
 4157/5: 172 250                                                       	=+C10;
 4160/1: 310 345 174                                                   	H0M14;
 4160/4: 164 341                                                       	SHL-16;
 4161/0: 170 342                                                       	=M14;
 4161/2: 171 342                                                       	M14;		[M14 := ANW from Sm14

                                                                       [Photo 806
 4161/4: 220 150 135                                                   	J6=Z;		[is ANW in Sm14 = 0
 4162/1: 201 270 144                                                   	J9;

 4162/4: 304 017 120                                                   10;	SET3920; 	[failure
 4163/1: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;
 4163/4: 304 017 264                                                   11;	SET4020; 	[ no LP
 4164/1: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;

 4164/4: 320 013 125                                                   12;	Z10; 		[are there any non-local formals by name
 4165/1: 167 375                                                       	SHC-2;
 4165/3: 203 050 236                                                   	J21≥Z; 	[Yes
 4166/0: 300 010 076                                                   	V0;
 4166/3: 170 236                                                       	=Q9;		[ j:= 0
 4166/5: 300 010 077                                                   	V1;
 4167/2: 170 216                                                       	=Q8;		[i := 0
 4167/4: 304 025 174                                                   	SETAH0;
 4170/1: 304 017 243                                                   	SETAY3; 	[calculate space available for CSj and SSi lists
 4170/4: 036                                                           	-;
 4170/5: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4171/0: 204 110 162                                                   	J10≤Z; 	[?no
 4171/3: 170 251                                                       	=RC10;
 4171/5: 041                                                           	ZERO;		[ initialise CS lists
 4172/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4172/1: 313 225 174                                                   	=H0M9Q;
 4172/4: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4172/5: 033                                                           	NOT;
 4173/0: 027                                                           	NEG;
 4173/1: 313 225 174                                                   	=H0M9Q;
 4173/4: 313 225 174                                                   	=H0M9Q;
 4174/1: 203 326 143                                                   	JS2P2;		[initialise fetch next word backward
 4174/4: 205 270 175                                                   	J15;

 4175/1: 052                                                           13;	ERASE;
 4175/2: 200 326 126                                                   14;	JSP2;		[fetch next word
 4175/5: 042                                                           15;	DUP;
 4176/0: 304 000 200                                                   	SETB200;	[is it a variable or operator
 4176/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 4176/4: 224 150 215                                                   	J18=Z;

                                                                       [Photo 807
 4177/1: 042                                                           	DUP;		[ operator or delimiter
 4177/2: 304 000 017                                                   	SETB17; 	[ is it a program delimiter
 4177/5: 054                                                           	AND;
 4200/0: 304 000 014                                                   	SETB14;
 4200/3: 015                                                           	NEV;
 4200/4: 201 150 175                                                   	J13≠Z; 	[yes
 4201/1: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4201/2: 304 001 160                                                   	SETB560;
 4201/5: 054                                                           	AND;		[is it begin or end program
 4202/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4202/1: 304 001 000                                                   	SETB400;
 4202/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 4202/5: 201 150 235                                                   	J20≠Z;
 4203/2: 304 000 100                                                   	SETB100;	[is it proc begin
 4203/5: 223 030 212                                                   	J16=;
 4204/2: 304 000 120                                                   	SETB120;	[is it proc end
 4204/5: 015                                                           	NEV;
 4205/0: 201 150 175                                                   	J13≠Z;
 4205/3: 157 017                                                       	Q0TOQ15;	[procedure end
 4205/5: 164 261                                                       	SHL-40;
 4206/1: 170 362                                                       	=M15;
 4206/3: 304 377 375                                                   	SET-3;
 4207/0: 172 250                                                       	=+C10;		[check space storage
 4207/2: 244 250 214                                                   	J17C10Z; 	[fail 4/3
 4207/5: 041                                                           	ZERO;		[insert Level No. from procedure
 4210/0: 042                                                           	DUP;		[and the beta of CSj-1
 4210/1: 313 225 174                                                   	=H0M9Q;		[j:= j +3
 4210/4: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 4211/0: 313 225 174                                                   	=H0M9Q;
 4211/3: 313 225 174                                                   	=H0M9Q;
 4212/0: 202 270 175                                                   	J14;

 4212/3: 052                                                           16;	ERASE;
 4212/4: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 4212/5: 304 000 003                                                   	SET+3;		[procedure begin
 4213/2: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4213/3: 172 250                                                       	=+C10;
 4213/5: 172 222                                                       	=+M9;		[ script says j:= j-3;

                                                                       [Photo 808
 4214/1: 202 270 175                                                   	J14;

 4214/4: 304 020 030                                                   17;	SET4120;	[fail 4/3
 4215/1: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;		[CSj list and SSi list full

 4215/4: 042                                                           18;	DUP;		[Is the variable formal used by name?
 4215/5: 304 001 340                                                   	SETB740;
 4216/2: 054                                                           	AND;
 4216/3: 304 000 040                                                   	SETB40;
 4217/0: 015                                                           	NEV;
 4217/1: 201 150 175                                                   	J13≠Z;
 4217/4: 042                                                           	DUP;		[is it RvIvB
 4217/5: 304 000 030                                                   	SETB30;
 4220/2: 054                                                           	AND;
 4220/3: 220 150 223                                                   	J19=Z;		[no
 4221/0: 042                                                           	DUP;		[is it a label
 4221/1: 304 000 037                                                   	SETB37;
 4221/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 4221/5: 304 000 031                                                   	SETB31;
 4222/2: 015                                                           	NEV;
 4222/3: 201 150 175                                                   	J13≠Z;	[yes
 4223/0: 170 376                                                       19;	=Q15;		[an expression which is a formal and by name
 4223/2: 171 364                                                       	I15;		[is it local
 4223/4: 164 361                                                       	SHL-8;
 4224/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4224/1: 221 150 175                                                   	J13=Z;
 4224/4: 310 225 176                                                   	H2M9;		[insert formal name into alpha posn. of CS[j-1]
 4225/1: 170 356                                                       	=Q14;
 4225/3: 171 370                                                       	C15;
 4225/5: 170 344                                                       	=I14;
 4226/1: 171 356                                                       	Q14;
 4226/3: 311 225 176                                                   	=H2M9;
 4227/0: 310 225 175                                                   	H1M9;		[set M in CS[j-1]
 4227/3: 170 356                                                       	=Q14;
 4227/5: 171 350                                                       	C14;
 4230/1: 033                                                           	NOT;
 4230/2: 027                                                           	NEG;

                                                                       [Photo 809
 4230/3: 170 350                                                       	=C14;
 4230/5: 171 356                                                       	Q14;
 4231/1: 311 225 175                                                   	=H1M9;
 4231/4: 310 225 177                                                   	H3M9;		[Lalpha and L'alpha in CSj-3
 4232/1: 170 356                                                       	=Q14;		[- level of formal parameter
 4232/3: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4232/4: 170 342                                                       	=M14;
 4233/0: 170 344                                                       	=I14;
 4233/2: 171 356                                                       	Q14;
 4233/4: 311 225 177                                                   	=H3M9;
 4234/1: 200 332 200                                                   	JSP209;
 4234/4: 202 270 175                                                   	J14;

 4235/1: 052                                                           20;	ERASE;
 4235/2: 304 000 020                                                   	SETB20;
 4235/5: 054                                                           	AND;
 4236/0: 202 150 175                                                   	J14≠Z;

 4236/3: 200 360 000                                                   21;	EXIT1;		[exit next brick

                                                                       [Photo 810
=== Start P105V5; at address 2213/4245
                                                                       P105V5;	[Map Call Matrix and reduce

                                                                       [Photo 811
V-store at 04237 = 000 004 000 001 000 000                             V0=Q4/1/0;
V-store at 04240 = 000 300 000 004 000 002                             V1=Q192/4/2;
V-store at 04241 = 000 300 000 004 000 003                             V2=Q192/4/3;
V-store at 04242 = 000 030 000 004 000 300                             V3=Q24/4/192;
V-store at 04243 = 000 004 000 001 000 000                             V4=Q4/1/0;
                                                                       [jsp305;  [hux
 4245/0: 300 010 237                                                   	V0;	[insert address Call matrix in V0
 4245/3: 170 236                                                       	=Q9;
 4245/5: 320 013 124                                                   	Z11;
 4246/2: 170 076                                                       	=Q3;
 4246/4: 151 071                                                       	M3TOQ9;
 4247/0: 171 236                                                       	Q9;
 4247/2: 301 010 237                                                   	=V0;
 4247/5: 320 013 123                                                   	Z12;	[insert address Corr. Matrix in V4
 4250/2: 170 056                                                       	=Q2;
 4250/4: 151 051                                                       	M2TOQ9;
 4251/0: 171 236                                                       	Q9;
 4251/2: 301 010 243                                                   	=V4;
 4251/5: 171 222                                                       	M9;	[calculate the address of Call matrix rel. Z50
 4252/1: 304 002 100                                                   	SET576;	[and leave in M part of Z12
 4252/4: 056                                                           	+;
 4252/5: 170 222                                                       	=M9;
 4253/1: 171 222                                                       	M9;
 4253/3: 304 053 055                                                   	SETAZ50;
 4254/0: 036                                                           	-;
 4254/1: 170 042                                                       	=M2;
 4254/3: 171 056                                                       	Q2;
 4254/5: 321 013 123                                                   	=Z12;
 4255/2: 171 042                                                       	M2;	[calc. address next free space in Z's in M part of Z11
 4255/4: 027                                                           	NEG;
 4255/5: 033                                                           	NOT;
 4256/0: 170 062                                                       	=M3;
 4256/2: 171 076                                                       	Q3;
 4256/4: 321 013 124                                                   	=Z11;
 4257/1: 041                                                           	ZERO;	[set mask of 1
 4257/2: 033                                                           	NOT;
 4257/3: 027                                                           	NEG;

                                                                       [Photo 812
 4257/4: 167 377                                                       	SHC-1;
 4260/0: 304 000 002                                                   	SET2;		[ script correction to SET4
 4260/3: 170 211                                                       	=RC8;
 4260/5: 300 010 240                                                   	V1;
 4261/2: 170 056                                                       	=Q2;
 4261/4: 151 002                                                       	M0TOQ2;
 4262/0: 300 010 243                                                   1;	V4;
 4262/3: 170 116                                                       	=Q4;
 4262/5: 300 010 242                                                   	V3;
 4263/2: 170 136                                                       	=Q5;
 4263/4: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 4263/5: 170 171                                                       	=RC7;
 4264/1: 304 000 002                                                   2;	SET2;
 4264/4: 170 170                                                       	=C7;
 4265/0: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 4265/1: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4265/2: 033                                                           	NOT;
 4265/3: 027                                                           	NEG;
 4265/4: 167 377                                                       	SHC-1;
 4266/0: 102 102                                                       3;	M2M4Q;
 4266/2: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4266/3: 201 150 311                                                   	J10≠Z;
 4267/0: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 4267/1: 304 000 030                                                   	SET24; 		[originally coded as 96 hux
 4267/4: 172 122                                                       	=+M5;
 4270/0: 143 160                                                       4;	DC7;
 4270/2: 260 170 266                                                   	J3C7NZ;
 4270/5: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 4271/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4271/1: 224 150 276                                                   	J7=Z;
 4271/4: 302 170 240                                                   	V1M7Q;
 4272/1: 170 076                                                       	=Q3;
 4272/3: 157 066                                                       	Q3TOQ6;
 4272/5: 151 206                                                       	M8TOQ6;
 4273/1: 300 010 237                                                   	V0;

                                                                       [Photo 813
 4273/4: 170 036                                                       	=Q1;
 4274/0: 042                                                           5;	DUP;
 4274/1: 102 061                                                       	M1M3Q;
 4274/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 4274/4: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4274/5: 222 150 275                                                   	J6=Z;

                                                                       	[corrections - removed since this code entered spurious data in the call matrix
                                                                       	[		purpose is totally unclear - hux
                                                                       	[=M1M6;   	[unclear if M1M6Q or not!  but if so manorboy fails at runtime

 4275/2: 052                                                           6;	ERASE; 		[unclear, whether before or after label - after seems the sensible hux
 4275/3: 143 140                                                       	DC6;
 4275/5: 140 140                                                       	M+I6;		[here M6 is incremented so the above is probably without the Q
 4276/1: 260 150 274                                                   	J5C6NZ;

 4276/4: 052                                                           7;	ERASE;
 4276/5: 261 110 264                                                   	J2C4NZ;
 4277/2: 143 040                                                       	DC2;
 4277/4: 140 040                                                       	M+I2;
 4300/0: 167 377                                                       	SHC-1;
 4300/2: 140 200                                                       	M+I8;
 4300/4: 143 200                                                       	DC8;
 4301/0: 262 210 302                                                   	J8C8NZ;
 4301/3: 304 000 002                                                   	SET2;		[script corr. from SET4 hux
 4302/0: 172 210                                                       	=+C8;
 4302/2: 260 050 262                                                   8;	J1C2NZ;
 4302/5: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 4303/0: 300 010 237                                                   	V0;
 4303/3: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 4303/4: 200 332 104                                                   	JSP207;
 4304/1: 300 010 237                                                   	V0;
 4304/4: 170 056                                                       	=Q2;
 4305/0: 304 000 003                                                   	SET3;
 4305/3: 170 025                                                       	=RI1;
 4305/5: 304 000 300                                                   	SET192;
 4306/2: 170 111                                                       	=RC4;
                                                                       [jsp305; [hux
                                                                       [Photo 814
 4306/4: 017|017|102 041                                               *9;	M1M2Q;		[ copy out the actual quadrant of the call matrix
 4307/2: 103 111                                                       	=M9M4Q;
 4307/4: 102 022                                                       	M2M1Q;
 4310/0: 103 111                                                       	=M9M4Q;
 4310/2: 177 100                                                       	J9C4NZS;
 4310/4: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;
                                                                       	[exit to next brick

 4311/1: 164 003                                                       10;	SHL+1;
 4311/3: 042                                                           11;	DUP;
 4311/4: 225 050 315                                                   	J13<Z;
 4312/1: 164 005                                                       	SHL+2;
 4312/3: 065                                                           	REV;
 4312/4: 167 377                                                       	SHC-1;
 4313/0: 065                                                           	REV;
 4313/1: 140 120                                                       12;	M+I5;
 4313/3: 143 120                                                       	DC5;
 4313/5: 263 130 311                                                   	J11C5NZ;
 4314/2: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 4314/3: 304 000 030                                                   	SET24;
 4315/0: 170 130                                                       	=C5;
 4315/2: 200 270 270                                                   	J4;
 4315/5: 164 005                                                       13;	SHL+2;
 4316/1: 012                                                           	PERM;
 4316/2: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4316/3: 012                                                           	PERM;
 4316/4: 011                                                           	OR;
 4316/5: 065                                                           	REV;
 4317/0: 167 377                                                       	SHC-1;
 4317/2: 066                                                           	CAB;
 4317/3: 300 010 237                                                   	V0;
 4320/0: 170 036                                                       	=Q1;
 4320/2: 017|017|017|017|100 025                                       *14;	M5M1;
 4321/2: 100 022                                                       	M2M1;
 4321/4: 011                                                           	OR;

                                                                       [Photo 815
 4321/5: 103 022                                                       	=M2M1Q;
 4322/1: 177 020                                                       	J14C1NZS;
 4322/3: 201 270 313                                                   	J12;

=== Start P106V2; at address 2262/4326
                                                                       P106V2;	 [routine added by hux, to remedy ommision in B20
                                                                       	[Scan Call matrix and set R marker in Level Parameters
                                                                       	[Address Call Matrix is in M-part Z12 relative to Z50
                                                                       	[V0 set 0 to process level 1 - 48, 1 to process 49 - 96
                                                                       	[V1 is the level number
                                                                       	[note we do not need to deal formals, since formal procs do not have declarations, only calls
V-store at 04323 = 000 000 000 000 000 000
V-store at 04324 = 000 000 000 000 000 001                             	V0 = 0; V1 = 1;		[incr before the read of the row, row 0 is level 1
 4326/0: 320 013 123|170 216|304 000 002|170 204|304 000 060|170 210   	Z12; =Q8; set2; = I8; SET48; = C8; [ correction Z11 from Z12
 4330/3: 322 213 055|304 000 001|167 377                               1;	Z50M8Q; SET1;SHC-1; 		[N1 = leading diag bit mask N2 call matrix word

 4331/5: 065|042|220 150 334                                           2;	REV; DUP; J10=Z;		[skip row if empty
 4332/4: 043|054                                                       	DUPD; AND; 			[ (erase; j4; ) forces set R tag
 4333/0: 205 150 343                                                   	 J4≠Z;  			[ get leading diagonal bit and if set insert R into LP
 4333/3: 204 270 334                                                   	j6;
 4334/0: 052|205 270 334                                               10;	ERASE;	J11;			[empty row
 4334/4: 052                                                           6;	erase;
 4334/5: 164 377|300 010 324|033|027|301 010 324                       11;	SHL-1; V1; NOT; NEG; =V1;	[ shift bit, and incr. level number
 4336/3: 322 213 055|065|265 210 331                                   	Z50M8Q; REV;	J2C8NZ; 	[get next call matrix word
 4337/4: 052|052                                                       	ERASE;ERASE;
 4340/0: 300 010 323|205 150 354                                       	V0; J5≠Z;			[end of scan

 4341/0: 304 000 001|042|301 010 323                                   	SET1; DUP; =V0;			[set V0 for second part
 4342/1: 172 202|304 000 060|170 210                                   	=+M8; SET 48; =C8;
 4343/2: 203 270 330                                                   	J1;				[do second part

 4343/5: 300 010 324|167 361                                           4;	V1; SHC-8; 			[put level no. into ms syllable of N1
 4344/4: 200 326 203                                                   	JSP3; 				[get level Parameters
 4345/1: 202 270 352                                                   	J7;				[fail no level parameters
                                                                       					[ALP is in M13 rel. Z50.  N1 holds level number

 4345/4: 052|320 333 055|042|304 000 040|054|203 150 351               	ERASE; Z50M13; DUP; SETB40; AND; J9≠Z;	[jump if C - code -  mark set
                                                                       	( HUX SHL-1; SHL+1; ) 			[remove * tag - which appears to take precedence in B60
 4347/4: 304 000 100|011|321 333 055|052|205 270 334                   8;	SETB100; OR; =Z50M13; erase; j11;		[insert R marker and continue

 4351/3: 052|052|205 270 334                                           9;	erase; erase; j11;

                                                                       7;	[jsp305; (erase; erase; J6;)	[skip failure pending correction to code inserting incorrect entries in Call matrix
 4352/2: 304 046 300                                                   	SET9920;			[fail
 4352/5: 304 000 200|170 376|170 364|171 376|200 260 106               	SETB200; =Q15; =I15; Q15; JE70;	[no level parameters

                                                                       5;	[end of scan
 4354/5: 200 330 356                                                   	JSP886;
 4355/2: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;

=== Start P886V-1; at address 2286/4356
                                                                       P886;    [ This routine written by hux, to remedy ommission in B20
                                                                       	  [scan Call Matrix, and if it shows that a proc does a proc call - then clear its Special Flag (*)
                                                                       	[could be merged with P106 - hux
 4356/0: 304 000 140|170 031                                           	  SET96; =RC1;
 4356/5: 320 013 123|304 053 055|056|170 142                                 Z12; SETAZ50; +; =M6;
 4360/2: 304 000 140|170 051|146 040                                   1;      SET96; =RC2; I2=+2;
 4361/3: 041|301 017 240                                                     ZERO; =Y0;
 4362/1: 140 020|110 046|102 046|056|042|223 150 371                   2;      M+I1; M6M2N; M6M2Q; +; dup; J6=Z; [jump if makes no calls hux

 4364/0: 052|171 022|164 121|200 326 203|203 270 371                          ERASE; M1; SHL+40; JSP3; J6; (FAIL); [j6; skip this failure. J4; to fail - no Level P -
                                                                       		[ the Call Matrix may contain invalid data - needs further work - hux

 4365/5: 320 333 055|042|304 000 040|054|222 150 370                          Z50M13; DUP; SETB40; AND;  J 7=Z;
 4367/4: 052|203 270 371                                               	erase;   j6;	[ not if a code procedure
 4370/2: 164 377|164 003|321 333 055                                   7;	SHL-1; SHL+1; =Z50M13;

 4371/3: 052|143 020                                                   6;	erase; DC1;
 4372/0: 261 030 362                                                         J2C1NZ;
 4372/3: 041                                                                 ZERO;
 4372/4: 001|052|200 360 000                                           5;      VR; ERASE; EXIT1;
 4373/3: 304 020 054|200 266 242                                       4;      SET4140;  JP7;

                                                                       [Photo 816

                                                                       [Photo 817
=== Start P200V1; at address 2303/4377
                                                                       P200V1;	[Search level parameters for a level which has
                                                                       	[  level L as a formal parameter
V-store at 04375 = 000 000 377 377 053 052                             	V0=Q0/-1/AZ53;
V-store at 04376 = 000 000 007 324 000 200                             	V1=B765000200; [ replace invalid error code 35321;
                                                                       	[	JSP305; hux
 4377/0: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 4377/1: 170 323                                                       	=RM13;
 4377/3: 320 333 055                                                   1;	Z50M13;	[extract AND from LPm13 to M13
 4400/0: 164 341                                                       	SHL-16;
 4400/2: 170 322                                                       	=M13;
 4400/4: 171 322                                                       	M13;
 4401/0: 223 151 013                                                   	J5=Z;	[fail no set exists
 4401/3: 300 010 375                                                   	V0;
 4402/0: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 4402/2: 042                                                           2;	DUP;
 4402/3: 102 375                                                       3;	M13M15Q;
 4402/5: 042                                                           	DUP;	[is LPm13+beta+3 a procedure
 4403/0: 304 000 230                                                   	SETB230;
 4403/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 4403/4: 304 000 020                                                   	SETB20;
 4404/1: 036                                                           	-;
 4404/2: 222 151 007                                                   	J4=Z;
 4404/5: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;	[no
 4405/2: 054                                                           	AND;
 4405/3: 304 000 233                                                   	SETB233;
 4406/0: 036                                                           	-;
 4406/1: 203 151 002                                                   	J3≠Z;		[is it a close bracket p
 4406/4: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 4406/5: 203 270 377                                                   	J1;
 4407/2: 015                                                           4;	NEV;		[is it a proc level L
 4407/3: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 4410/0: 167 361                                                       	SHC-8;
 4410/2: 054                                                           	AND;
 4410/3: 202 151 002                                                   	J2≠Z;
 4411/0: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 4411/1: 304 053 053                                                   	SETAZ52;
 4411/4: 171 362                                                       	M15;
 4412/0: 036|027|033                                                   	-;	NEG; NOT; [this may be a kludge - but seems OK - hux
                                                                       	[beta - used in p202 - is the number of the required param hux
                                                                       [Photo 818
 4412/3: 320 333 053                                                   	Z52M13;
 4413/0: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;
 4413/3: 300 010 376                                                   5;	V1;
 4414/0: 200 260 106                                                   	JE70;	[fail

                                                                       [Photo 819 P200 Block Diagram
                                                                       [Photo 820 P200 Block Digram
                                                                       [Photo 821 RP200 Block Digram

                                                                       [Photo 822
=== Start P201V7; at address 2325/4425
                                                                       P201V7;	[Process Procedure Statement - used in P101 only - so subject to the M7:M9 interchange
V-store at 04415 = 000 000 000 000 000 000
V-store at 04424 = 000 000 000 000 000 000                             	V0=0; V7=0;
 4425/0: 202 326 233                                                   	JS2P4;
 4425/3: 203 271 026                                                   	J52;
 4426/0: 200 326 227                                                   51;	JSP4;
 4426/3: 304 011 015                                                   52;	SETAV0;
 4427/0: 170 122                                                       	=M5;
 4427/2: 300 177 241                                                   	Y1M7; 	[ hux Y-1M9;	[M15 := ASLI from EPj-1 hux -1 !!!
 4427/5: 170 276                                                       	=Q11;
 4430/1: 171 264                                                       	I11;
 4430/3: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4430/4: 170 362                                                       	=M15;
 4431/0: 033                                                           	NOT;
 4431/1: 027                                                           	NEG;
 4431/2: 224 151 034                                                   	J1=Z; 	[ASLI is -1 i.e null?
 4431/5: 310 365 174                                                   	H0M15;	[insert k as ANSLI in Sm15
 4432/2: 170 316                                                       	=Q12;
 4432/4: 171 202                                                       	M8;
 4433/0: 170 304                                                       	=I12;
 4433/2: 171 316                                                       	Q12;
 4433/4: 311 365 174                                                   	=H0M15;
 4434/1: 203 271 041                                                   	J2;

 4434/4: 171 162                                                       1;	M7;	[ j is M7 not M9 hux
 4435/0: 027                                                           	NEG;	[is j > 1
 4435/1: 033                                                           	NOT;
 4435/2: 203 111 041                                                   	J2≤Z;
 4435/5: 171 270                                                       	C11;
 4436/1: 170 302                                                       	=M12;
 4436/3: 310 305 174                                                   	H0M12;	[set RAPSL in Sm15 = k - m15
 4437/0: 171 202                                                       	M8;
 4437/2: 171 302                                                       	M12;
 4437/4: 036                                                           	-;
 4437/5: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 4440/2: 054                                                           	AND;
 4440/3: 167 361                                                       	SHC-8;
 4440/5: 011                                                           	OR;
 4441/0: 311 305 174                                                   	=H0M12;
 4441/3: 171 362                                                       2;	M15;
 4441/5: 170 351                                                       	=RC14;

                                                                       [Photo 823
 4442/1: 151 216                                                       	M8TOQ14;	[generate new SL in Q14
 4442/3: 140 340                                                       	M+I14;		[APSLI   ANSLI    ASE
 4442/5: 041                                                           	ZERO;		[ M15  |  -     | k+1
 4443/0: 170 344                                                       	=I14;
 4443/2: 171 202                                                       	M8;		[set ASLI in EPj-1 = k
 4443/4: 170 264                                                       	=I11;
 4444/0: 171 276                                                       	Q11;
 4444/2: 301 177 241                                                   	=Y1M7;		[was Y-1M9 - but EP is indexed by M7 hux -1 !!!
 4444/5: 171 356                                                       	Q14;		[Sk = Q14 k++
 4445/1: 200 332 033                                                   	JSP205;
 4445/4: 313 205 174                                                   	=H0M8Q;
 4446/1: 170 316                                                       	=Q12;

                                                                       (	C12;		[code crossed out?
                                                                       	=C12; )

 4446/3: 171 304                                                       	I12;		[ store proc word in Sk k++
 4446/5: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 4447/0: 170 304                                                       	=I12;		[was omitted
 4447/2: 164 355                                                       	SHL-10;		[processed before being stored
 4447/4: 304 000 077                                                   	SETB77;
 4450/1: 054                                                           	AND;
 4450/2: 164 021                                                       	SHL+8;  	[manuscript correction from +10?
 4450/4: 171 302                                                       	M12;
 4451/0: 304 003 377                                                   	SETB1777;
 4451/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 4451/4: 011                                                           	OR;
 4451/5: 170 302                                                       	=M12;
 4452/1: 171 202                                                       	M8;
 4452/3: 171 316                                                       	Q12;
 4452/5: 200 332 033                                                   	JSP205;
 4453/2: 313 205 174                                                   	=H0M8Q;
 4453/5: 170 345                                                       	=RI14;		[generate SP entry in Q14 L/0|k-1| -
 4454/1: 171 316                                                       	Q12;
 4454/3: 171 310                                                       	C12;
 4454/5: 164 361                                                       	SHL-8;
 4455/1: 164 021                                                       	SHL+8;
 4455/3: 170 350                                                       	=C14;

                                                                       [Photo 824
 4455/5: 200 326 203                                                   	JSP3;
 4456/2: 202 271 057                                                   	J50;
 4456/5: 205 271 077                                                   	J9;		[a set exists
 4457/2: 157 344                                                       50;	Q14TOQ4;	[no set exists buffer Q14 into Z
 4457/4: 200 330 377                                                   3;	JSP200;
 4460/1: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 4460/2: 065                                                           	REV;
 4460/3: 200 331 300                                                   	JSP202;
 4461/0: 204 271 064                                                   	J5;
 4461/3: 200 326 203                                                   	JSP3;
 4462/0: 204 271 057                                                   	J3;
 4462/3: 200 271 063                                                   	J4;
 4463/0: 151 337                                                       4;	M13TOQ15;
 4463/2: 157 116                                                       	Q4TOQ14;
 4463/4: 200 331 342                                                   	JSP203;		[copy Level Parameters
 4464/1: 205 271 077                                                   	J9;
 4464/4: 052                                                           5;	ERASE; 		[correction applied
 4464/5: 171 116                                                       	Q4;
 4465/1: 200 330 377                                                   	JSP200;
 4465/4: 065                                                           	REV;
 4465/5: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 4466/0: 164 261                                                       	SHL-40;		[insert L' into Z as LULF
 4466/2: 171 110                                                       	C4;
 4466/4: 011                                                           	OR;
 4466/5: 170 110                                                       	=C4;
 4467/1: 201 326 166                                                   	JS11P2;		[insert current tape address into Z
 4467/4: 170 102                                                       	=M4;		[L/L'|k-1|tape address

                                                                       	[ this is inserted to prevent duplicate entries in Bb list hux
                                                                       	Q15;	[get a q-store to use
                                                                       	C4;	[formal level number
                                                                       	M6; =RC15; 	[number of entries in B-list
                                                                       62;	J61C15Z;	[end of list - so goto add entry
                                                                       	ERASE;		[entry already in B List
                                                                       	ZERO; J7;
                                                                       61;	ERASE; =Q15; 	[add it to B list
                                                                       	[ end of insert - this should not be needed - hux

 4470/0: 171 116                                                       	Q4;
 4470/2: 242 151 263                                                   	J39C6Z;
 4470/5: 103 152                                                       	=M10M6Q;	[Bb := Z b++
 4471/1: 041                                                           	ZERO;		[c:=0
 4471/2: 202 271 072                                                   	J7;
 4471/5: 052                                                           6;	ERASE;
 4472/0: 033                                                           	NOT;
 4472/1: 027                                                           	NEG;
 4472/2: 200 326 126                                                   7;	JSP2;		[fetch next word
 4472/5: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 4473/2: 054                                                           	AND;
 4473/3: 304 000 213                                                   	SETB213;
 4474/0: 225 031 071                                                   	J6=;		[is it a open bracket p
 4474/3: 304 000 233                                                   	SETB233;

                                                                       [Photo 825
 4475/0: 015                                                           	NEV;
 4475/1: 200 151 076                                                   	J8≠Z;
 4475/4: 027                                                           	NEG;
 4475/5: 033                                                           	NOT;		[theta - 1
 4476/0: 042                                                           8;	DUP;
 4476/1: 202 151 072                                                   	J7≠Z;		[ is theta = 0
 4476/4: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 4476/5: 202 266 234                                                   	J1P4;		[exit
 4477/2: 200 326 227                                                   24;	JSP4;

 4477/5: 052                                                           9;	ERASE;		[a set exists
 4500/0: 151 336                                                       	M13TOQ14;
 4500/2: 171 356                                                       	Q14;
 4500/4: 242 231 264                                                   	J40C9Z;		[check we have space hux
 4501/1: 303 237 240                                                   	=Y0M9Q; 	[very dodgy hux doc correction m7 to m9 - this is OK for manorboy

 4501/4: 143 220                                                       	DC9;		[C9 is a space counter hux
 4502/0: 320 333 053                                                   	Z52M13;		[ doc. insert
 4502/3: 164 041                                                       	SHL+16;
 4502/5: 164 255                                                       	SHL-42;
 4503/1: 042                                                           	DUP;		[dodgy documentation
 4503/2: 220 151 120                                                   	J15=Z;
 4503/5: 052                                                           	ERASE;

 4504/0: 200 326 126                                                   	JSP2;
 4504/3: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4504/4: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;	[is it (p
 4505/1: 054                                                           	AND;
 4505/2: 304 000 213                                                   	SETB213;	[this is a
 4505/5: 015                                                           	NEV;
 4506/0: 220 151 161                                                   	J22=Z;		[begin statement
 4506/3: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4506/4: 304 000 200                                                   	SETB200;
 4507/1: 054                                                           	AND;
 4507/2: 222 151 267                                                   	J43=Z;	[fail
 4507/5: 042                                                           	DUP;		[is a ; v then v else v end v THEN v ELSE v :bpl v ,bpl v
                                                                       			[ )sl v ]s or ]bpl v ) v operator these all sort of indicate end of statement? hux
 4510/0: 304 000 017                                                   	SETB17;
 4510/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 4510/4: 170 302                                                       	=M12;
 4511/0: 104 305                                                       	M5M12H;		[ARr
 4511/2: 164 321                                                       	SHL-24;
 4511/4: 174 000                                                       	=LINK;
 4512/0: 304 000 160                                                   	SETB160;
 4512/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 4512/4: 202 360 000                                                   	EXIT;

                                                                       [Photo 826
V-store at 04415 = 000 051 116 000 000 000
V-store at 04415 = 000 051 116 000 011 120                             	V0U=AR13;	V0L=AR15;
V-store at 04416 = 000 011 120 000 000 000
V-store at 04416 = 000 011 120 000 011 120                             	V1U=AR15;	V1L=AR15;
V-store at 04417 = 000 051 115 000 000 000
V-store at 04417 = 000 051 115 000 051 114                             	V2U=AR12;	V2L=AR11;
V-store at 04420 = 000 051 116 000 000 000
V-store at 04420 = 000 051 116 000 051 114                             	V3U=AR13;	V3L=AR11;
V-store at 04421 = 000 051 115 000 000 000
V-store at 04421 = 000 051 115 000 051 113                             	V4U=AR12;	V4L=AR10;
V-store at 04422 = 000 051 114 000 000 000
V-store at 04422 = 000 051 114 000 051 116                             	V5U=AR11;	V5L=AR13;
V-store at 04423 = 000 211 116 000 000 000
V-store at 04423 = 000 211 116 000 051 116                             	V6U=AR14;	V6L=AR13;
V-store at 04424 = 000 051 116 000 000 000
V-store at 04424 = 000 051 116 000 051 116                             	V7U=AR13; 	V7L=AR13;
 4513/1: 304 000 060                                                   10;	SETB60;
 4513/4: 220 031 120                                                   	J15=;
 4514/1: 304 000 040                                                   11;	SETB40;
 4514/4: 220 031 120                                                   	J15=;
 4515/1: 304 000 020                                                   12;	SETB20;
 4515/4: 220 031 120                                                   	J15=;
 4516/1: 202 271 270                                                   13;	J44;   [failure
 4516/4: 304 000 020                                                   14;	SETB20;
 4517/1: 054                                                           	AND;
 4517/2: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4517/3: 222 151 271                                                   	J45=Z; [fail

 4520/0: 052                                                           15;	ERASE;	[end statement
 4520/1: 300 237 237                                                   	Y-1M9; [ was y1M7;	paired with edit2 hux
                                                                       		[ it is possible that this location is just a convenient
                                                                       		[ temporary storage - but see dodgy edit above - so probably not temporary
                                                                       [ this code is a rewrite down to
 4520/4: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4520/5: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;		[changed to correct posn of p and q
 4521/1: 164 025                                                       	SHL+10; 	[get no params processed to d0..5
 4521/3: 320 373 053                                                   	Z52M15;		[is q in LPm15+2 = to p in SPi-1
 4522/0: 164 041                                                       	SHL+16; 	[get no. params to d0..5 - no. params 6-bit
 4522/2: 015                                                           	NEV;
 4522/3: 167 015                                                       	SHC+6; 		[get result to d42..47
 4522/5: 304 000 077                                                   	SETB77;
 4523/2: 054                                                           	AND;
 4523/3: 202 151 272                                                   	J46≠Z; [fail
                                                                       [ hux
 4524/0: 171 376                                                       	Q15;	[extract level L just processed from Spi to LULF position in Bb
 4524/2: 164 361                                                       	SHL-8;
 4524/4: 141 220                                                       	M-I9; 	[ hux was M-I7; remove entry from SPi
 4525/0: 171 230                                                       	C9;	[i= i-1 c9 is the space counter
 4525/2: 033                                                           	NOT;
 4525/3: 027                                                           	NEG;

                                                                       [Photo 827
 4525/4: 170 230                                                       	=C9;
 4526/0: 171 142                                                       	M6;
 4526/2: 170 271                                                       	=RC11; 		[set counter = b
 4526/4: 243 271 260                                                   16;	J37C11Z; 	[continue search
 4527/1: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4527/2: 102 272                                                       	M10M11Q; 	[fetch Bb'
 4527/4: 015                                                           	NEV;
 4527/5: 167 041                                                       	SHC+16;
 4530/1: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 4530/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 4530/5: 204 151 126                                                   	J16≠Z; 	[is LULF = L
 4531/2: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 4531/3: 151 375                                                       	M15TOQ13;
 4531/5: 304 053 052                                                   	SETAZ53; 	[M13 := (ALP.(SPi+2))
 4532/2: 172 322                                                       	=+M13;
 4532/4: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 4532/5: 170 303                                                       	=RM12;		[beta = 0;
 4533/1: 145 300                                                       	I12=-1;
 4533/3: 141 260                                                       	M-I11;
 4533/5: 100 272                                                       	M10M11;
 4534/1: 140 260                                                       	M+I11;
 4534/3: 102 315                                                       17;	M13M12Q;	[ beta ++
 4534/5: 043                                                           	DUPD;
 4535/0: 015                                                           	NEV;
 4535/1: 167 021                                                       	SHC+8;		[is LPm13+beta = LUL
 4535/3: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 4536/0: 054                                                           	AND;
 4536/1: 220 151 141                                                   	J18=Z;
 4536/4: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 4537/1: 054                                                           	AND;
 4537/2: 304 000 233                                                   	SETB233;
 4537/5: 015                                                           	NEV;
 4540/0: 203 151 134                                                   	J17≠Z;	[is LPm13+beta = )p
 4540/3: 202 271 273                                                   	J47;		[fail
 4541/0: 052                                                           18;	ERASE;		[find corresponding actual
 4541/1: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 4541/2: 300 177 241                                                   	Y1M7; 		[ hux was Y-1M9; EPj-1
 4541/5: 164 341                                                       	SHL-16;

                                                                       [Photo 828
 4542/1: 170 342                                                       	=M14;
 4542/3: 310 345 174                                                   	H0M14;
 4543/0: 170 342                                                       	=M14;		[M14 = ASE from SM14
 4543/2: 171 302                                                       	M12;		[set counter = beta
 4543/4: 027                                                           	NEG;		[query not a clear insert or erase in doc hux
 4543/5: 170 311                                                       	=RC12;
 4544/1: 310 345 174                                                   19;	H0M14;		[next parameter hux
 4544/4: 164 341                                                       	SHL-16;
 4545/0: 170 342                                                       	=M14;		[M14 = ANW from Sm14
 4545/2: 143 300                                                       	DC12;		[ beta = beta -1
 4545/4: 261 311 144                                                   	J19C12NZ; 	[is beta = 0
 4546/1: 310 345 174                                                   60;	H0M14;		[is Sm14 a procedure

 4546/4: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4546/5: 304 000 230                                                   	SETB230;
 4547/2: 054                                                           	AND;
 4547/3: 304 000 020                                                   	SETB20;		[set Li = level no Sm14
 4550/0: 015                                                           	NEV;
 4550/1: 202 151 274                                                   	J48≠Z; [fail
 4550/4: 200 326 203                                                   20;	JSP3;		[search Level Parameters
 4551/1: 201 271 152                                                   	J53;		[none
 4551/4: 203 271 154                                                   	J21;		[a set exists
 4552/1: 200 330 377                                                   53;	JSP200;		[Search LP for level L' which has L as a formal - has to exist?
 4552/4: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 4552/5: 065                                                           	REV;
 4553/0: 200 331 300                                                   	JSP202;		[Search for a statement of L' - which will give
                                                                       			[ an actual for the beta parameter
 4553/3: 204 271 126                                                   	J16;
 4554/0: 204 271 150                                                   	J20;

                                                                       21;	[M13; [=M15;	[inserted - has no detected effect - hux
 4554/3: 141 260                                                       	M-I11;		[flow chart block diagram says M15 := M13 and uses Q4 not Q14
 4554/5: 100 272                                                       	M10M11;		[Q4 = Bb'
 4555/1: 170 116                                                       	=Q4;
 4555/3: 041                                                           	ZERO;		[delete Bb'
 4555/4: 101 272                                                       	=M10M11;
                                                                       	[M+I11;		[this seems redundant
 4556/0: 264 131 157                                                   	J54C5NZ; 	[ if there are postponed?
                                                                       			[ I cannot find any code which sets C5 > 0 always 0 or -1
 4556/3: 143 120                                                       	DC5;		[SETS C5 TO -1! - i.e all done? hux
 4556/5: 201 326 166                                                   	JS11P2;		[get tape position
 4557/2: 170 070                                                       	=C3;		[tape position for this reentrant level hux
 4557/4: 171 102                                                       54;	M4;		[move tape to position in M4 hux
 4560/0: 203 326 171                                                   	JS12P2;
 4560/3: 200 271 063                                                   	J4;		[go to copy level parameters and then process statement hux

                                                                       [Photo 829
 4561/0: 300 237 237                                                   22;	Y-1M9; 		[ SPi-1 edit hux Y1M7;	[begin statement
 4561/3: 170 356                                                       	=Q14;
 4561/5: 052                                                           23;	ERASE;		[next parameter
 4562/0: 200 326 126                                                   	JSP2;		[fetch next word
 4562/3: 171 350                                                       	C14;
 4562/5: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 4563/2: 054                                                           	AND;
 4563/3: 151 357                                                       	M14TOQ15;	[M15 := M14 + p
 4563/5: 027                                                           	NEG;
 4564/0: 172 362                                                       	=+M15;
 4564/2: 304 000 001                                                   	SET+1;
 4564/5: 172 350                                                       	=+C14;		[ p++ in M14
 4565/1: 171 356|301 237 237                                           	Q14; =Y-1M9;	[hux, p++ was not being stored -
 4566/0: 320 373 052                                                   	Z53M15;		[fetch LPm15+3
 4566/3: 043                                                           	DUPD;
 4566/4: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4566/5: 304 000 030                                                   	SETB30;
 4567/2: 054                                                           	AND;
 4567/3: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4567/4: 221 151 173                                                   	J25=Z;		[is it a variable
 4570/1: 304 000 030                                                   	SETB30;
 4570/4: 015                                                           	NEV;
 4570/5: 205 151 236                                                   	J35≠Z;
 4571/2: 042                                                           	DUP;		[a string, label or switch !!!!!!!
 4571/3: 304 000 007                                                   	SETB7;
 4572/0: 054                                                           	AND;
 4572/1: 304 000 001                                                   	SETB1;
 4572/4: 204 031 236                                                   	J34≠;		[jump if not a label
 4573/1: 052                                                           25;	ERASE;		[ variable or label
 4573/2: 171 202                                                       	M8;
 4573/4: 170 311                                                       	=RC12;
 4574/0: 145 300                                                       	I12=-1;		[generate new EP entry
                                                                       			[EPj := k|-1|—; j++
                                                                       			[EP is accessed Y0M7 going down
 4574/2: 171 316                                                       	Q12;
 4574/4: 242 231 265                                                   	J41C9Z;
 4575/1: 303 177 240                                                   	=Y0M7Q;		[ edit hux original =Y0M9Q;
 4575/4: 171 344                                                       	I14;

                                                                       [Photo 830
 4576/0: 170 362                                                       	=M15;		[M15 := ALSE from Q14
 4576/2: 310 365 174                                                   	H0M15;
 4576/5: 170 316                                                       	=Q12;		[set k in Sm15 as ANW inserts k as ALSE in Q14
 4577/1: 171 202                                                       	M8;
 4577/3: 170 304                                                       	=I12;
 4577/5: 152 316                                                       	I12TOQ14;
 4600/1: 171 316                                                       	Q12;
 4600/3: 311 365 174                                                   	=H0M15;
 4601/0: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 4601/1: 052                                                           	ERASE;		[correction applied
 4601/2: 304 001 377                                                   	SETB777;	[store <exp> in Sk K++
                                                                       			[mark with L if designational exp
                                                                       			[N if called by name
 4601/5: 054                                                           	AND;
 4602/0: 200 332 033                                                   	JSP205;
 4602/3: 313 205 174                                                   	=H0M8Q;
 4603/0: 042                                                           26;	DUP;
 4603/1: 304 000 330                                                   	SETB330;
 4603/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 4603/5: 304 000 020                                                   	SETB20;
 4604/2: 015                                                           	NEV;
 4604/3: 220 151 234                                                   	J33=Z;		[ is it a procedure statement
 4605/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4605/1: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 4605/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 4605/5: 304 000 253                                                   	SETB253;
 4606/2: 220 031 232                                                   	J32=;		[is it a ,p
 4606/5: 304 000 233                                                   	SETB233;
 4607/2: 221 031 227                                                   	J31=;		[ is it a )p
 4607/5: 304 000 340                                                   	SETB340;
 4610/2: 054                                                           	AND;
 4610/3: 304 000 040                                                   	SETB40;
 4611/0: 015                                                           	NEV;
 4611/1: 225 151 212                                                   	J28=Z;		[is it a formal
 4611/4: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 4611/5: 200 326 126                                                   27;	JSP2;		[fetch next word
 4612/2: 200 271 203                                                   	J26;
 4612/5: 300 177 241                                                   28;	Y1M7;		[was Y-1M9 EPj-1 hux - EP is stored down store so why Y-1 hux

                                                                       [Photo 831
 4613/2: 170 316                                                       	=Q12;
 4613/4: 171 302                                                       	M12;		[is ALEFL in EPj-1 = 0
 4614/0: 203 151 221                                                   	J29≠Z;

 4614/3: 171 202                                                       	M8;
 4614/5: 171 310                                                       	C12;
 4615/1: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4615/2: 170 362                                                       	=M15;		[m15 = EX from EPj-1
 4615/4: 036                                                           	-;
 4615/5: 310 365 174                                                   	H0M15;
 4616/2: 170 276                                                       	=Q11;		[RAFSL in Sm15 := k-M15
 4616/4: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 4617/1: 054                                                           	AND;
 4617/2: 171 270                                                       	C11;
 4617/4: 011                                                           	OR;
 4617/5: 170 270                                                       	=C11;
 4620/1: 171 276                                                       	Q11;
 4620/3: 311 365 174                                                   	=H0M15;
 4621/0: 203 271 224                                                   	J30;

 4621/3: 171 344                                                       29;	I14;
 4621/5: 170 362                                                       	=M15;		[M15 := ALSE from Q14
 4622/1: 310 305 174                                                   	H0M12;
 4622/4: 170 276                                                       	=Q11;		[K into Sm15 as ANW
 4623/0: 171 202                                                       	M8;
 4623/2: 170 264                                                       	=I11;
 4623/4: 171 276                                                       	Q11;
 4624/0: 311 305 174                                                   	=H0M12;
 4624/3: 151 214                                                       30;	M8TOQ12;
 4624/5: 171 316                                                       	Q12;		[insert K as ALEFL in EPj-1
 4625/1: 301 177 241                                                   	=Y1M7;		[was Y-1M9 hux
 4625/4: 200 332 033                                                   	JSP205;		[formal ->Sk k++
 4626/1: 313 205 174                                                   	=H0M8Q;
 4626/4: 205 271 211                                                   	J27;
 4627/1: 052                                                           31;	ERASE;
 4627/2: 141 160                                                       	M-I7; 		[ hux M-I9;
 4627/4: 171 230                                                       	C9;

                                                                       [Photo 832
 4630/0: 033                                                           	NOT;
 4630/1: 027                                                           	NEG;
 4630/2: 170 230                                                       	=C9;		[j = j-1, counter +1
 4630/4: 171 356                                                       	Q14;
 4631/0: 301 237 237                                                   	=Y-1m9; 	[SP[i-1] := Q14 was =Y1M7
                                                                       			[ -> Y1M9 see R15 - edit2 hux
 4631/3: 200 271 120                                                   	J15;

 4632/0: 052                                                           32;	ERASE;
 4632/1: 141 160                                                       	M-I7; 		[ hux M-I9; M7 is EP[j]
 4632/3: 171 230                                                       	C9;		[j:= j-1
 4632/5: 033                                                           	NOT;
 4633/0: 027                                                           	NEG;
 4633/1: 170 230                                                       	=C9;
 4633/3: 205 271 161                                                   	J23;
                                                                       	[blank line
 4634/0: 171 356                                                       33;	Q14;
 4634/2: 301 237 241                                                   	=Y1M9; [=Y-1M9;		[Spi-1 := Q14 SP indexed by M9 hux was y1m7

 4634/5: 200 331 026                                                   	JS51P201;		[procedure statement S÷R
 4635/2: 300 237 241                                                   	Y1M9;		[SP indexed by M9 was Y1M7 hux
 4635/5: 170 356                                                       	=Q14;		[q14 := SPi-1
 4636/1: 205 271 211                                                   	J27;
 4636/4: 052                                                           34;	ERASE;		[check actual/formal correspondence
 4636/5: 015                                                           35;	NEV;
 4637/0: 042|304 000 377|054|304 000 367|223 031 242                   	DUP; SETB377; AND; SETB367; J80=;
                                                                       			[check string types - insert by hux
                                                                       			[string codeword has tag 215 LP parameter has type 172
                                                                       			[label codeword is 131, label formal parameter is 031
 4640/5: 304 000 037                                                   	SETB37;		[this checks all except string parameters
 4641/2: 054                                                           	AND;
 4641/3: 202 151 275                                                   	J49≠Z;	[failure
 4642/0: 205 271 242                                                   	J81;
 4642/3: 052|052                                                       80;	ERASE; ERASE;	[fix nest overflow in string handling David Ho
 4642/5: 052                                                           81;	ERASE;
 4643/0: 171 344                                                       	I14;
 4643/2: 170 362                                                       	=M15;		[set M15 := ALSE from Q14
 4643/4: 310 365 174                                                   	H0M15;
 4644/1: 170 316                                                       	=Q12;		[insert K into Sm15 as ANW
 4644/3: 171 202                                                       	M8;
 4644/5: 170 304                                                       	=I12;
 4645/1: 152 316                                                       	I12TOQ14; 	[insert k as ALSE in Q14
 4645/3: 171 316                                                       	Q12;
 4645/5: 311 365 174                                                   	=H0M15;
 4646/2: 042                                                           	DUP;

                                                                       [Photo 833
 4646/3: 304 000 370                                                    	SETB370;	[ INSERTED ****
 4647/0: 054                                                            	AND;
 4647/1: 304 000 060                                                    	SETB60;
 4647/4: 015                                                            	NEV;
 4647/5: 200 151 253                                                    	J36≠Z;	[ INSERTED ****
 4650/2: 170 316                                                       	=Q12;
 4650/4: 171 304                                                       	I12;
 4651/0: 164 375                                                       	SHL-2;
 4651/2: 171 302                                                       	M12;
 4651/4: 011                                                           	OR;
 4651/5: 170 302                                                       	=M12;
 4652/1: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 4652/2: 170 304                                                       	=I12;
 4652/4: 171 316                                                       	Q12;
 4653/0: 200 332 033                                                   36;	JSP205;
 4653/3: 313 205 174                                                   	=H0M8Q;
 4654/0: 200 326 126                                                   	JSP2;
 4654/3: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 4655/0: 054                                                           	AND;
 4655/1: 304 000 253                                                   	SETB253; 		[,p new statement hux
 4655/4: 225 031 161                                                   	J23=;
 4656/1: 304 000 233                                                   	SETB233;		[ )p end statement
 4656/4: 202 031 266                                                   	J42≠;	[FAILURE
 4657/1: 171 356                                                       	Q14;
 4657/3: 301 237 237                                                   	=Y-1M9;			[Set SPi-1 = Q14  - so has to be M9 not M7 Dubious edit hux**
 4660/0: 200 271 120                                                   	J15;
 4660/3: 052                                                           37;	ERASE;
 4660/4: 171 130                                                       	C5;
 4661/0: 205 051 262                                                   	J38≥Z;
 4661/3: 171 070                                                       	C3;			[restore tape position for the prior level hux
 4661/5: 203 326 171                                                   	JS12P2;
 4662/2: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 4662/3: 170 130                                                       	=C5;
 4662/5: 202 266 234                                                   38;	J1P4;			[exit - or go back to prior reentrant level hux

                                                                       [Photo 834
 4663/2: 304 007 344                                                   39;	SET+2020;
 4663/5: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;
 4664/2: 304 010 110                                                   40;	SET+2120;
 4664/5: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;
 4665/2: 304 010 254                                                   41;	SET+2220;
 4665/5: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;
 4666/2: 304 011 020                                                   42;	SET+2320;
 4666/5: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;
 4667/2: 304 011 164                                                   43;	SET+2420;
 4667/5: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;
 4670/2: 304 011 330                                                   44;	SET+2520;
 4670/5: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;
 4671/2: 304 012 074                                                   45;	SET+2620;
 4671/5: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;
 4672/2: 304 012 240                                                   46;	SET+2720;
 4672/5: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;
 4673/2: 304 013 004                                                   47;	SET+2820;
 4673/5: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;
 4674/2: 304 013 150                                                   48;	SET+2920;
 4674/5: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;
 4675/2: 304 013 314                                                   49;	SET+3020;
 4675/5: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;

                                                                       [Photo 835 P201 Block Diagram
                                                                       [Photo 836 P201 Block Diagram
                                                                       [Photo 837 P201 Block Diagram
                                                                       [Photo 838 P201 Block Diagram

                                                                       [Photo 839
=== Start P202V0; at address 2496/4700
                                                                       [Photo 840
                                                                       			[ Search for a statement of the level in L' this statement
                                                                       			[  is required to define a 'value' of the beta'th formal parameter.
V-store at 04677 = 000 000 007 341 000 200                             	V0=B770200200; 	[replace invalid error code 35321; hux
 4700/0: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 4700/1: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4700/2: 170 371                                                       	=RC15;
 4700/4: 303 372 377                                                   	=YA0M15Q;
 4701/1: 300 372 376                                                   1;	YA-1M15;
 4701/4: 170 322                                                       	=M13;
 4702/0: 310 325 174                                                   	H0M13;
 4702/3: 170 302                                                       	=M12;
 4702/5: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4703/0: 310 305 174                                                   	H0M12;
 4703/3: 015                                                           	NEV;
 4703/4: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 4704/1: 167 361                                                       	SHC-8;
 4704/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 4704/4: 225 151 324                                                   	J7=Z;
 4705/1: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4705/2: 304 000 007                                                   	SETB7;
 4705/5: 054                                                           	AND;
 4706/0: 223 151 326                                                   	J8=Z;		[ L' is a function [check for type hux
 4706/3: 201 271 307                                                   	J3;
 4707/0: 052                                                           2;	ERASE;
 4707/1: 310 305 174                                                   3;	H0M12;
 4707/4: 170 316                                                       	=Q12;
 4710/0: 171 304                                                       	I12;
 4710/2: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4710/3: 170 302                                                       	=M12;
 4710/5: 223 151 326                                                   	J8=Z;
 4711/2: 310 305 174                                                   	H0M12;
 4711/5: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4712/0: 170 356                                                       	=Q14;
 4712/2: 304 000 330                                                   	SETB330;
 4712/5: 054                                                           	AND;

                                                                       [Photo 841
 4713/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4713/1: 223 151 317                                                   	J4=Z;
 4713/4: 304 000 030                                                   	SETB30;
 4714/1: 036                                                           	-;
 4714/2: 201 151 307                                                   	J3≠Z;
 4714/5: 171 356                                                       	Q14;
 4715/1: 304 000 007                                                   	SETB7;
 4715/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 4715/5: 304 000 001                                                   	SETB1;
 4716/2: 036                                                           	-;
 4716/3: 201 151 307                                                   	J3≠Z;
 4717/0: 204 271 317                                                   	J5;
 4717/3: 052                                                           4;	ERASE;

 4717/4: 171 350                                                       5;	C14;
 4720/0: 164 361                                                       	SHL-8;
 4720/2: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4720/3: 220 151 307                                                   	J2=Z;
 4721/0: 171 302                                                       	M12;
 4721/2: 056                                                           	+;
 4721/3: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4721/4: 303 372 377                                                   	=YA0M15Q;
 4722/1: 201 151 301                                                   6;	J1≠Z;
 4722/4: 141 360                                                       	M-I15;
 4723/0: 171 362                                                       	M15;
 4723/2: 201 151 301                                                   	J1≠Z;
 4723/5: 012                                                           	PERM;
 4724/0: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 4724/1: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 4724/2: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;

 4724/5: 310 305 174                                                   7;	H0M12;
 4725/2: 170 356                                                       	=Q14;
 4725/4: 171 344                                                       	I14;
 4726/0: 205 151 330                                                   	J9≠Z;

 4726/3: 310 325 174                                                   8;	H0M13;
 4727/0: 170 356                                                       	=Q14;

                                                                       [Photo 842
 4727/2: 171 344                                                       	I14;
 4727/4: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4727/5: 301 372 376                                                   	=YA-1M15;
 4730/2: 201 271 322                                                   	J6;
 4730/5: 151 316                                                       9;	M12TOQ14;
 4731/1: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 4731/2: 222 151 332                                                   	J10=Z;
 4731/5: 202 360 001                                                   	EXIT2;

 4732/2: 170 371                                                       10;	=RC15;
 4732/4: 151 355                                                       	M14TOQ13;
 4733/0: 310 325 174                                                   11;	H0M13;
 4733/3: 170 316                                                       	=Q12;
 4733/5: 171 304                                                       	I12;
 4734/1: 170 322                                                       	=M13;
 4734/3: 143 360                                                       	DC15;
 4734/5: 260 371 333                                                   	J11C15NZ;
 4735/2: 310 325 174                                                   	H0M13;
 4735/5: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4736/0: 304 000 230                                                   	SETB230;
 4736/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 4736/4: 304 000 020                                                   	SETB20;
 4737/1: 036                                                           	-;
 4737/2: 203 151 340                                                   	J12≠Z; [FAIL
 4737/5: 052                                                           	ERASE;		[ inserted hux
 4740/0: 202 360 001                                                   	EXIT2;
 4740/3: 300 011 277                                                   12;	V0;	  	[ fail 3120
 4741/0: 200 260 106                                                   	JE70;

                                                                       [Photo 843 P202 Block Diagram
                                                                       [Photo 844 P202 Block Diagram

                                                                       [Photo 845
=== Start P203V-1; at address 2530/4742
                                                                       P203;	[COPY A SET OF LEVEL PARAMETERS
                                                                       [Photo 846
 4742/0: 320 013 055                                                   	Z50;
 4742/3: 170 276                                                       	=Q11;
 4742/5: 320 273 053                                                   	Z52M11;
 4743/2: 167 055                                                       	SHC+22;
 4743/4: 304 000 077                                                   	SETB77;
 4744/1: 054                                                           	AND;
 4744/2: 151 275                                                       	M11TOQ13;
 4744/4: 304 000 004                                                   	SET4;
 4745/1: 056                                                           	+;
 4745/2: 027                                                           	NEG;
 4745/3: 172 322                                                       	=+M13;
 4745/5: 157 274                                                       	Q11TOQ12;
 4746/1: 151 334                                                       	M13TOQ12;
 4746/3: 171 316                                                       	Q12;
 4746/5: 321 013 055                                                   	=Z50;
 4747/2: 320 273 055                                                   	Z50M11;
 4747/5: 170 316                                                       	=Q12;
 4750/1: 171 322                                                       	M13;
 4750/3: 170 304                                                       	=I12;
 4750/5: 171 316                                                       	Q12;
 4751/1: 321 273 055                                                   	=Z50M11;
 4751/4: 171 262                                                       	M11;
 4752/0: 164 101                                                       	SHL+32;
 4752/2: 321 333 055                                                   	=Z50M13;
 4752/5: 200 332 033                                                   	JSP205;
 4753/2: 320 373 054                                                   	Z51M15;
 4753/5: 321 333 054                                                   	=Z51M13;
 4754/2: 200 332 033                                                   	JSP205;
 4754/5: 320 373 053                                                   	Z52M15;
 4755/2: 170 276                                                       	=Q11;
 4755/4: 171 350                                                       	C14;
 4756/0: 164 361                                                       	SHL-8;
 4756/2: 164 021                                                       	SHL+8;
 4756/4: 042                                                           	DUP;

                                                                       [Photo 847
 4756/5: 170 350                                                       	=C14;
 4757/1: 170 270                                                       	=C11;
 4757/3: 171 276                                                       	Q11;
 4757/5: 304 000 040                                                   	SETB40;
 4760/2: 011                                                           	OR;
 4760/3: 321 333 053                                                   	=Z52M13;
 4761/0: 200 332 033                                                   	JSP205;
 4761/3: 171 322                                                       	M13;
 4761/5: 170 303                                                       	=RM12;
 4762/1: 145 300                                                       	I12=-1;
 4762/3: 171 362                                                       	M15;
 4762/5: 170 363                                                       	=RM15;
 4763/1: 145 360                                                       	I15=-1;
 4763/3: 322 373 052                                                   1;	Z53M15Q;
 4764/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4764/1: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 4764/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 4764/5: 304 000 233                                                   	SETB233;
 4765/2: 036                                                           	-;
 4765/3: 223 151 367                                                   	J2=Z;
 4766/0: 323 313 052                                                   	=Z53M12Q;
 4766/3: 200 332 033                                                   	JSP205;
 4767/0: 203 271 363                                                   	J1;
 4767/3: 170 376                                                       2;	=Q15;
 4767/5: 171 370                                                       	C15;
 4770/1: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 4770/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 4770/5: 171 270                                                       	C11;
 4771/1: 011                                                           	OR;
 4771/2: 170 370                                                       	=C15;
 4771/4: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 4772/0: 321 313 052                                                   	=Z53M12;
 4772/3: 200 332 033                                                   	JSP205;
 4773/0: 320 013 124                                                   	Z11; 		[ code block added, updating Z11
 4773/3: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 4773/5: 171 302                                                       	M12;
 4774/1: 304 000 004                                                   	SET4;
 4774/4: 036                                                           	-;
 4774/5: 170 362                                                       	=M15;
 4775/1: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 4775/3: 321 013 124                                                   	=Z11;
 4776/0: 151 323                                                       	M13TOQ3;
 4776/2: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;

                                                                       [Photo 848 P203 Block Diagram

                                                                       [Photo 849
=== Start P204V-1; at address 2559/4777
                                                                       [Photo 850
                                                                       [jsp303;	jsp305;		[ Search for a level L' which has L as an actual
 4777/0: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 4777/1: 042                                                           	DUP;
 4777/2: 170 371                                                       	=RC15;
 4777/4: 170 356                                                       	=Q14;
 5000/0: 310 345 174                                                   1;	H0M14;		[ Sm13, L
 5000/3: 170 322                                                       	=M13;
 5000/5: 310 325 174                                                   	H0M13;		[Sm13, L
 5001/2: 170 316                                                       	=Q12;
 5001/4: 171 310                                                       	C12;
 5002/0: 164 361                                                       	SHL-8;		[ 'L', L
 5002/2: 170 344                                                       	=I14;
 5002/4: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 5002/5: 170 350                                                       	=C14;
 5003/1: 205 272 003                                                   	J3;		[Q14 0/L'/0
 5003/4: 052                                                           2;	ERASE;
 5003/5: 143 340                                                       3;	DC14;
 5004/1: 310 325 174                                                   	H0M13;
 5004/4: 170 316                                                       	=Q12;
 5005/0: 171 304                                                       	I12;
 5005/2: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5005/3: 170 322                                                       	=M13;
 5005/5: 223 152 023                                                   	J6=Z;
 5006/2: 310 325 174                                                   	H0M13;
 5006/5: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5007/0: 170 316                                                       	=Q12;
 5007/2: 304 000 330                                                   	SETB330;
 5007/5: 054                                                           	AND;
 5010/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5010/1: 225 152 014                                                   	J4=Z;		[RvIvB and exp
 5010/4: 304 000 020                                                   	SETB20;
 5011/1: 222 032 020                                                   	J5=;
 5011/4: 304 000 030                                                   	SETB30;
 5012/1: 036                                                           	-;
 5012/2: 205 152 003                                                   	J3≠Z;
 5012/5: 171 316                                                       	Q12;
 5013/1: 304 000 007                                                   	SETB7;

                                                                       [Photo 851
 5013/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 5013/5: 304 000 001                                                   	SETB1;
 5014/2: 204 032 003                                                   	J2≠;
 5014/5: 052                                                           4;	ERASE;
 5015/0: 171 310                                                       	C12;
 5015/2: 164 361                                                       	SHL-8;
 5015/4: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5015/5: 224 152 003                                                   	J2=Z;
 5016/2: 172 322                                                       	=+M13;
 5016/4: 171 356                                                       	Q14;
 5017/0: 303 372 377                                                   	=YA0M15Q;
 5017/3: 151 336                                                       	M13TOQ14;
 5017/5: 200 272 000                                                   	J1;
 5020/2: 052                                                           5;	ERASE;
 5020/3: 171 310                                                       	C12;
 5020/5: 164 361                                                       	SHL-8;
 5021/1: 205 032 003                                                   	J3≠;
 5021/4: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 5021/5: 171 350                                                       	C14;
 5022/1: 027                                                           	NEG;
 5022/2: 171 344                                                       	I14;
 5022/4: 164 121                                                       	SHL+40;
 5023/0: 202 360 001                                                   	EXIT2;
 5023/3: 151 355                                                       6;	M14TOQ13;
 5023/5: 310 325 174                                                   	H0M13;
 5024/2: 170 316                                                       	=Q12;
 5024/4: 171 304                                                       	I12;
 5025/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5025/1: 170 342                                                       	=M14;
 5025/3: 200 152 000                                                   	J1≠Z;
 5026/0: 141 360                                                       	M-I15;
 5026/2: 171 362                                                       	M15;
 5026/4: 223 052 030                                                   	J7<Z;
 5027/1: 300 372 377                                                   	YA0M15;
 5027/4: 170 356                                                       	=Q14;
 5030/0: 200 272 000                                                   	J1;

                                                                       [Photo 852
 5030/3: 052                                                           7;	ERASE;
 5030/4: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;

                                                                       [Photo 853 P204 Block Diagram
                                                                       [Photo 854 P204 Block Diagram

                                                                       [Photo 855

=== Start P205V0; at address 2587/5033
                                                                       P205V0;	[use and check space between lists LP and S
                                                                       [Photo 856
V-store at 05032 = 000 000 000 000 000 200                             	V0=B200; [B35321; hux
 5033/0: 143 240                                                       	DC10;
 5033/2: 242 252 034                                                   	J2C10Z;
 5033/5: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;
 5034/2: 304 002 010                                                   2;	SET+0520;[FAIL
 5034/5: 300 012 032                                                   1;	V0;
 5035/2: 170 376                                                       	=Q15; [B200
 5035/4: 170 364                                                       	=I15; [fail number
 5036/0: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 5036/2: 200 260 106                                                   	JE70;	[JP1

                                                                       [Photo 857
=== Start P206V4; at address 2596/5044

                                                                       [Photo 858
                                                                       [ Insert digit in call or correspondence matrix
V-store at 05041 = 000 000 000 000 000 060                             V2=48;
V-store at 05042 = 000 000 000 000 000 030                             V3=24;
V-store at 05043 = 000 000 013 271 000 200                             V4=B1356200200; 	[replace invalid error code 35321;hux
 5044/0: 170 342                                                       	=M14;		[normal entry N1=0 call matrix, N1=1 correspondence matrix
 5044/2: 167 021                                                       	SHC+8;		[N2= row, N3=column
 5044/4: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 5045/1: 054                                                           	AND;
 5045/2: 027                                                           	NEG;
 5045/3: 033                                                           	NOT;
 5045/4: 161 005                                                       	SHA+2;
 5046/0: 170 363                                                       	=RM15;
 5046/2: 167 021                                                       	SHC+8;
 5046/4: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 5047/1: 054                                                           	AND;
 5047/2: 300 352 041                                                   	V2M14;
 5047/5: 044                                                           	÷I;
 5050/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5050/1: 220 152 057                                                   	J3=Z;
 5050/4: 171 342                                                       	M14;
 5051/0: 224 152 052                                                   	J5=Z;
 5051/3: 161 003                                                       	SHA+1;
 5051/5: 304 377 374|172 362                                           	SET-4; =+M15; [ addition
 5052/4: 027                                                           5;	NEG;
 5052/5: 170 370                                                       	=C15;
 5053/1: 171 362                                                       	M15;
 5053/3: 056                                                           	+;
 5053/4: 170 362                                                       	=M15;
 5054/0: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 5054/1: 033                                                           	NOT;
 5054/2: 027                                                           	NEG;
 5054/3: 167 360                                                       	SHCC15;
 5054/5: 300 352 037                                                   2;	V0M14;
 5055/2: 170 342                                                       	=M14;
 5055/4: 100 376                                                       	M14M15;
 5056/0: 011                                                           	OR;
 5056/1: 101 376                                                       	=M14M15;
 5056/3: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;

                                                                       [Photo 859
 5057/0: 052                                                           3;	ERASE;
 5057/1: 027                                                           	NEG;
 5057/2: 033                                                           	NOT;
 5057/3: 172 362                                                       	=+M15;
 5057/5: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 5060/0: 033                                                           	NOT;
 5060/1: 027                                                           	NEG;
 5060/2: 205 272 054                                                   	J2;
 5060/5: 320 013 124                                                   1;	Z11;		[initial entry
 5061/2: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 5061/4: 171 362                                                       	M15;
 5062/0: 304 053 055                                                   	SETAZ50;
 5062/3: 056                                                           	+;
 5062/4: 304 002 377                                                   	SET767;
 5063/1: 036                                                           	-;
 5063/2: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5063/3: 301 012 040                                                   	=V1;
 5064/0: 042|320 013 123|170 356|170 342|171 356|321 013 123           	DUP; Z12; =Q14; =M14; Q14; =Z12; [code insert
 5066/1: 304 003 000                                                   	SET768;
 5066/4: 036                                                           	-;
 5066/5: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5067/0: 301 012 037                                                   	=V0;
 5067/3: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5067/4: 170 362                                                       	=M15;
 5070/0: 171 364                                                       	I15;
 5070/2: 036                                                           	-;
 5070/3: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 5070/5: 321 013 124                                                   	=Z11;
 5071/2: 222 052 072                                                   	J4<Z;
 5071/5: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;
 5072/2: 300 012 043                                                   4;	V4;
 5072/5: 200 260 106                                                   	JE70;	[fail

                                                                       [Photo 860 P207 V stores

                                                                       [Photo 861
                                                                       [ Map matrix  N1=0 for single digit matrix
                                                                       [             N1=1 for two digit matrix
                                                                       [             N2 = address of first word of matrix
=== Start P207V7; at address 2628/5104
V-store at 05074 = 000 004 000 001 000 000                             V0=Q4/1/0;
V-store at 05075 = 000 300 000 004 000 000                             V1=Q192/4/0;
V-store at 05076 = 000 060 000 004 000 000                             V2=Q48/4/0;
V-store at 05077 = 000 030 000 004 000 000                             V3=Q24/4/0;
V-store at 05100 = 125 125 125 125 125 125                             V4=B2525252525252525;
V-store at 05101 = 000 000 000 000 000 000                             V5=0;
V-store at 05102 = 377 377 000 001 000 000                             V6=Q-1/1/0;
V-store at 05103 = 377 376 000 001 000 001                             V7=Q-2/1/1;
                                                                       [ JSP310;      diagnostic suppressed D.Ho.
 5104/0: 170 262                                                       	=M11;
 5104/2: 300 272 102                                                   	V6M11;
 5104/5: 170 276                                                       	=Q11;
 5105/1: 300 012 074                                                   	V0;
 5105/4: 170 336                                                       	=Q13;
 5106/0: 170 322                                                       	=M13;
 5106/2: 171 336                                                       	Q13;
 5106/4: 301 012 101                                                   	=V5;
 5107/1: 300 272 076                                                   	V2M11;
 5107/4: 170 316                                                       	=Q12;
 5110/0: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 5110/1: 033                                                           	NOT;
 5110/2: 027                                                           	NEG;
 5110/3: 300 272 076                                                   1;	V2M11;
 5111/0: 170 356                                                       	=Q14;
 5111/2: 154 354                                                       	C14TOQ12;
 5111/4: 300 012 075                                                   2;	V1;
 5112/1: 170 356                                                       	=Q14;
 5112/3: 167 260                                                       	SHCC11;
 5112/5: 017|042                                                       *3;	DUP;
 5113/1: 102 355                                                       	M13M14Q;
 5113/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 5113/4: 203 152 117                                                   	J5≠Z;
 5114/1: 177 340                                                       4;	J3C14NZS;
 5114/3: 143 300                                                       	DC12;
 5114/5: 140 300                                                       	M+I12;
 5115/1: 264 312 111                                                   	J2C12NZ;

                                                                       [Photo 862
 5115/4: 143 320                                                       	DC13;
 5116/0: 140 320                                                       	M+I13;
 5116/2: 263 332 110                                                   	J1C13NZ;
 5116/5: 052                                                           	ERASE;
                                                                       [ JSP310;      diagnostic suppressed D.Ho.
 5117/0: 200 360 000                                                   	EXIT1;

 5117/3: 141 340                                                       5;	M-I14;
 5117/5: 300 012 101                                                   	V5;
 5120/2: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 5120/4: 171 262                                                       	M11;
 5121/0: 220 152 125                                                   	J7=Z;
 5121/3: 300 012 100                                                   	V4;

 5122/0: 042                                                           *6;	DUP;
 5122/1: 100 374                                                       	M12M15;
 5122/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 5122/4: 100 376                                                       	M14M15;
 5123/0: 011                                                           	OR;
 5123/1: 103 376                                                       	=M14M15Q; 	[2-bit matrix and could be propogating the wrong way set to M12
 5123/3: 177 360                                                       	J6C15NZS;

 5123/5: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 5124/0: 203 272 126                                                   	J8;

 5124/3: 017|017|017|100 374                                           *7;	M12M15;
 5125/2: 100 376                                                       	M14M15;
 5125/4: 011                                                           	OR;
 5125/5: 103 376                                                       	=M14M15Q; 	[call matrix - 1 bit - if L2 calls L3 the L3 call propogate into Level 2
                                                                       			[ I think this should be =M14M15Q not  =m12m15q hux
                                                                       			[I am almost certain that M12 is wrong since a test where h calls f and f calls g
                                                                       			[sets f g and h recursive
 5126/1: 177 360                                                       	J7C15NZS;

 5126/3: 140 340                                                       8;	M+I14;
 5126/5: 201 272 114                                                   	J4;

                                                                       [Photo 863
=== Start P208V-1; at address 2648/5130
                                                                       P208;		[Next Statement
                                                                       [Photo 864
 5130/0: 300 217 236                                                   1;	Y-2M8;
 5130/3: 170 336                                                       	=Q13;		[Q13 = SSi-2
 5130/5: 171 324                                                       	I13;
 5131/1: 170 302                                                       	=M12;		[ M12 = ANW(I13)
 5131/3: 300 217 237                                                   	Y-1M8;
 5132/0: 170 356                                                       	=Q14;
 5132/2: 152 016                                                       	I0TOQ14;	[p := 0 in SSi-1
 5132/4: 171 330                                                       	C13;		[level no.
 5133/0: 033                                                           	NOT;
 5133/1: 027                                                           	NEG;
 5133/2: 220 152 162                                                   	J9=Z;		[is C13 == -1
 5133/5: 171 302                                                       2;	M12;
 5134/1: 220 152 160                                                   	J8=Z;		[is m12 == 0
 5134/4: 171 344                                                       	I14;		[p
 5135/0: 033                                                           	NOT;		[p := p+1 in SSi-1
 5135/1: 027                                                           	NEG;
 5135/2: 170 344                                                       	=I14;
 5135/4: 310 305 174                                                   	H0M12;		[Sm12
 5136/1: 042                                                           	DUP;		[is SM12 a proc or expression
 5136/2: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 5136/4: 304 000 030                                                   	SETB30;
 5137/1: 054                                                           	AND;		[class
 5137/2: 304 000 030                                                   	SETB30;
 5137/5: 225 032 154                                                   	J6=;		[is it a label string or switch
 5140/2: 041                                                           	ZERO;		[no
 5140/3: 204 032 156                                                   	J7≠;		[is R^I^B
 5141/0: 052                                                           3;	ERASE;		[yes
 5141/1: 152 375                                                       	I15TOQ13;	[I13 := ANW(SM12)
 5141/3: 171 370                                                       	C15;		[RAPSL÷RAFSL
 5141/5: 164 361                                                       	SHL-8;		[RAPSL
 5142/1: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5142/2: 224 152 156                                                   	J7=Z;
 5142/5: 171 336                                                       	Q13;		[SSi-2
 5143/1: 301 217 236                                                   	=Y-2M8;		[RAPSL
 5143/4: 171 356                                                       	Q14;
 5144/0: 301 217 237                                                   	=Y-1M8;

                                                                       [Photo 865
 5144/3: 171 302                                                       	M12;
 5144/5: 056                                                           	+;
 5145/0: 170 322                                                       	=M13;		[M13 = RAPSL+M12
 5145/2: 310 325 174                                                   	H0M13;
 5145/5: 170 376                                                       4;	=Q15;		[I13 := ASE from SM13
 5146/1: 171 362                                                       	M15;
 5146/3: 222 152 173                                                   	J12=Z;		[no statements
 5147/0: 310 365 174                                                   	H0M15;
 5147/3: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 5147/5: 156 375                                                       	CI15TOQ13;	[C13 = level number in SI13
 5150/1: 171 336                                                       	Q13;		[I13 := ANW from SI13
 5150/3: 143 240                                                       	DC10;
 5150/5: 245 252 153                                                   	J5C10Z;
 5151/2: 303 217 240                                                   	=Y0M8Q;		[SSi  := Q13
 5151/5: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 5152/0: 143 240                                                       	DC10;		[SSi+1 = 0/0/0
 5152/2: 245 252 153                                                   	J5C10Z;		[failure if SSi list full
 5152/5: 303 217 240                                                   	=Y0M8Q;
 5153/2: 202 360 001                                                   	EXIT2;

 5153/5: 304 015 300                                                   5;	SET+3520;	[FAIL 3520
 5154/2: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;

 5154/5: 171 376                                                       6;	Q15;		[is Sm12 a label
 5155/1: 304 000 007                                                   	SETB7;
 5155/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 5155/5: 027                                                           	NEG;
 5156/0: 033                                                           	NOT;
 5156/1: 220 152 141                                                   	J3=Z;		[no
 5156/4: 052                                                           7;	ERASE;
 5156/5: 171 364                                                       	I15;
 5157/1: 170 302                                                       	=M12;		[M12 = ANW(Sm12)
 5157/3: 205 272 133                                                   	J2;
 5160/0: 310 325 174                                                   8;	H0M13;
 5160/3: 164 341                                                       	SHL-16;
 5160/5: 170 322                                                       	=M13;		[M13 = ANSLI in Sm13
 5161/1: 171 322                                                       	M13;
 5161/3: 224 152 165                                                   	J10=Z;		[is m13 == 0
 5162/0: 310 325 174                                                   9;	H0M13;

                                                                       [Photo 866
 5162/3: 171 202                                                       	M8;
 5162/5: 027                                                           	NEG;
 5163/0: 033                                                           	NOT;
 5163/1: 027                                                           	NEG;
 5163/2: 033                                                           	NOT;
 5163/3: 170 202                                                       	=M8;		[i = i -2
 5163/5: 171 250                                                       	C10;
 5164/1: 033                                                           	NOT;
 5164/2: 027                                                           	NEG;
 5164/3: 033                                                           	NOT;
 5164/4: 027                                                           	NEG;
 5164/5: 170 250                                                       	=C10;		[space = space + 2
 5165/1: 205 272 145                                                   	J4;
 5165/4: 171 202                                                       10;	M8;		[i = i -2
 5166/0: 027                                                           	NEG;
 5166/1: 033                                                           	NOT;
 5166/2: 027                                                           	NEG;
 5166/3: 033                                                           	NOT;
 5166/4: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5166/5: 170 202                                                       	=M8;
 5167/1: 171 250                                                       	C10;		[space = space +2
 5167/3: 033                                                           	NOT;
 5167/4: 027                                                           	NEG;
 5167/5: 033                                                           	NOT;
 5170/0: 027                                                           	NEG;
 5170/1: 170 250                                                       	=C10;
 5170/3: 300 017 241                                                   	Y1;		[has routine been entered by complete
                                                                       			[corr matrix or trace non-local formals

 5171/0: 164 301                                                       	SHL-32;
 5171/2: 205 152 172                                                   	J11≠Z;
 5171/5: 310 225 176                                                   	H2M9;
 5172/2: 164 301                                                       	SHL-32;
 5172/4: 036                                                           	-;		[is i := CSj-2(I)
 5172/5: 200 152 130                                                   11;	J1≠Z;
 5173/2: 200 360 000                                                   12;	EXIT1; 		[maybe exit 2 last statment

                                                                       [Photo 867
=== Start P209V3; at address 2688/5200
                                                                       P209V3;			[C.S Routine
                                                                       [Photo 868
V-store at 05174 = 000 000 377 377 053 052                             V0=Q0/-1/AZ53;
V-store at 05175 = 376 000 000 000 000 000                             V1=B776/7;
V-store at 05176 = 377 377 000 000 000 000                             V2=Q-1/0/0;
V-store at 05177 = 377 374 000 000 000 000                             V3=B777774/15;
 5200/0: 202 326 233                                                   	JS2P4;
 5200/3: 203 272 201                                                   	J2;
 5201/0: 200 326 227                                                   1;	JSP4;
 5201/3: 310 225 176                                                   2;	H2M9;		[put I in CSj-2 `;= i
 5202/0: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 5202/2: 171 202                                                       	M8;
 5202/4: 170 370                                                       	=C15;
 5203/0: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 5203/2: 311 225 176                                                   	=H2M9;
 5203/5: 171 364                                                       	I15;		[fetch alpha
 5204/1: 167 341                                                       	SHC-16;
 5204/3: 310 225 177                                                   	H3M9;		[fetch A'
 5205/0: 164 121                                                       	SHL+40;
 5205/2: 041                                                           	ZERO;		[AND
 5205/3: 170 323                                                       	=RM13;
 5205/5: 320 333 055                                                   3;	Z50M13;
 5206/2: 164 341                                                       	SHL-16;
 5206/4: 170 322                                                       	=M13;		[M13 := AND from LPm13
 5207/0: 171 322                                                       	M13;
 5207/2: 220 152 311                                                   	J26=Z;		[FAIL is M13 zero
 5207/5: 300 012 174                                                   	V0;
 5210/2: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 5210/4: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5210/5: 222 152 213                                                   	J4=Z;		[is A' == 0
 5211/2: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5211/3: 320 333 053                                                   	Z52M13;		[is A' a level number in LPm13+2
 5212/0: 015                                                           	NEV;
 5212/1: 300 012 175                                                   	V1;
 5212/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 5212/5: 205 152 205                                                   	J3≠Z;
 5213/2: 065                                                           4;	REV;		[yes
 5213/3: 042                                                           5;	DUP;

                                                                       [Photo 869
 5213/4: 102 375                                                       6;	M13M15Q;	[p'  =p' +1
 5214/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5214/1: 304 000 230                                                   	SETB230;
 5214/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 5214/5: 304 000 020                                                   	SETB20;
 5215/2: 224 032 221                                                   	J7=;		[is LPm13+p' +2 a procedure
 5215/5: 304 000 230                                                   	SETB230;
 5216/2: 015                                                           	NEV;
 5216/3: 201 152 222                                                   	J8≠Z;		[is it a parameter delimiter
 5217/0: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 5217/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 5217/4: 304 000 233                                                   	SETB233;
 5220/1: 015                                                           	NEV;
 5220/2: 204 152 213                                                   	J6≠Z;		[is it a )p
 5220/5: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 5221/0: 065                                                           	REV;
 5221/1: 205 272 205                                                   	J3;
 5221/4: 052                                                           7;	ERASE;
 5221/5: 164 055                                                       	SHL+22;		[shift codeword
 5222/1: 015                                                           8;	NEV;
 5222/2: 164 301                                                       	SHL-32;		[is codename - LPm13+p+2
 5222/4: 203 152 213                                                   	J5≠Z;
 5223/1: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 5223/2: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 5223/3: 304 053 052                                                   	SETAZ53;
 5224/0: 171 362                                                       	M15;
 5224/2: 036                                                           	-;
 5224/3: 320 333 053                                                   	Z52M13;
 5225/0: 164 261                                                       	SHL-40;		[in CSj-3
 5225/2: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5225/3: 170 364                                                       	=I15;
 5225/5: 170 362                                                       	=M15;
 5226/1: 170 370                                                       	=C15;		[p = p'
 5226/3: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 5226/5: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5227/0: 311 225 177                                                   	=H3M9;

                                                                       [Photo 870
 5227/3: 203 272 230                                                   	J10;
 5230/0: 200 326 227                                                   9;	JSP4;
 5230/3: 167 361                                                       10;	SHC-8;
 5230/5: 300 012 176                                                   	V2;
 5231/2: 143 240                                                       	DC10;
 5231/4: 240 252 310                                                   	J25C10Z;	[no space

 5232/1: 303 217 240                                                   	=Y0M8Q;
 5232/4: 143 240                                                       	DC10;
 5233/0: 240 252 310                                                   	J25C10Z;
 5233/3: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 5233/4: 303 217 240                                                   	=Y0M8Q;		[SS[i-1] := 0
 5234/1: 200 332 130                                                   11;	JSP208;		[ next statement
 5234/4: 200 272 312                                                   	J27;		[ last statement

 5235/1: 042                                                           	DUP;		[is Level No. in Q3 = L'alpha i CS[j-1]
 5235/2: 171 336                                                       	Q13;
 5235/4: 015                                                           	NEV;
 5235/5: 300 012 175                                                   	V1;
 5236/2: 054                                                           	AND;
 5236/3: 201 152 234                                                   	J11≠Z;

 5237/0: 171 324                                                       	I13;
 5237/2: 170 322                                                       	=M13;		[M13 := ANW from SS[i-2]
 5237/4: 164 021                                                       	SHL+8;
 5240/0: 164 301                                                       	SHL-32;
 5240/2: 041                                                           	ZERO;		[ gamma is zero
 5240/3: 033                                                           12;	NOT;
 5240/4: 027                                                           	NEG;		[gamma++
 5240/5: 043                                                           	DUPD;
 5241/0: 015                                                           	NEV;
 5241/1: 222 152 243                                                   	J13=Z;		[is gamma == p'
 5241/4: 310 325 174                                                   	H0M13;		[ no
 5242/1: 164 341                                                       	SHL-16;
 5242/3: 170 322                                                       	=M13;		[ANW from S[M13]
 5242/5: 203 272 240                                                   	J12;

 5243/2: 052                                                           13;	ERASE;
 5243/3: 052                                                           	ERASE;

                                                                       [Photo 871
 5243/4: 310 325 174                                                   	H0M13;		[is S[M13] an expression
 5244/1: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5244/2: 304 000 030                                                   	SETB30;
 5244/5: 054                                                           	AND;
 5245/0: 223 152 247                                                   	J14=Z;
 5245/3: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5245/4: 304 000 037                                                   	SETB37;
 5246/1: 054                                                           	AND;
 5246/2: 304 000 031                                                   	SETB31;
 5246/5: 015                                                           	NEV;
 5247/0: 200 152 307                                                   	J24≠Z;	[failure - no

 5247/3: 041                                                           14;	ZERO;		[is RAPSL == 0
 5247/4: 166 021                                                       	SHLD+8;
 5250/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5250/1: 222 152 255                                                   	J16=Z;

 5250/4: 171 322                                                       	M13;		[no
 5251/0: 056                                                           	+;
 5251/1: 170 302                                                       15;	=M12;		[M12 = M13 + RAPSL
 5251/3: 310 305 174                                                   	H0M12;
 5252/0: 170 356                                                       	=Q14;		[M14 := ASE from S[M12]
 5252/2: 310 345 174                                                   	H0M14;
 5252/5: 310 225 176                                                   	H2M9;
 5253/2: 167 361                                                       	SHC-8;		[beta from CS[j-2]
 5253/4: 041                                                           	ZERO;
 5253/5: 200 332 044                                                   	JSP206;		[insert digit in row beta col. delta of Call Matrix
 5254/2: 171 344                                                       	I14;
 5254/4: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5254/5: 201 152 251                                                   	J15≠Z;
 5255/2: 052                                                           16;	ERASE;
 5255/3: 164 261                                                       	SHL-40;
 5255/5: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5256/0: 225 152 262                                                   	J19=Z;		[is RAFSL == 0
 5256/3: 171 322                                                       	M13;
 5256/5: 056                                                           	+;
 5257/0: 170 302                                                       17;	=M12;		[M13 + RAFSL

                                                                       [Photo 872
 5257/2: 310 305 174                                                   	H0M12;		[ is formal by value or name
 5257/5: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5260/0: 304 001 000                                                   	SETB400;
 5260/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 5260/4: 222 152 264                                                   	J20=Z;		[by name

 5261/1: 164 041|167 301                                               18;	SHL+16; SHC-32;  [ dubious SHL-32 gives the answer 0 -
 5261/5: 164 341                                                       	SHL-16;		[ ANW is IPart hux
 5262/1: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5262/2: 200 152 257                                                   	J17≠Z;

 5262/5: 052                                                           19;	ERASE;		[extract L'alpha from S[m12]
 5263/0: 310 225 177                                                   	H3M9;
 5263/3: 167 361                                                       	SHC-8;
 5263/5: 201 272 234                                                   	J11;

 5264/2: 151 227                                                       20;	M9TOQ7;		[k := j
 5264/4: 171 162                                                       	M7;
 5265/0: 033                                                           	NOT;
 5265/1: 027                                                           	NEG;
 5265/2: 223 152 274                                                   	J22=Z;		[is k == 0

 5265/5: 042                                                           21;	DUP;		[is phi == alpha in CS[k-2
 5266/0: 310 165 176                                                   	H2M7;
 5266/3: 164 041                                                       	SHL+16;
 5266/5: 015                                                           	NEV;
 5267/0: 300 012 177                                                   	V3;
 5267/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 5267/4: 221 152 261                                                   	J18=Z;		[no

 5270/1: 310 165 175                                                   	H1M7;		[is M set in CS[k-1]
 5270/4: 164 021                                                       	SHL+8;
 5271/0: 300 012 175                                                   	V1;
 5271/3: 054                                                           	AND;
 5271/4: 203 152 274                                                   	J22≠Z;

 5272/1: 171 162                                                       	M7;		[no
 5272/3: 304 000 003                                                   	SET3;
 5273/0: 056                                                           	+;		[ k ;= K-3
 5273/1: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5273/2: 170 162                                                       	=M7;
 5273/4: 033                                                           	NOT;
 5273/5: 027                                                           	NEG;
 5274/0: 205 152 265                                                   	J21≠Z;	[is k == 0
 5274/3: 304 377 375                                                   22;	SET-3;
 5275/0: 172 250                                                       	=+C10;

                                                                       [Photo 873
 5275/2: 240 252 306                                                   	J23C10Z;	[is there room for 3 more entries

 5275/5: 041                                                           	ZERO;		[CS[j] := 0
 5276/0: 313 225 174                                                   	=H0M9Q;
 5276/3: 310 225 177                                                   	H3M9;		[CS[j+1] = CS[k-2] with alpha changed to phi
 5277/0: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 5277/2: 167 041                                                       	SHC+16;
 5277/4: 170 364                                                       	=I15;
 5300/0: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 5300/2: 313 225 174                                                   	=H0M9Q;
 5300/5: 157 017                                                       	Q0TOQ15;	[C[j+2] := 0/0/M12
 5301/1: 151 317                                                       	M12TOQ15;
 5301/3: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 5301/5: 313 225 174                                                   	=H0M9Q;
 5302/2: 200 332 201                                                   	JS1;		[CS routine entry 1
 5302/5: 310 225 175                                                   	H1M9;
 5303/2: 170 302                                                       	=M12;		[M12 := M12 from CS[j-1]
 5303/4: 304 000 003                                                   	SET3;
 5304/1: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5304/2: 172 250                                                       	=+C10;
 5304/4: 172 222                                                       	=+M9;		[ j := j-3 adjust space count
 5305/0: 310 305 174                                                   	H0M12;
 5305/3: 201 272 261                                                   	J18;

 5306/0: 304 020 174                                                   23;	SET4220;	[CS[j] list full
 5306/3: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;
 5307/0: 304 020 340                                                   24;	SET4320;	[S[m11] not an expression
 5307/3: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;
 5310/0: 304 021 104                                                   25;	SET4420;	[SS[i] list full
 5310/3: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;
 5311/0: 304 021 250                                                   26;	SET4520;	[Level
 5311/3: 205 272 034                                                   	J1P205;
 5312/0: 052                                                           27;	ERASE;
 5312/1: 310 225 175                                                   28;	H1M9;
 5312/4: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5312/5: 300 012 175                                                   	V1;
 5313/2: 054                                                           	AND;

                                                                       [Photo 874
 5313/3: 220 152 316                                                   	J29=Z;
 5314/0: 052                                                           	ERASE;
 5314/1: 304 000 003                                                   	SET3;		[j := j -3 adjust space count
 5314/4: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5314/5: 172 222                                                       	=+M9;
 5315/1: 172 250                                                       	=+C10;
 5315/3: 202 266 234                                                   	J1P4;
 5316/0: 170 376                                                       29;	=Q15;		[set column = CMI from CSj-1
 5316/2: 171 364                                                       	I15;
 5316/4: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 5317/1: 054                                                           	AND;
 5317/2: 310 225 177                                                   	H3M9;		[set Row = Lalpha from CSj-3
 5317/5: 164 341                                                       	SHL-16;
 5320/1: 304 000 377                                                   	SETB377;
 5320/4: 054                                                           	AND;
 5320/5: 320 013 123                                                   	Z12;		[Examine correspondence matrix and see
 5321/2: 170 123                                                       	=RM5;		[whether there are any more digits in row Lalpha
 5321/4: 027                                                           	NEG;		[after column CMI if so set delta(N1) to the level number
 5321/5: 033                                                           	NOT;
 5322/0: 161 005                                                       	SHA+2;
 5322/2: 065                                                           	REV;
 5322/3: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5322/4: 170 102                                                       	=M4;
 5323/0: 027                                                           	NEG;
 5323/1: 033                                                           	NOT;
 5323/2: 304 000 030                                                   	SET24;
 5323/5: 044                                                           	÷I;
 5324/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5324/1: 033                                                           	NOT;
 5324/2: 027                                                           	NEG;
 5324/3: 161 003                                                       	SHA+1;
 5324/5: 170 110                                                       	=C4;
 5325/1: 304 000 027                                                   	SET23;
 5325/4: 065                                                           	REV;
 5325/5: 036                                                           	-;

                                                                       [Photo 875
 5326/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5326/1: 170 070                                                       	=C3;
 5326/3: 172 102                                                       	=+M4;
 5326/5: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5327/0: 027                                                           	NEG;
 5327/1: 304 000 004                                                   	SET4;
 5327/4: 056                                                           	+;
 5327/5: 170 130                                                       	=C5;
 5330/1: 056                                                           	+;
 5330/2: 172 122                                                       	=+M5;
 5330/4: 200 272 333                                                   	J31;
 5331/1: 052                                                           30;	ERASE;
 5331/2: 154 004                                                       	C0TOQ4;
 5331/4: 304 000 030                                                   	SET24;
 5332/1: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5332/2: 170 070                                                       	=C3;
 5332/4: 172 102                                                       	=+M4;
 5333/0: 102 120                                                       31;	M0M5Q;
 5333/2: 164 003                                                       	SHL+1;
 5333/4: 164 100                                                       	SHLC4;
 5334/0: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5334/1: 223 152 336                                                   	J33=Z;
 5334/4: 042                                                           32;	DUP;
 5334/5: 220 052 342                                                   	J34<Z;
 5335/2: 164 005                                                       	SHL+2;
 5335/4: 143 060                                                       	DC3;
 5336/0: 264 072 334                                                   	J32C3NZ;
 5336/3: 261 132 331                                                   33;	J30C5NZ;	[ no more digits in row Lalpha
 5337/0: 170 364                                                       	=I15;
 5337/2: 171 370                                                       	C15;
 5337/4: 164 361                                                       	SHL-8;
 5340/0: 164 021                                                       	SHL+8;		[clear M in CSj-1
 5340/2: 170 370                                                       	=C15;
 5340/4: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 5341/0: 311 225 175                                                   	=H1M9;
 5341/3: 202 266 234                                                   	J1P4; [EXIT

                                                                       [Photo 876
 5342/0: 052                                                           34;	ERASE;
 5342/1: 143 060                                                       	DC3;
 5342/3: 171 102                                                       	M4;		[calculate delta
 5342/5: 171 070                                                       	C3;
 5343/1: 036                                                           	-;
 5343/2: 304 377 375                                                   	SET-3;		[adjust space
 5343/5: 172 250                                                       	=+C10;
 5344/1: 240 252 306                                                   	J23C10Z;	[fail
 5344/4: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5344/5: 310 225 177                                                   	H3M9;		[CSj-3
 5345/2: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;		[csj := CSj-3
 5345/4: 170 364                                                       	=I15;		[insert delta as Lalpha in CSj
 5346/0: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 5346/2: 042                                                           	DUP;
 5346/3: 313 225 174                                                   	=H0M9Q;
 5347/0: 065                                                           	REV;
 5347/1: 310 225 177                                                   	H3M9;		[CSj-2
 5347/4: 313 225 174                                                   	=H0M9Q;		[insert delta as CMI in CSj-1
 5350/1: 310 225 177                                                   	H3M9;		[CSj-1
 5350/4: 170 376                                                       	=Q15;
 5351/0: 157 376                                                       	Q15TOQ14;
 5351/2: 170 364                                                       	=I15;
 5351/4: 171 376                                                       	Q15;
 5352/0: 311 225 177                                                   	=H3M9;
 5352/3: 304 001 000                                                   	SETB400;
 5353/0: 172 350                                                       	=+C14;
 5353/2: 171 356                                                       	Q14;
 5353/4: 313 225 174                                                   	=H0M9Q;
 5354/1: 200 332 230                                                   	JS9;
 5354/4: 201 272 312                                                   	J28;

=== Start P-1V-1; at address 2798/5356

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